World Economy Brief KIEP Staff Papers
KIEP Opinions
Non-tariff Measures on Goods Trade in Northeast Asia: Facts and the Way Forward
- 저자 CHOI Bo-Young
- 발간일2015-10-08
The calculated coverage ratio and frequency index of TBT/SPS measures of CJK also implies that NTMs appear to have increased during the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and remained high in number afterwards.
Regulatory measures such as TBT/SPS measures related to goods give rise to challenges in international cooperation, due to their restrictive effects on trade.
Achieving harmonization across the three countries through regional initiatives can actually constitute a more flexible instrument than multilateral negotiations. The successful removal of NTMs at the regional level may require some delegation of authority to agencies at the supra-national level
KIEP opinions_no68.pdf (589.3KB / 다운로드 1,493회)다운로드
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