APEC Study Series KIEP Opinions
World Economy Brief
Hyeri Park
Linkages of Trade, Environment and Labour in FTAs: Trends and Prospects
Trade-related issues such as market access and tariff elimination or reduction have been the main concerns of free trade agreements or FTAs since the early 2000s. With more attention recently given to the concept of sustainable de..
Cheon-Kee Lee 외 작성일 2021.03.26 조회수 5,343
Analysis of Government Procurement Market in Emerging Countries and Implication ..
The purpose of this study is to derive implications for SMEs through analyzing the openness of the government procurement market in emerging countries the prospects of these markets opening up in the future, and the overall possib..
Pyoung Seob Yang 외 작성일 2020.07.23 조회수 6,510
The Components of Free Trade Agreements and Their Effects on International Trade
We analyzes the effects that the components of FTA have on international trade. According to the empirical results, the more free trade agreements contain WTO+ and WTO-X provisions and the more legally enforceable these provisions..
Moonhee Cho 외 작성일 2020.06.12 조회수 9,520
APEC's Liberalization Efforts on Environmental Goods
In 2012 September, APEC Leaders reached an agreement to endorse a list consisting of 54 environmental goods and reduce applied tariffs on these goods to 5 percent or less by 2015. It is such a remarkable accomplishment for several..
Kyongsu Lim and Hyeri Park 작성일 2015.02.27 조회수 6,758
Designing New Climate Regime: An Integrated Solution with Mitigation and Finance..
The aim of this research is to shed a light on the importance of “integrated mechanism” and to lay out some theoretical and logical foundations that may help to design key mechanisms in a more integrated way
Jeongmeen Suh 외 작성일 2013.07.26 조회수 4,616
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