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북·러 정상회담 평가와 시사점 [주요경제 동향자료 NO.45]

  • 작성일2019/05/02
  • 조회수782
주요경제 동향자료
No. 45
2019. 5. 1


주제별 이슈

An Institutional Analysis of China’s Reform of their Monetary Policy Framework / Levy
Credit supply and human capital: evidence from bank pension liabilities / ECB
Distressed Banks, Distorted Decisions? / CFM
Fees regime for financial market infrastructure supervision 2019/20... / BoE
Financial Inclusion Beyond Payments : Policy Considerations for Digital Savings / Worldbank
The Financial Inclusion Landscape in the Asia-Pacific Region: A Dozen Key Findings /IMF
Have FSRs got news for you? Evidence from the impact of Financial Stability Reports... / BoE
Low Inflation Bends the Phillips Curve / PIIE
Monetary policy spillovers, capital controls and exchange rate flexibility... / ECB
New essentials of economic theory II. Economic transactions, expectations... / MPRA
Once bitten: new evidence on the link between IMF conditionality and IMF stigma / ECB
Survival of the International Monetary Fund and Global Economic Cooperation /PIIE
TF-MIDAS: a new mixed-frequency model to forecast... / MPRA
Welfare State, Inequality, and Globalization: Role of International-capital-flow Direction / CEPR
When creativity strikes: news shocks and business cycle fluctuations ? / BoE
全球宏观经济季度报告 / CSSN
경상수지 흑자 감소의 의미와 시사점 / 현대경제연구원
WTO 다자통상체제의 전망: 복수국간 무역협정의 역할 검토 / 외교안보연구소
Analysis of Sustainable Procurement in SMEs in Developing Countries / MPRA
Assessing the Gains from E-Commerce / NBER
Death and Taxes: Does Taxation Matter for Firm Survival? / IMF
Demographic Challenges for Labour Supply and Growth /WIIW
East Asia-Pacific’s Participation in the Global Value Chain for Electronic Products / USITC
Firms Price, Cost and Activity Expectations: Evidence from Micro Data / CFM
Global Value Chain Analysis: Concepts and Approaches / USITC
Global Value Chain Development Report 2019: TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION... / WTO
International trade, non-trading firms and their impact on labour productivity / BoE
Market Power and Innovation in the Intangible Economy / CFM
Shocks and labour cost adjustment: evidence from a survey of European firms / ECB
Trade and Gender Nexus in the Context of Regional Integration / UNCTAD
U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement: Likely Impact on the U.S. Economy... / USITC
Work of the Past, Work of the Future / NBER
アジア太平洋経済と通商秩序-過去、現在、将来 / ITI
紛争事例に見る主要国の流通市場変化と問題点 / ITI
2019년 1분기 중국경제 동향과 시사점 / 현대경제연구원
2019 이스라엘 조기총선의 결과 및 함의 / 외교안보연구소
걸프 지역 역학관계 변화:GCC를 중심으로 / 외교안보연구소
북한 경제발전담론의 이중구조화:핵 협상에 대한 시사점 / 외교안보연구소
북한 최고인민회의 제14기 1차 회의 결과:엘리트 변화와 대외정책에 대한 함의 / 외교안보연구소
소다자주의 협력을 통한 신북방정책 추진에 관한 연구 / 외교안보연구소
인도 Make in India 정책 성과가 2019년 총년에 미칠 영향은? / POSRI
인도네시아 대선 결과 및 금융시장 영향 / 국제금융센터
Brexit: Everyone Loses, but Britain Loses the Most / PIIE
Building Opportunities for Growth in a Challenging World / IDB
Can Redistribution Help Build a More Stable Economy? / Levy
Central Bank Intervention in Foreign Exchange Market under Managed ... / MPRA
Europe in the midst of China-US strategic competition: What are the European... / Bruegel
Financial Inclusion, Regulation, Literacy, and Education in Central Asia ... / ADB
Exports and autos weigh heavily on the German economy in 2019 / Dbresearch
High-Speed Rail Services in Asia / ADB
Imperfect Attention in Public Policy...a Tax Amnesty in Argentina / IDB
Risky assets in Europe and the US: risk vulnerability, risk aversion... / ECB
Selected Sustainable Development Trends in the least developed countries 2019 / UNCTAD
Sustaining Transit Investment in Asia’s Cities: A Beneficiary-Funding and Land... / ADB
U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement: Likely Impact on the U.S. Economy and on ... / USITC
What drives national implementation of EU policy recommendations? / Bruegel
ミャンマー経済の現状と展望~貿易、産業、物流、産業人材育成~/ ITI
トランプ政権下の北米における新たな生産調達戦略 / ITI
中国の新時代の新矛盾に対処する国内外における経済・社会統治のあり方 / ITI

주요경제 동향자료 E-mail서비스 관련 문의는 dschong@kiep.go.kr 로 해주시기 바랍니다.
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