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[KIEP WebZine] 주요경제 동향자료 : ASEAN 4.0: What does the Fourth Industrial Revolution ... (No. 12)

  • 작성일2017/11/16
  • 조회수713
주요경제 동향자료
No. 12
2017. 11. 16


주제별 이슈

21st century reserve currencies - (how long) will the dollar-euro dominance prevail? / DB
A New Index of External Debt Sustainability / PIIE
Capital misallocation and financial development: A sector-level analysis / BIS
Doing Business 2018 : Reforming to Create Jobs / World Bank
Domestic Cycles, Financial Cycles, and Policies. What Has Gone Wrong? / CASE
Financial Crises and Lending of Last Resort in Open Economies / NBER
Financial development, growth, and crisis: is there a trade-off ? / WB
Global Economic Outlook, Q3 2017 / Deloitte
Global Trade and the Dollar / IMF
Monetary policy transmission with two exchange rates and a single currency / BOFIT
Structural reform waves and economic growth / ECB
The End of the Bretton Woods International Monetary System / PIIE
Unconventional Policies and Exchange Rate Dynamics / IMF
21세기 무역전쟁 : 보호무역 통상 환경에서 이뤄지는 법의 논리와 각 나라의 대응법 / 산업통상자원부
무역구조 변화로 본 동아시아 가치사슬(GVC) 변화와 시사점 / kotra
한미 FTA 5년 평가 / 자유기업원
RCEP 제20차 공식협상 이후 주요 참여국 동향 및 향후 전망 / kotra
Economic shocks and changes in global production structures / OECD
Global Value Chains and the Missing Exports of the United States / ADB
Internalizing Global Value Chains: A Firm-Level Analysis / CEP
Renegotiating the EU-UK Trade Relationship: Lessons from NAFTA / CIGI
Structural Adjustments and International Trade: Theory and Evidence from China / CEP
The Interconnections between Services and Goods Trade at the Firm-Level / CEP
The WTOs Next Work Programme--As if the Global Economic Crisis Really Mattered / CEPR
Trade Facilitation and Paperless Trade Implementation in Asia and the Pacific ... / ESCAP
Trade Policy Under President Trump: Implications for the US and the World / CH
중국공산당 19차 대회, 중국정치의 "새 시대"를 열 것인가? / 세종연구소
최근 중국의 수출입 동향 및 향후 전망 / 한국은행
‘한중관계 개선 관련 양국 간 협의 결과’ 내용분석 및 시사점 / 국회입법조사처
현 동북아 정세와 한·미 정상회담의 의미 / 외교안보연구소
China’s economic growth and rebalancing and the implications for the global and ... / ECB
Do Border Effects Alter Regional Development: Evidence from China / MPRA
International Situation and Chinas Foreign Affairs (2017) / CIIS
Is Chinas development finance a challenge to the international order? / Brookings
Sanctioning an Unruly Ally: Understanding Sino-North Korean Trade through the ... / AEI
Where’s the Beef? : Finding a Better Way to Resolve U.S.-China Trade ... / Cato
中国经济:新常态下的非常态回暖及行业分化 / IWEP
中国——欧盟关系的结构性变化及其前景 / CIIS
인도의 경제개혁에 따른 우리 기업의 인도 진출 가능성 / IBK경제연구소
일본중의원 총선거 결과 분석 / 세종연구소
포스트 차이나의 선두주자, 베트남의 성장 가능성에 주목하자! / 현대경제연구원
The 2017 APEC Summit: A Game Changer for the Asia-Pacific? / EWC
ASEAN Investment Report 2017 - FDI and Economic Zones in ASEAN / UNCTAD
Asia Pacific Economic Outlook, Q4 2017 / Deloitte
Climate change, migration and displacement: the need for a risk-informed ... / ODI
Impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution on Supply Chains / WEF
Japanese Internationalism in the 21st Century: Reshaping Foreign Policy in ... / AEI
Koreas growth experience and long-term growth model / WB
Lower for longer: The implications of low oil and gas prices for China and India / Brookings
Product Diversification in Indian Manufacturing / CEP
The Nexus of CO2 Emissions, Energy Consumption, Economic Growth ... / DIW
Trump’s Asia-Pacific Policy:Features and Directions / CIIS
ベトナムの輸出;サムスン電子とFTA ITIアジアサプライチェーン研究会報告(6)/ ITI
트럼프 美대통령 방한의 주요 의제와 대응방향 / 국회입법조사처
A ‘twin peaks’ vision for Europe / Bruegel
Climate Change and the Water-Energy- Food Nexus in the MENA Region / OCPPC
From Soviets to Oligarchs: Inequality and Property in Russia 1905-2016 / CEPR
How much oil is the Islamic state group producing ? evidence from remote sensing / WB
OPEC, Saudi Arabia, and the Shale Revolution: Insights from Equilibrium Modelling ... / MPRA
Potential Growth in Colombia / IMF
South Africa’s Economic Engagement in Sub-Saharan Africa / CH
The economic effects of refugee return and policy implications / Bruegel
The Granular Origins of Macroeconomic Fluctuations in Europe / IMF
The Implications of Brexit for UK, EU and Global Agricultural Reform in the Next Decade / CH
Total Factor Productivity Growth in Central and Eastern Europe before, during ... / Eesti Pank
Unleashing Growth and Strengthening Resilience in the Caribbean / IMF
Would a Euros Depreciation Improve the French Economy? / IZA
EUカナダ包括的経済貿易協定(CETA)による農産品の関税引き下げの見通しと主要点 / JETRO


신착 입수도서 안내 (2017. 11.1 ~ 11. 15)
국제통상법 기본 규정 초해 [해리출판사]
섬유산업의 한·미 FTA 5년 평가와 과제 [ 산업연구원 ]
이란 민영화 현황과 시사점 [ kotra ]
중국경제와 금융의 이해 : 국유은행과 핀테크 은행의 공존 [ 오래출판사 ]
中國統計年鑑 2017 [ 中國統計出版社 ]
한 눈에 보는 아세안 경제특구 [ 외교부 ]
EU 개인정보보호법 [ 박영사 ]
OECD Economic Surveys : France 2017 [ OECD ]
The Political Economy of WTO Implementation and Chinas Approach to Litigation in the WTO
  [ Edward Elgar Publishing ]

비소장도서 (자료구입신청 가능)
2018 대예측 매경 아웃룩 [ 매일경제신문사 ]
호모 데우스 : 미래의 역사 [ 김영사 ]
Japan’s Lost Decade: Lessons for Asian Economies [ ADBI ]
中国经济增长报告(2016~2017) [ 社会科学文献出版社 ]

주요경제 동향자료 E-mail서비스 관련 문의는 meg2919@kiep.go.kr 로 해주시기 바랍니다.
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