APEC Study Series KIEP Opinions
World Economy Brief
Gyu-Pan Kim
Japan’s Supply Chain Policy and its Implications for South Korea
This WEB paper analyzed Japan's supply chain policy in line with the implementation of Japan's Economic Security Promotion Act in May 2022, and presented policy implications such as supply chain cooperation between Korea and Japan..
Gyu-Pan Kim 작성일 2024.02.22 조회수 8,760
Japan’s New Trade Strategy Focuses on Supply Chain Resilience and Trade Li..
Since the inauguration of the U.S Trump administration in January 2017, Japan's trade strategies have been shifting from trade liberalization to protectionism, emphasizing the strengthening of supply chains. The Kishida cabinet, w..
Gyu-Pan Kim 작성일 2023.07.04 조회수 4,895
Japan’s Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth Strategy
Japan is mobilizing all its policy capabilities for energy transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy and hydrogen energy from the perspective of realizing carbon neutrality by 2050. Among them, the overseas development and ..
Gyu-Pan Kim 작성일 2023.03.03 조회수 6,584
Japan’s National Economic Security Strategy and Implications for Korea
This paper defines the concept of economic security strategy as “acts that deviate from the rules of the market economy by using economic power as a source of power in the perception that the state or national economy is threaten..
Gyu-Pan Kim 작성일 2022.03.11 조회수 5,764
Innovative Growth Strategy in the US, Europe and Japan
The Korean government is implementing innovative growth policies such as not only a super-connected intelligence project, smart city, smart factories for innovative SMEs, and start-up ecosystem projects, but also policies to innov..
Gyu-Pan Kim 외 작성일 2020.06.02 조회수 9,993
The Fourth Industrial Revolution in Major Countries and Its Implications of Kore..
In the 1990s the world witnessed the Information Technology (IT) revolution, which entirely changed the paradigm of the global economy. IT has since continued to develop and mobile platforms have become one of the most important m..
Gyu-Pan Kim 외 작성일 2018.07.23 조회수 6,388

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