World Economy Brief KIEP Staff Papers
KIEP Opinions
Driving Inclusive Digital Transformation in Korea
- 저자 Jiwon Park
- 발간번호277
- 발간일2023-11-30
Korea stands out as a global ICT industry leader, represented by a high broadband internet penetration rate and substantial investments in ICT hardware/software and industrial robots. Despite impressive technological advances, the adoption of new technologies by Korean firms lags behind, particularly in smaller enterprises, posing a challenge to inclusive and equitable digital transformation. Initiatives are underway to bridge this divide, with a focus on supporting digital transformation in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across various industries.
While efforts are concentrated in advanced sectors like manufacturing, biomedicine, urban development, and agriculture, there's a recognition that diverse industries have varying digital transformation needs. Tailored policy support is crucial to address these specific requirements, and education on the benefits of digital transformation is essential to encourage wider adoption. Collaboration and linkages between industries and companies are substantial, especially for mid-sized enterprises involved in exports or supply chains.
The focus on inclusivity is regarded as a cornerstone for achieving a balanced and just transition into the digital age. Thus, the commitment to inclusive and equitable digital transformation not only enhances the social impact of digital advances but also plays a crucial role in constructing a more sustainable and resilient future.
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