APEC Study Series KIEP Opinions
World Economy Brief
CHOI Jangho
North Korea’s Tariff and Non-tariff System: Implications for Integration i..
The purpose of this study is to analyze North Korea's tariff and non-tariff regimes to reveal the direction of North Korea's trade policy and the structure and characteristics of its legal and institutional framework, and to ident..
CHOI Jangho 작성일 2024.09.03 조회수 13,486
Sanctions and Consequent Effects on North Korea's Trade
This paper aims to show how neighboring countries bilateral sanctions have changed the trade patterns of the DPRK, and how extensive they are. We can see how much the DPRK has sacrificed its potential growth to pursue its nuclear ..
CHOI Jangho and IM Sojeong 작성일 2017.06.19 조회수 4,867
North Korea's Trade with China in 2015: Analysis and Forecasts
The year 2015 marked the first time North Koreas trade with China shrank since 2009. According to China Customs, North Koreas trade with China in 2015 recorded 5.4 billion, a drop by 14.7% from 6.4 billion in 2014. Exports to Chin..
CHOI Jangho and CHOI Yoojeong 작성일 2016.07.12 조회수 7,422
The Changing Structure of Economic Cooperation between China and North Korea
Chinas shifting economic circumstances have been impacting the structure of its economic cooperation with North Korea. The Chinese economy has been slowing down since 2007 and Chinas Northeastern region has been suffering from lab..
CHOI Jangho and IM So Jeong 작성일 2016.06.23 조회수 6,762
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