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2019년 상반기 수출입 평가 및 하반기 전망 [주요경제 동향자료 NO.49]

  • 작성일2019/07/15
  • 조회수691
주요경제 동향자료
No. 49
2019. 7. 15


주제별 이슈

Funding and financing infrastructure: The joint-use of public and private finance / CEPR
International Coordination of Economic Policies in the Global Financial Crisis: Successes, Failures, and Consequences / PIIE
Housing markets and macroeconomic risks / OECD
Price and Wage Setting when Accurate Decisions Are Costly: Implications for Monetary Policy Transmission / ECB
해외 혁신클러스터 현황 및 투자유치 성공사례 / KOTRA
2018년 전세계 환경규제 현황과 수출 기업의 대응전략 / KITA
2019년 5월 수출 동향: 지역별 수출 호부진 요인 및 특이 동향 / KOTRA
신산업 규제개선에 관한 우리나라와 주요국 비교: 사례를 중심으로 / KITA
Aid for Trade in Asia and the Pacific: Promoting Economic Diversification and Empowerment / ADB
Data Analytics in SMEs: Trends and Policies / OECD
Distributed Ledger Technology and Digital Assets: Policy and Regulatory Challenges in Asia / ADB
Energizing South-South Trade: The Global System of Trade Preferences Among Developing Countries / UNCTAD
E-commerce as a Potential New Engine for Growth in Asia / IMF
Enhancing SME productivity / OECD
From Development to Differentiation: Just how much has the world changed? / UNCTAD
The impact of WTO accession on Chinese firms product and labor market power / TINBERGEN INSTITUTE
Moral Hazard and the Property Rights Approach to the Theory of the Firm / CEPR
The Rise of Global Innovation by US Multinationals Poses Risks and Opportunities / PIIE
中美经贸摩擦对中国吸引外资的影响分析 / CSSN
中美贸易战的回顾与展望 / CSSN
2019년 덴마크 총선 결과 분석 / 국회입법조사처
북미 자동차 시장 진출 가이드 / KOTRA
Did Austerity Cause Brexit? / CEPR
Economic structures 20 years into the euro / ECB
Europe and South-East Asia: Shifting from Diplomacy to Unilateralism / ECIPE
Firm heterogeneity and trade in EU countries: a cross-country analysis / ECB
The Growth Impact of Disasters in Developing Asia / ADB
Iran Has a Slow Motion Banking Crisis / PIIE
Is Favoritism a Threat to Chinese Aid Effectiveness? A Subnational Analysis of Chinese Development Projects / CEPR
Productivity Drag from Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Japan / IMF
Public policy reforms to further improve Portuguese export performance / OECD
Realising regional potentials through better market integration in China / OECD
Rethinking China’s Local Government Debt in the Frame of Modern Money Theory / LEVY
Strengthening the Euro Area : The Role of National Structural Reforms in Building Resilience / IMF
G20におけるトランプ=習近平会談を,どう見るか?/ 世界経済評論
中国の新経済と米中貿易戦争 / 世界経済評論
韓国、南北関係打開へ9年ぶり食糧支援 - 不透明な食糧事情、北朝鮮は経済協力要求 / JCER

주요경제 동향자료 E-mail서비스 관련 문의는 dschong@kiep.go.kr 로 해주시기 바랍니다.
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