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[KIEP WebZine] 주요경제 동향자료 : The Global Risks Report 2018 (No.17)

  • 작성일2018/01/31
  • 조회수1,685
주요경제 동향자료
No. 17
2018. 2. 1


주제별 이슈

미국 장기금리 상승, 급격하게 진행될 경우에 금융시장의 불안 요인 등 / 국제금융센터
Brexit and Uncertainty in Financial Markets / DIW
Cross-border spillover effects of the g20 financial regulatory reforms / WB
Exchange rates and the working capital channel of trade fluctuations / BIS
Globalization and Income Inequality Revisited / CESifo
Macroeconomic Nowcasting and Forecasting with Big Data / CEPR
Quantitative Easing and the “New Normal” in Monetary Policy / FRB
Reserve Currency Blocs: A Changing International Monetary System? / IMF
The making of behavioral development economics / World Bank
Will macroprudential policy counteract monetary policy’s effects on financial ... / Bruegel
2018 권역별 진출전략 : 1권 북미/유럽/일본 / kotra
2018 권역별 진출전략 : 2권 중국/동남아/서남아 / kotra
2018 권역별 진출전략 : 3권 중동/CIS/중남미/아프리카 / kotra
21st Century Trade Agreements and the Owl of Minerva / CEPR
AI and International Trade / NBER
Deepening NAFTA and Signing New Trade Agreements: A US Trade Strategy to ... / ECIPE
Cumulative Effects of Brexit and Other UK and EU27 Bilateral FTAs on the Worlds ... / CEPR
Is world trade becoming more regionalised? / ESCAP
New Estimates for Direction of Trade Statistics / IMF
Quality and Gravity in International Trade / CEPR
Regulating the digital economy: Are we moving towards a win-win or a lose-lose? / MERIT
Understanding the Weakness in Global Trade / EUROPA
U.S. Needs to Address Chinese Trade Distortions, But Section 301 Is Not the Way / Heritage
Using gross trade data to map archetypal GVCs / World Bank
2017년 대중수출 평가와 2018년 전망 : 업종별 전망과 우리의 대응 / kotra
2018년 중국경제 주요 리스크와 시사점 / 현대경제연구원
북핵 상황에서 한·미 관계와 남북 관계 추진 방안 / 외교안보연구소
Beyond Olympic Winter Games 2018 : Toward Preparatory 4-Party Meeting in ... / KINU
China | One Belt One Road – What’s in it for Latin America? / BBVA
Demographics and FDI: Lessons from Chinas One-Child Policy / NBER
Recent Developments in Trade, Investment and Finance of China’s Belt and Road / IEMS
Rethinking North Korean Sanctions: Lessons and Strategies for Long-Term Planning / 38North
Risks in China’s financial system / BOFIT
The transition of China to sustainable growth – implications for the global economy ... / ECB
2017-2018 年国际金融形势回顾与展望 / IWEP
中国海外投资国家风险评级(2018)/ IWEP
제4차 아베 내각 출범과 일본 정국 전망 / 외교안보연구소
인프라산업, 4차 산업혁명과 만나다 / KPMG
EAST ASIA: Seizing the Momentum to Reform / ERIA
Financing Infrastructure in Asia: Capturing Impacts and New Sources / ADBI
Impacts of Institutions on the Performances of Enterprises in Vietnam / KNOMAD
Logistics Development in ASEAN : Complex Challenges Ahead / ISEAS
Modeling the Impact of Exports on the Economic Growth of Pakistan / MPRA
The Inclusive Development Index 2018 / World Economic Forum
The Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Mechanism and its implications for the Mekong ... / CSIS
The Politics of Wages and Indonesia’s Trade Unions / ISEAS
To build or not to build? Capital stocks and climate policy / CCCEP
CPTPP (TPP11)が最終合意 : アジア太平洋の経済連携の枠組に好影響、... / 第一生命経済研究所
ポストT P P におけるアジア太平洋の経済秩序の新展開 / JIIA
African economic development: What role can the G20 Compact play? / GDI
Ageing and Employment Policies: United States 2018 / OECD
An Overwiew of Economic Impacts of U.S. Shale Gas Revolution / MPRA
Rebuilding trust in Europe : Three Pathways / MGI
Brexit: Can the United Kingdom Change its Mind? / CIGI
Eurozone Economic Watch : Higher growth forecasts for 2018-19 / BBVA
Reducing regional disparities in productivity in the United Kingdom / OECD
How Immigrants Helped EU Labor Markets to Adjust during the Great Recession / CELSI
Inequality and Poverty Across Generations in the European Union / IMF
Investigating the Link Between FDI, Energy consumption ... in Argentina / MPRA
Iran Sanctions / FAS
Rethinking Africa’s structural transformation : The rise of new industries / Brookings
The Road to Higher and More Inclusive Growth in the Middle East And North Africa / IMF


신착 입수도서 안내 (2018. 1. 16 ~ 1. 31)
HS품목별수출입통관편람 2018 [ 한국관세무역개발원 ]
국제금융기구 2018 [ 한국은행 ]
동북아시아의 파워 매트릭스 [ 이새출판사 ]
숫자로 보는 ODA : 2017 세계 ODA 통계자료집 [ 한국수출입은행, 대외경제협력기금 ]
연구기관의 언론홍보 전략 [ 동명사 ]
차이나 이노베이션 : 모방에서 주도로, 중국발 혁신 세계를 앞지르다 [ 미래의창 ]
튀르크인 이야기 [ 리수출판사 ]
한국의 경제생태계 [ 21세기북스 ]
한국 근대화, 기적의 과정 [ 조갑제닷컴 ]

주요경제 동향자료 E-mail서비스 관련 문의는 meg2919@kiep.go.kr 로 해주시기 바랍니다.
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