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[KIEP Webzine] 비핵화에 따른 대북경제제재 해제(NO.41)

  • 작성일2019/03/05
  • 조회수712
주요경제 동향자료
No. 41
2019. 2. 28


주제별 이슈

파월 연준 의장의 미 상원 통화정책 증언내용 및 평가 / 국제금융센터
Bank Income Smoothing, Institutions and Corruption / MPRA
Digital Abundance and Scarce Genius: Implications for Wages, Interest Rates,... / NBER
Entry costs and the macroenconomy / CEPR
Economic Planning under Capitalism/ Levy
Macroprudential policy with capital buffers / BIS
New Financial Stability Governance Structures and Central Banks / Brookings
Optimal Capital Taxation in an Economy with Innovation-Driven Growth / MPRA
Fiscal and Welfare Costs in a Time of Low Interest Rates / PIIE
2019년 주목해야 할 5대 신산업 / KITA
중국 서비스시장 유망 진출분야와 수출 전략 / KITA
Corporate Sustainability Reporting: The Case of the Banking Industry / CIGI
Effects of foreign aid on income through international trade / UNU-WIDER
Employment in Agriculture and Food Trade : Assessing the Role of GVCs / OECD
The Future of North America’s Economic Relationship / CIGI
Monetary Policy and The Labor Share / CEPR
What Is China’s Core Economic Interest in Trade War? / IWEP
2019년 중국 주요 정책방향과 시사점 / KITA
중국 제조 2025 추진성과와 시사점 / KITA
Answering Chinas Economic Challenge : Preserving Power, Enhancing Prosperity / NBR
Chinese Industrial Actors in Global Rule Making: A Preliminary Exploration / CIGI
The Employment Effects of Technological Innovation, Consumption, and Participation... / ADB
Decomposition analysis of air pollution abatement in China / MPRA
Environmental Efficiency and Regional Convergence Clusters in Japan / MPRA
Exports to Jobs : Boosting the Gains from Trade in South Asia / World Bank
A Fragmenting Europe in a Changing World / CESinfo
The Future of Work: Regional Perspectives / ADB
Inter-regionalism in the Developing World / IDE
In search of fluctuations : Another look at China’s incredibly stable GDP growth / BOFIT
North Korea and ASEAN: Friends Again, but Its Complicated / East West Center
Western Balkans : Growing economic ties with Turkey, Russia and China/BOFIT
中日両国の「一帯一路」協力拡大からのぞむ経済貿易協力の未来 / ERINA


신착 입수도서 안내 (2019. 2. 16 ~ 2. 27)
무엇이 중국을 1등으로 만드는가: 세계경제 뒤흔드는 智혁명이 온다 / MBN 중국보고서팀 지음
오픈소스 QGIS 활용 가이드북 오픈소스 QGIS 활용 가이드북 / 황소영 지음
이슬람 여성의 이해: 오해와 편견을 넘어서 / 조희선
중국 고도성장의 비밀: 개혁개방 40년의 진실과 교훈 / 차이 팡 지음 ; 장화 옮김
Asias Quest for Balance: Chinas Rise and Balancing in the Indo-Pacific / Jeff M. Smith
Brexit and Ireland: The Dangers, the Opportunities, and the Inside Story ... / Tony Connelly
China, The United States, and the Future of Southeast Asia / David B.H. Denoon
Dividing ASEAN and Conquering the South China Sea / Daniel C. O’Neill
Does ASEAN Matter? A View from Within / Marty Natalegawa
Fifty Million Rising: The New Generation of Working Women Transforming ... / Saadia Zahidi
Handbook on the United States in Asia: Managing Hegemonic Decline, ... / Andrew T.H. Tan
Modernizing Women: Gender and Social Change in the Middle East / Valentine M. Moghadam
Structure of the American Economy 1919-1939 / Wassily Leonfief
The Border: The Legacy of a Century of Anglo-Irish Politics / Diarmaid Ferriter
改革开放以来的中国经济:1978—2018 改革开放以来的中国经济:1978—2018 / 厉以宁
对外开放四十年:: 回顾与展望 / 人民日报出版社

주요경제 동향자료 E-mail서비스 관련 문의는 dschong@kiep.go.kr 로 해주시기 바랍니다.
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