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[KIEP WebZine] 주요경제 동향자료 : The Dispute Settlement Crisis in the WTO : Causes and Cures (No.19)

  • 작성일2018/03/02
  • 조회수702
주요경제 동향자료
No. 19
2018. 3. 2


주제별 이슈

파월 의장의 미 하원 통화정책 증언 내용과 평가 / 국제금융센터
Decentralisation in a Globalised World : Consequences and Opportunities / OECD
Financial Policy / CEPR
Global Financial Development Report 2017 / 2018: Bankers without Borders / World Bank
Global Imbalances and the Trade Slowdown / PIIE
International Capital Flow Pressures / IMF
Monetary Policy and Models of Currency Demand / IMF
Monetary turnaround and more expansionary fiscal policy push yields upwards / DB
US Monetary Policy and International Bond Markets / FRB
보호무역은 미국 경상수지 적자의 해결책인가? / IBK기업은행 경제연구소
최근 해외직접투자의 주요 특징 및 영향 / 한국은행
A Multidimensional Approach to Trade Policy Indicators / IMF
Advancing Economic Freedom Is the Right Way to Move Forward with Trade / Heritage
Disciplines on State-Owned Enterprises under the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement / ERIA
Foreign direct investment in sub-Saharan Africa: Beyond its growth effect / MERIT
GVCS and centrality : Mapping key hubs, spokes and the periphery / OECD
Least-developed countries, transfer of technology and the TRIPS Agreement / WTO
Protectionism and the Business Cycle / NBER
Shifting Towards a Consumer-Centered Economy and the Implications for Intl Trade / ADBI
The Effect of Uncertainty on FDI : the Case of Mexico / Bank of Mexico
2017년 북한 거시경제 동향 평가 및 2018년 전망 / 한국개발연구원
2017년 북한의 대외무역 평가와 전망: 북중무역을 중심으로 / 한국개발연구원
Chinese Capital Market: An Empirical Overview / NBER
How to Promote Peace on the Korean Peninsula after PyeongChang Winter Olympics / KINU
North Korea Nuclear Scenarios and a Road Map for the Non-nuclear ... / IFANS
Is Chinese monetary policy forward-looking? / BOFIT
Sanctions and Marketization in North Korea: Lessons from Myanmar / 38North
The relationship between the Chinese ‘going out’ strategy and international trade / Economics
Toward Universal Financial Inclusion in China / World Bank
2017年中国企业并购市场回顾与2018年展望 / PWC
「一帯一路」戦略による中国の東ヨーロッパ進出-「16+1」をどう見るか - / ・国際貿易投資研究所
引导企业境外投资行为向好发展 / IWEP
全球视野下的中国普惠金融:实践、经验与挑战 / World Bank
特朗普考虑有条件重返TPP的动因及影响 / IWEP
An Industry Sea-Change for Enterprises and Investors on Climate Change? / GEG
APEC Outcomes and Outlook 2017/2018 / APEC
Catching Up in Economic Transition: Innovation in the PRCs and India / ADBI
Chinese and Japanese infrastructure investment in Southeast Asia / IDE
Globalization, Inclusion, and E-Commerce: APEC Agenda for SMEs / APEC
Policy, change and paradox in Indonesia: implications for the use of knowledge / KSI
Successful Transition to a Market Economy in Vietnam / GLO
The Implications of Ultra-Low and Negative Interest Rates for Asia / ADBI
2018年の日本産業を読み解く10のキーワード ~ この底流変化を見逃すな ~ / 東レ経営研究所
トランプ大統領のTPP復帰発言は本気なのか / ・国際貿易投資研究所
마크롱 행정부의 개혁정책 성과와 평가 / 국제금융센터
Africa Focus : Financing Africa: Challenges and opportunities / WHITE & CASE
Breaking Down the Myths of Triangular Co-operation in Middle East and North Africa / OECD
Cooperation and Competition: Russia and China in Central Asia, the Russian Far East ... / CEIP
Germany and Europe cannot give up on North Africa / GDI
How Does BREXIT Affect Production Patterns of Multinational Enterprises? / IDE
Internationalisation, Innovation and Productivity in Services: Evidence from Germany, Ireland and the United Kingdom / ZEW
Norway’s economy : Maintaining a successful business sector in a changing world / OECD
OECD Economic Surveys: Chile 2018 / OECD
Strategic policymaking and the German aid programme in the MENA region since ... / GDI
The Industrialization of South America Revisited: Evidence from Argentina, Brazil ... / NBER


신착 입수도서 안내 (2018. 2. 15 ~ 2. 28)
경제·경제학 [ 이헌창 지음 ]
노동의 종말 : 피곤을 모르는 기계들이 인간의 노동을 빼앗고 있다 [ 제러미 리프킨 지음 ]
명견만리: 윤리, 기술, 중국, 교육 편 [ KBS <명견만리> 제작팀 ]
명견만리: 인구, 경제, 북한, 의료 편 [ KBS <명견만리> 제작팀 ]
명견만리: 정치, 생애, 직업, 탐구 편 [ KBS <명견만리> 제작팀 ]
에포컬 모멘텀 : 한국 과학사의 획기적인 순간들 [ 한도현, 신동원 외 ]
예정된 전쟁 : 미국과 중국의 패권 경쟁, 그리고 한반도의 운명 [ 그레이엄 앨리슨 지음 ]
중소기업경제학 개론 [ 이경의 지음 ]
탁월한 사유의 시선 :우리가 꿈꾸는 시대를 위한 철학의 힘 [ 최진석 지음 ]
한국경제통사 [ 이헌창 지음 ]
U.S. Patents - Custom Data Extract 2015 [ CD-ROM ]
World Robotics Industrial Robots 2017 [ IFR Statistical Department ]
World Robotics Service Robots 2017 [ IFR Statistical Department ]
ビッグデータ·リトルデータ·ノーデータ : 研究データと知識インフラ [ クリスティン L. ボーグマン 著 ]
マクロ計量モデルの基礎と実際 :東アジアを中心に [ 植村仁一 ]

주요경제 동향자료 E-mail서비스 관련 문의는 meg2919@kiep.go.kr 로 해주시기 바랍니다.
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