APEC Study Series KIEP Opinions
World Economy Brief
Hyo Sang Kim
Navigating External Shocks: Capital Flow Responses and Policy Effectiveness in T..
This study analyzed the effects of uncertainty and interest rate hike shocks on capital flows, as well as the effectiveness of economic stabilization policies. When comparing the impacts of global economic policy uncertainty shock..
Wontae Han 외 작성일 2024.06.12 조회수 5,058
The structural improvement for Korea's foreign exchange market and its impli..
The Korean government recognizes the imperative to improve the structure of the foreign exchange market to align with global standards, aiming for increased openness and competitiveness. The plan involves a twofold approach. One i..
Hyo Sang Kim 외 작성일 2023.12.01 조회수 9,304
Exchange Rate Predictability Based on Market Sentiments
It is well-known that exchange rates are difficult to forecast using observed macro-fundamental variables. This discrepancy between economic theory and empirical results is called the Meese and Rogoff puzzle. The purpose of this s..
Hyo Sang Kim 외 작성일 2022.09.30 조회수 3,902
Internationalization of the Korean Won in the Light of RMB Internationalization
While China has risen to become a global superpower with a growing impact on the world economy, its currency, the Renminbi (RMB), has a limited role in the existing international financial system. China has made significant progre..
Hyo Sang Kim 외 작성일 2022.07.22 조회수 4,386
Boom-bust Cycles Revisited: The Role of Credit Supply
This study investigates the impacts of credit supply on economic growth and financial crisis. Excess credit supply can make the economy and financial markets more vulnerable. While credit supply can drive economic growth by reallo..
Hyo Sang Kim 외 작성일 2022.02.03 조회수 5,465
The Effects of Demographic Change on Current Account and Foreign Asset Accumulat..
The current account surplus of Korea mainly comes from its export-driven trade surplus. The current account surplus can be interpreted as foreign savings for future consumption, which is ultimately accumulated in a net foreign ass..
Hyo Sang Kim 외 작성일 2020.12.09 조회수 9,057
The Impact of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Korean Firms and Its Policy Implicat..
Recently, firm-level data have been made public, enabling analysis of the effect that exchange rates on the individual companies. The results will serve as a valuable basis to formulate sophisticated policies for companies and pol..
Deok Ryong Yoon and Hyo Sang Kim 작성일 2018.12.07 조회수 4,191
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