World Economy Brief KIEP Staff Papers
KIEP Opinions
OH Yoon Ah
A Case for Industrial Development Strategy in Myanmar
Myanmars new government sees agriculture as the major engine for growth, and has deep concerns about the negative impact of manufacturing development in the country, which has been heavily reliant on low wage labor and driven by F..
OH Yoon Ah 작성일 2017.02.02 조회수 3,705
ASEAN Economic Community: A New Chapter in ASEAN Economic Integration
Although ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is work in progress, its official launch on December 31 of this year is an important milestone. The fact that ASEAN economic integration has progressed so far is impressive for the unfavorab..
OH Yoon Ah 작성일 2015.07.17 조회수 3,884
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