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[KIEP WebZine] 주요경제 동향자료 : 최근 WTO 체제 개편 논의와 정책 시사점 (No. 37)

  • 작성일2018/11/30
  • 조회수797
주요경제 동향자료
No. 37
2018. 12. 1


주제별 이슈

2019년 미 달러화 주요 변수 및 전망 / 국제금융센터
2019년 경제 및 산업 전망 / 한국수출입은행
과거 사례와 비교한 최근 신흥국 금융불안의 특징 / 한국은행
A long-term perspective on the development experience of emerging and ... / OECD
Changes in Economic and Financial Synchronisation : A Global Factor Analysis / OECD
Debt Overhang, Rollover Risk, and Corporate Investment / NBER
Macroeconomic Effects of Japan’s Demographics: Can Structural Reforms Reverse Them? / IMF
News and Uncertainty Shocks / FRB
Quantitative Easing / CEPR
Sustaining Growth through Innovation in Capital Markets / CEPS
What Determines Utility of International Currencies? / RIETI
景気拡大ペースは幾分鈍化 : 米金利上昇、貿易摩擦が重しにー / JCER
2018년 수출입 평가 및 2019년 전망 / 국제무역연구원
단일국 수출기업의 현황 및 수출성과 분석 / 국제무역연구원
미국 철강 보호주의의 빛과 그림자 / 포스코경영연구원
A Model of Heterogeneous Firm Matches in Cross-Border Mergers & Acquisitions / FREIT
Batam: Life after the FTZ? / ISEAS
China’s "Economic" Losses Aren’t Because of US Trade Success
Disciplining China’s Trade Practices at the WTO: How WTO Complaints Can Help Make ... / Cato
Disentangling Global Value Chains / FREIT
E-commerce and developing country-SME participation in Global Value Chains / WTO
The United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement: Overview and Outlook / PIIE
US-China trade war, or trade deal? / Brookings
브렉시트 합의 및 향후 전망 / 국제금융센터
서방의 대러시아 경제제재 현황과 시사점 / kotra
日本의 4차 산업혁명 정책현황과 기업 사례 및 시사점 / 포스코경영연구원
중국 일대일로와 일본 커넥티비티 이니셔티브를 통해 본 KOICA의 함의 / KOICA
Asian development after the Asian Drama / WIDER
Brexit and the Future of European Energy Integration: The Stakes / IAI
China’s Rebalancing: Recent Progress, Prospects and Policies / IMF
Does Job Polarization Explain the Rise in Earnings Inequality ? Evidence from Europe / WB
Historical Legacies and African Development / NBER
How to grow manufacturing and create jobs in a digital economy / ODI
How will Vietnam Cope with the Impact of the US-China Trade War? / ISEAS
Immigration and Offshoring: Two Forces of ‘Globalisation’ and Their Impact on ... / WIIW
Impacts of Green Growth Policies on Labour Markets and Wage Income Distribution / OECD
Modinomics: Design, Implementation, Outcomes and Prospects / ASARC
On German External Imbalances / CEPS
Renewing U.S. Economic Engagement with the Developing World / CSIS
Risk Mitigation and Sovereign Guarantees for PPPs in Developing Economies / ADB
The potential economic impact of Brexit on the Netherlands / OECD
アジア経済:続く堅調、高まる不確実性 / JCER
改革开放四十年,中国为什么发展得更快? / IWEP


신착 입수도서 안내 (2018. 11. 17 ~ 11. 30)
미국을 로비하라 / 송의달 지음
선을 넘어 생각한다 : 남과 북을 갈라놓는 12가지 편견에 관하여 / 박한식, 강국진 공저
한 권으로 먼저 보는 2019년 경제전망 / 김광석 지음
Made in Italy : 이탈리아 경제의 ‘히든 챔피언’, 강소기업을 파헤친다! / 김경석 지음
Advanced International Trade : Theory and Evidencd / Robert C. Feenstra
Arms and Influence / Thomas C. Schelling
An Accidental Brexit : New EU and Transatlantic Economic Perspectives / Paul J.J. Welfens
European Enlargement across Rounds and Beyond Borders / Haakon A. Ikonomou [et al.]
Export performance and the internationalisation of SMEs [electronic resources] /
  Cláudia P. Ribau, António C. Moreira and Mário Raposo
Identifying sources and roles of networks in intl expansion among small businesses ...
  [electronic resources] / Byoungho Jin, Bharath Ramkumar and Wendy Hsiao-Chun Chou
Key Success Factors of SME Internationalisation : A Cross-Country Perspective [Kindle Edition] /
  Noemie Dominguez, Ulrike Mayhofer
Paper Tigers, Hidden Dragons : Firms and the Political Economy of Chinas Technological
  Development / Douglas B. Fuller
State-Space Models with Regime Switching : Classical and Gibbs-Sampling Approaches
  with Applications / Chang-Jin Kim, Charles R. Nelson
The Economics of UK-EU Relations : From the Treaty of Rome to the Vote for Brexit /
  Nauro F. Campos, Fabrizio Coricelli
The History of Migration in Europe / Francesca Fauri
The Strategy of Conflict / Thomas Schelling
Time Series Analysis / James D. Hamilton
Vietnam in 2014 : Uncertainty and Opportunity in the Wake of the HS-981 Crisis
  [electronic resources] / Edmund Malesky and Jason Morris-Jung
海南自由贸易港建设一百问 / 海南自由贸易港建设一百问 编委会


주요경제 동향자료 E-mail서비스 관련 문의는 meg2919@kiep.go.kr 로 해주시기 바랍니다.
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