APEC Study Series KIEP Opinions
World Economy Brief
Public and Social Services Employment in Europe and its Implications for Korea
- 저자 Dong-Hee Joe
- 발간일2018-08-10
Employment in the public and social services sector is on a rising trend in Korea, in terms not only of the number of jobs, but also of the share of these jobs within the whole economy. The latest data suggests that this sector could soon account for more than 20% of total employment.
This trend is likely to continue under the current government. This is because, for instance, the Moon Jae-in administration has included detailed and explicit plans for job creation in this sector (Tasks 16 and 17) in its 100 Policy Tasks. Also, cross-sectional evidence from European countries suggests the possibility that this sector’s employment expands with income level, as explained below. Against this background, and given Europe’s reputation for high levels of development in this sector, this Brief looks at the public and social services employment in Europe and draws policy implications for Korea.
WEB 18-22.pdf (592.75KB / 다운로드 1,802회)다운로드
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