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[KIEP WebZine] 주요경제 동향자료 : The Future Relationship between the UK and the EU (No. 28)

  • 작성일2018/07/16
  • 조회수836
주요경제 동향자료
No. 28
2018. 7. 16


주제별 이슈

4차 산업혁명 시대의 빅데이터 정책 과제 / 국회입법조사처
글로벌 Big4(미국,중국,유로,일본) 경제의 하반기 전망 / 한국은행
2018년 하반기 경제전망 / 한국은행
Financial development and industrial pollution / EBRD
Financial stability implications of a prolonged period of low interest rates / BIS
Monetary Policy and Inflation Dynamics in ASEAN Economies / IMF
The global factor in neutral policy rates: Some implications for exchange rates ... / BIS
The Shocks Matter: Improving our Estimates of Exchange Rate Pass-Through / CEPR
近期人民币汇率贬值波动分析与展望 / IWEP
미국 통상법의 주요내용과 시사점 / 한국무역협회, 통상지원단
아시아·태평양 무역협정(APTA) 4라운드 주요내용 및 시사점 / 한국무역협회, 통상지원단
Bought, sold and bought again : the impact of complex value chains on export ... / WB
Brain-Focused Economics: More Than Just Comparative Advantage / Cato
Exposure of Belt and Road Economies to China Trade Shocks / World Bank
Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America and the Caribbean 2018 / CEPAL
Free Trade Agreement with Endogenous Market Structure / CIRJE
Gravity and Comparative Advantage: Estimation of Trade Elasticities for the ... / NBER
Misallocation and Trade Policy / FREIT
Remaining Lucid at an Outbreak of a Global Trade War / CASE
Trump’s Trade War Timeline: An Up-to-Date Guide / PIIE
6.12 북미정상회담과 한반도 정세 / 경남대 극동문제연구소
최근 인도 경제동향 및 진출 유망 분야 / 국제무역연구원
한 - 싱가포르 경제협력 확대방안 / 국제무역연구원
한·인도 수교 45년, 중소기업의 진출 전략과 과제 / 중소기업연구원
한러 정상회담의 성과와 과제 / 외대 러시아연구소
2018 Biennial Report on the Implementation of the African Growth and Opportunity Act / USTR
38 North Special Report: Recent Changes in Kim Jong Un’s High Command / 38North
Climate change will force us to redefine economic growth / World Economic Forum
Credit Shocks, Employment Protection, and Growth: Firm-level Evidence from Spain / CEPR
Embracing the E-commerce Revolution in Asia and the Pacific / ADB
Energy, migration and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development / ODI
Putin, Trump and North Korea: The Road to Washington Leads Through Asia / 38North
Social Structure and Conflict: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa / CEPR
South Asias Hotspots : Impacts of Temperature and Precipitation Changes ... / World Bank
The Iranian Economy: Challenges and Opportunities / WIIW
The Mirage of Transition in Cuba / Cato
Trade in developing East Asia : how it has changed and why it matters / World Bank
Trade reorientation in Russia: will China replace the EU? / WIIW
変わるサウジアラビア、動く中東 / 三井物産戦略研究所
中美在中国履行入世承诺的分歧及其根源 / IWEP
通商白書2018 / 経済産業省


신착 입수도서 안내 (2018. 7. 1 ~ 7. 15)
2018 해외한국학백서 / 한국국제교류재단
블록체인으로 무엇을 할 수 있는가 : 코드 속에 감춰진 빅피처 / 김용태 지음
산업한류혁명 : 대한민국의 지구촌 허브 전략 / 박광기 외
역사를 보는 이슬람의 눈 / 이브 라코스트 Yves Lacoste 지음
이더리움을 활용한 블록체인 개발 입문서 / NEC, 컨센서스 베이스 (주) 지음 ; 문세나 옮김
한반도 신경제지도 : 통일비용은 없다 / 김상목 지음
Aid for trade, labor market flexibility with implication for Korea [electronic resources] / Hongshik Lee, Minseok Park
Anti-Circumvention of Anti-Dumping Measures : Mexico [electronic resources] / Gustavo A. Uruchurtu
Anti-Circumvention of Anti-Dumping Measures : Law and Practice of the United States [electronic resources] / Margaret Spicer, Peggy
Brazil 2018: OECD Economic Surveys / OECD
Chile 2018: OECD Economic Surveys / OECD
Circumvention of Anti-Dumping Measures : Law and Practice of India [electronic resources] / Juhi Dion Sud
Circumvention of Anti-Dumping Measures : Law and Practice of South Africa [electronic resources] / Thinus Jacobsz
Circumvention of Anti-Dumping Measures : Law and Practice of Turkey [electronic resources] / Serdar Baskın
Exzellente Unternehmen : Die verborgenen Stars des Mittelstands / Cay von Fournier
Politics in the Middle East / James A. Bill and Robert Springborg
アメリカは日本経済の復活を知っている / 浜田 宏一

주요경제 동향자료 E-mail서비스 관련 문의는 meg2919@kiep.go.kr 로 해주시기 바랍니다.
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