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Seoul and Tokyo: No Longer on the Same Side [주요경제 동향자료 NO.50]

  • 작성일2019/08/01
  • 조회수1,426
주요경제 동향자료
No. 50
2019. 8. 1


주제별 이슈

2019년 하반기 환율 전망 / KDB미래전략연구소
Exchange Rate Reconnect / NBER
Distributional impacts of low for long interest rates / ECLAC
Financial Policies and Internal Governance with Heterogeneous Risk Preferences / CEPR
Has globalization changed the inflation process? / BIS
Impact of Monetary Policy Uncertainty on Asian Exchange Rates / ADB
Monetary policy spillovers, capital controls and exchange rate flexibility, and the financial channel of exchange rates / BIS
Price Statistics Compilation in 196 Economies: The Relevance for Policy Analysis / IMF
The quest for global monetary policy coordination / ECONSTOR
Regional Effects of Exchange Rate Fluctuations / NBER
Ten years after the Great Financial Crisis: what has changed? / BIS
Why have interest rates fallen far below the return on capital / BIS
기업의 통상전략 수립을 위한 가이드라인 통상전략 2020 / 국제무역연구원
미·중 무역분쟁의 2차 휴전 및 향후 전망 / KDB미래전략연구소
2019년 상반기 수출입 평가 및 하반기 전망 / 국제무역연구원
2019년 하반기 국내 주요 산업 전망 / KDB미래전략연구소
EU 혁신성장정책의 주요 내용과 시사점: 산업정책과 일자리 창출을 중심으로 / KIEP
EU 혁신성장정책의 주요 내용과 시사점: 중소기업정책을 중심으로
IP 통상 포럼 / 국제무역연구원
Building Value with Blockchain Technology: How to Evaluate Blockchain’s Benefits / WEF
Chinas Industrial Policy: an Empirical Evaluation / NBER
Current challenges to developing country debt sustainability / UNCTAD
Debt Management and Financial analysis system Programme: Annual Report 2018 /UNCTAD
Harnessing the opportunities of inclusive technologies in a global economy / ECONSTOR
International trade, development traps, and the core-periphery structure of income inequality / ECONSTOR
International Trade in Services 2019 - Quarter 1 / UNTAD
Taking Stock of Trade Policy Uncertainty: Evidence from Chinas Pre-WTO Accessio / FREIT
2019 신남방 비즈니스 위크 - 신남방 디지털경제 포럼 / 국제무역연구원
중국의 선진국 추격 성공사례, 고속철 산업 / KDB미래전략연구소
중국 희토류 자원무기화, 그 위력과 한계 / POSRI
영국 새총리 선출과 브렉시트 영향 / 국제금융센터
인도로 가자! 인도 수출통관 알기: 인도 관세 핸드북 / KOTRA
EU 진출 기업을 위한 유럽 일반 개인정보 보호규정(GDPR) 핸드북 / KOTRA
Afreximbank Trade and Development Finance Brief / AFREXIMBANK
Asian Development Outlook 2019 Supplement: Outlook Steady Even as Trade Tensions Persist / ADB
Chinas Overseas Lending / NBER
Chinas Industrial Policy: an Empirical Evaluation / CEPR
From Development to Differentiation: Just how much has the world changed? / UNCTAD
France : Financial System Stability Assessment / IMF
Global Dimensions of U.S. Monetary Policy / CEPR
How Trade Responds to Anticipated Tariff Changes: Evidence from NAFTA / FREIT
Is Favoritism a Threat to Chinese Aid Effectiveness? A Subnational Analysis of Chinese Development Projects / IFW
Institutional convergence in Europe / ECONSTOR
The Importance of Business Travel for Trade / FREIT
The State of Southeast Asia: 2019 Survey Report / ISEAS
Towards a New Framework for Analyzing Trade Growth Dynamics / FREIT
Quadrennial report on regional progress and challenges in relation to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Latin America and the Caribbean / ECLAC

주요경제 동향자료 E-mail서비스 관련 문의는 dschong@kiep.go.kr 로 해주시기 바랍니다.
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