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[KIEP WebZine] 주요경제 동향자료 : Global Economic Prospects 2018 (No.16)

  • 작성일2018/01/16
  • 조회수799
주요경제 동향자료
No. 16
2018. 1. 16


주제별 이슈

Corruption and Economic Development / RCEA
Economic globalisation, inequality and the role of social protection / OECD
Fiscal Rules and Discretion in a World Economy / CEPR
International Tax Reforms with Flexible Prices / NBER
Macroprudential Policy, Central Banks and Financial Stability: Evidence from China / CFDS
Monetary Policy Trilemma, Information Targeting and Global Financial Crisis / ERC
Oil and macroeconomic (in)stability / CAMA
The Renminbi: A Warrior for Competitiveness? / CeBER
Uncertainty and Cross-Border Banking Flows / IMF
다각도로 살펴본 2018 무역 동향과 통상환경 전망 / 산업통상자원부
A Handbook on Negotiating Development Oriented Intellectual Property ... / ESCAP
Global Value Chains and Effective Exchange Rates at the Country-Sector Level / ADBI
Export and productivity in global value chains: Comparative evidence from Latvia ... / OECD
Facilitating ASEAN Trade in Goods / ERIA
Impact of implementation of digital trade facilitation on trade costs / ESCAP
Impact of new technologies on the organization of global value chains (1) / IDE
Outcome of the 11th WTO Ministerial Conference and Implications for the Future ... / IFANS
The Political Economy of Preferential Trade Agreements: An Empirical Investigation / Kiel
The role of trade policies in building regional value chains / UNCTAD
Trade in Services versus Trade in Manufactures / WIIW
중국의 일대일로 추진동향과 한국의 대응과제 / 국회입법조사처
트럼프 행정부의 대중 정책과 미중관계 전망 / 외교안보연구소
Analysis of 2018 Kim Jong-un’s New Year’s Day Speech and Prospect for 2018 / KINU
Chinas "Great Migration: The impact of the reduction in trade policy uncertainty / CEPR
What Does North Korea Want to Achieve through the Dialogue with the UN? / KINU
China Industries Outlook 2018 / Asia Briefing
Disruptors, Innovators, and Thieves Assessing Innovation in China’s Digital Economy / CSIS
“一带一路”建设2017年进展及2018年展望 / AMR
朝鲜半岛局势与前景 / IWEP
미국 트럼프 행정부의 대아시아 정책과 ASEAN / 외교안보연구소
A Vision and Action Plan for Financial Sector Development and Reforms in India / Brookings
ASEAN’s Myanmar Dilemma / ISEAS
Climate change and the macro-economy: a critical review / BoE
Financing the transition from brown to green / Climate Transparency
Future Carbon Fund Delivering Co-Benefits for Sustainable Development / ADB
Indias Free Trade and Double Tax Agreements / Asia Briefing
Realizing the Potential of the Sharing Economy in Asia / Heritage
Innovation Responses of Japanese Firms to Chinese Import Competition / RIETI
Southeast Asia Outlook 2018 / ISEAS
モンゴル経済概況 / JETRO
18년 트럼프노믹스 4대 리스크 요인 / 국제금융센터
유라시아 대륙의 지정학적 환경과 트럼프 행정부의 대유라시아 정책 / 외교안보연구소
2017 Africa Sustainable Devt Report:Tracking Progress on Agenda 2063 and SDGs / AFDB
Investment in Brazil: From Crisis to Recovery / IMF
Reducing regional disparities in productivity in the United Kingdom / OECD
Social policy in the European Union: state of play 2017 / ETUI
Social Structure and Conflict: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa / NBER
The BRICS Mechanism: Growing in Maturity / CIIS
The Crisis in Iran: What Now? / CSIS
The Euros effect on trade: An analysis of “old" and “new" EMU members / FIW
Undeflected Pressure? The Protectionist Effect of Political Partisanship on US / FREIT


신착 입수도서 안내 (2018. 1. 2 ~ 1. 15)
2017~2018 주요 산업ㆍ국가별 무역 환경규제 대응 가이드라인 [산업통상자원부]
경제추격론의 재창조 [ 오래출판사 ]
부채의 늪과 악마의 유혹 사이에서 : 통화, 신용, 그리고 글로벌 금융 [ 해남출판사 ]
땅과 집값의 경제학 우리 삶의 불평등 [ 사이출판사 ]
Clashing over Commerce :A History of US Trade Policy [ The University of Chicago Press ]
国际投资规则的演变与中国企业“走出去”战略 [厦门大学出版社]
中国企业"走出去"战略 : 多维解析与战略实施 [中國金融出版社]
中国企业跨国并购的价值创造机制研究 [经济科学出版社]

주요경제 동향자료 E-mail서비스 관련 문의는 meg2919@kiep.go.kr 로 해주시기 바랍니다.
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