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[KIEP WebZine] 주요경제 동향자료 : 확대되는 미중 무역전쟁,한국은 어디로? (No. 31)

  • 작성일2018/08/31
  • 조회수979
주요경제 동향자료
No. 31
2018. 9. 1


주제별 이슈

불거지는 신흥국 금융위기, 국지전으로 끝날까? / 포스코경영연구원
Financial conditions and GDP growth-at-risk / Brookings
Financial development, exchange rate regimes, and growth dynamics / World Bank
International Spillovers of Monetary Policy: Evidence from France and Italy / BdF
Over-reaction in Macroeconomic Expectations / NBER
Reallocation Effects of Monetary Policy / RIETI
The Costs of Macroprudential Policy / CEPR
The Effects of Export Diversification on Macroeconomic Stabilization / BoK
Understanding Euro Area Inflation Dynamics: Why So Low for So Long? / IMF
최근 미·중 무역분쟁 경과와 전망 / 국제금융센터
일-EU EPA가 우리의 대EU 수출에 미치는 영향 및 시사점 / KITA
Does Machine Translation Affect International Trade? Evidence from a Large ... / NBER
FDI in New Member State of the EU and Western Balkans: Taking Stock and ... / IMF
How the United States Should Confront China Without Threatening the Global Trading .../ PIIE
International trade under attack: what strategy for Europe? / Bruegel
Role of Past Experience and Intra-firm Trade in FDI Decisions / RIETI
The Heterogeneous Effects of Trade Policy Uncertainty / World Bank
Trumps Trade Policy Uncertainty Deters Investment / Econbrowser
World Tariff Profiles 2018 / WTO
국가별 SDGs 이행전략 및 프로그램 - 일본 / KOICA
새로운 남북경협의 가능성: 특징과 쟁점 / KDI
신생 스타트업 허브로 부상하는 UAE의 비결과 시사점 / 국제무역연구원
아르헨티나, IMF 구제금융 조기집행 요청 배경 및 평가 / 국제금융센터
위기이후 실업난 타개를 위한 스페인·프랑스·헝가리의 정책 및 시사점 / 국제금융센터
Boosting productivity and preparing for the future of work in Germany / OECD
India’s Answer to the Belt and Road: A Road Map for South Asia / CEIP
Per Capita Income, Consumption Patterns, and CO2 Emissions / NBER
Public–Private Partnership Development in Southeast Asia / ADB
The Markets: Private Economy and Capitalism in North Korea? / CSIS
Strategy 2030: Achieving a Prosperous, Inclusive, Resilient, and Sustainable Asia and ... / ADB
The EU’s problem with May’s plan for Brexit / CER
The Labour Market in Japan and Its Demographic Problems / IIMA
The PRCs Long-Run Growth through the Lens of the Export-Led Growth Model / ADB
The World is Coming to Sub-Saharan Africa. Where is the United States? / CSIS
Underemployment in the US and Europe / NBER
最近のロシアの国際経済協力の動向 / ERINA
トランプ政権発足後、低迷が続く米国の対内直接投資 / 丸紅経済研究所
欧日签署自贸协定影响几何 / IWEP
马哈蒂尔访华与在马中资项目前景:“一带一路”可持续性思考薛力 / ISP


신착 입수도서 안내 (2018. 8. 16 ~ 8. 30)
국제통상법의 이해 / 조영정 지음
금융 오딧세이 / 차현진 지음
앞으로 5년 미중전쟁 시나리오 / 최윤식 지음
탈사회주의 체제전환과 북한의 미래 / 김병로, 정근식, 진승권, 김병조 등저
2018 American Business in China White Paper (2018年度美国企业在中国白皮书)
European Citizenship in Perspective : History, Politics and Law / Jan van der Harst etc.
Governance and Political Entrepreneurship in Europe / Charlie Karlsson etc.
Research Handbook on Economic Diplomacy / Peter A.G. van Bergeijk etc.
Strategic Innovation in Russia / Taco C.R. van Someren and Shuhua van Someren-Wang
The Rise of Alt-Right / Thomas J. Main
The Rise of the Corporate Economy in Southeast Asia / Rajeswary Ampalavanar Brown
Time series analysis [electronic resources] / James D. Hamilton
The Wound Within : America in the Vietnam Years, 1945-1974 /Alexander Kendrick
産業競争力強化法 : 逐条解説 / 經濟産業省
「わかりやすい経済学」のウソにだまされるな! : 経済学的思考を鍛える5つの視点 / 益田 安良
中小企業の経済学 / 商工組合中央金庫
中小企業·ベンチャー企業論 : グローバルと地域のはざまで / 植田 浩史, 桑原 武志, 本多 哲夫 等著

주요경제 동향자료 E-mail서비스 관련 문의는 meg2919@kiep.go.kr 로 해주시기 바랍니다.
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