역대 방문학자
전체 120건 페이지 1/12
Morad Bali
Grenoble Alpes University
Affiliated Research Fellow
프랑스 e-mail moradbalifr@gmail.com 방문기간 2024-11-01 ~ 2024-11-30
연구과제명 Navigating Sanctions Spillovers: South Korea’s Trade Dynamics with the EAEU and China
Chiara Oldani
University of Tuscia
이탈리아 e-mail coldani@unitus.it 방문기간 2024-08-07 ~ 2024-09-05
연구과제명 The Role of the G-20 and South Korea in Decentralized Finance
Mohammad Sharif Karimi
Monash University Malaysia
이란 e-mail mohammadsharif.karimi@monash.edu 방문기간 2023-11-29 ~ 2023-12-27
연구과제명 Examining Iran-South Korea Trade Dynamics: Understanding the Impacts of Sanctions on Bilateral Trade Relations
Zhang Dongming
Institute of Northeast Asian Studies Liaoning University (INASLNU)
중국 e-mail zhangdm@lnu.edu.cn 방문기간 2023-08-02 ~ 2023-09-01
연구과제명 An Analysis on Semiconductor Industry Cooperation between China and Korea
Ram Singh
Indian Institute of Foreign Trade
인도 e-mail ramsingh@iift.edu 방문기간 2023-06-11 ~ 2023-07-11
연구과제명 India's Medical Devices Sector: A Window of Opportunity for South Korea
Saheli Chattaraj
Somaiya Vidyavihar University
Assistant Professor
인도 e-mail saheli.chattaraj@gmail.com 방문기간 2023-05-28 ~ 2023-07-01
연구과제명 Korea’s Indo-Pacific Strategy: Implications for Bilateral Cooperation between India and South Korea
Grzegorz Mazur
Poznan University of Economics and Business
Assistant Professor
폴란드 e-mail grzegorz.mazur@ue.poznan.pl 방문기간 2023-05-13 ~ 2023-06-15
연구과제명 Trade and Investment Cooperation between South Korea and the Visegrad Group
Zoia Podoba
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU)
Associate Professor
러시아 e-mail zoyapodoba@gmail.com 방문기간 2023-03-11 ~ 2023-04-10
연구과제명 Analysis of Trade Pattern between the EAEU and South Korea
Inero Ancho
University of the Philippines Los Baños
Associate Professor
필리핀 e-mail ivancho@up.edu.ph 방문기간 2023-01-12 ~ 2023-02-08
연구과제명 Korea’s Official Development Assistance to the Philippine Education Sector:Observations and Inputs
Leonardo Paz Neves
International Intelligence Unit, Getulio Vargas Foundation
브라질 e-mail Leonardo.neves@fgv.br 방문기간 2023-01-04 ~ 2023-02-04
연구과제명 Catch-Up and Leapfrog Strategies for Developing Countries: Making a Case for a Social Spring
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