APEC Study Series KIEP Opinions
World Economy Brief
Hyunsoo Kim
Data Concentration and Competition in Digital Platforms
Policy discussions in major countries regarding access to data as a means of promoting competition in the digital platform market are taking place within the framework of existing legislation. The existing legal framework determin..
Hyunsoo Kim 작성일 2024.10.30 조회수 225,842
Estimating the Economic Impact of Digital Trade Agreement
With the growth of the digital economy and digital trade, discussions to establish common rules for digital trade and to enhance cooperation in the digital economy are taking place on various platforms. At the multilateral level, ..
Hyunsoo KIM 작성일 2024.07.23 조회수 5,576
The Export Effect of Servitization of Manufacturing
This study examines the status and characteristics of Korea’s servitization of manufacturing and its impact on business performance and exports. In particular, we focus on servitization in manufacturing, which can be seen as a pa..
Hyunsoo Kim 외 작성일 2022.09.02 조회수 4,179
The Impact of Intellectual Property Protection through FTA on International Trad..
The importance of intellectual property rights (IPRs) for innovation has grown and the protection of intellectual property in international trade has also been strengthened. AI-related patent applications have been increasing rapi..
Hyunsoo Kim 외 작성일 2021.08.09 조회수 5,876
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