APEC Study Series KIEP Opinions
World Economy Brief
Korea’s Indo-Pacific Bridge: Forging a Path for ROK-Pacific Islands Partnership
- 저자 Ina Choi, Gee Young Oh
- 발간번호24-39
- 발간일2024-11-11
By hosting the inaugural ROK-Pacific Islands Summit on May 29, 2023, South Korea bolstered its presence in cooperation efforts within the Pacific region, stepping into a space where major players are already deeply engaged. Although Korea has held foreign minister-level dialogues with Pacific Island Countries (PICs) since 2011, the 2023 summit marked a pivotal step in Korea’s commitment to more profound engagement with the region.
This proactive outreach forms a strategic component of President Yoon Suk Yeol’s Indo-Pacific Strategy, designed to reinforce Korea’s role and expand its influence across the region. The ROK-Pacific Islands Summit showcased Korea's commitment to advancing its Indo-Pacific Strategy on both domestic and international fronts. Korea's active outreach to PICs has been warmly welcomed by both the countries themselves and key regional powers. The key challenge ahead is to build on these achievements and secure Korea’s position as an emerging donor in a region where competition for aid influence is intensifying. Given this context, this brief provides an overview of ROK-Pacific Islands relations, examines the summit’s achievements, and offers policy recommendations to support Korea’s ongoing engagement with the PICs.
WEB_24_39_final.pdf (458.34KB / 다운로드 854회)

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