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[KIEP WebZine] 주요경제 동향자료 : 2018년 국내외 경제전망 (No.10)

  • 작성일2017/10/16
  • 조회수707
주요경제 동향자료
No. 10
2017. 10. 16


주제별 이슈

미국의 금리인상 배경과 국내 금융시장에 미치는 영향 / KISDI
A Macroeconomic Model with Occasional Financial Crises / FRB
Climate change, financial stability and monetary policy / PKSG
Economic Freedom of the World : 2017 Annual Report / Fraiser Institute
Global Trade Flows: Revisiting the Exchange Rate Elasticities / BoC
Interest rates and house prices in the United States and around the world / BIS
Macroeconomic Stabilization, Monetary-Fiscal Interactions, and EMU / CEPR
Monetary policy without a working theory of inflation / Brookings
Patterns of international capital flows and their implications for developing countries / WIDER
Quantitative Easing and Long-Term Yields in Small Open Economies / IMF
Real Exchange Rate Policies for Economic Development / NBER
Structural Reforms and Monetary Policies in a Behavioural Macroeconomic Model / CEPR
The Crisis, Ten Years After: Lessons Learnt for Monetary and Financial Research / ECB
The single monetary policy and its decentralised implementation: An assessment / Bruegel
Thirteen facts about wage growth / Brookings
일본-EU EPA 합의의 주요내용, 현지반응 및 우리의 영향: 기업 시각을 중심으로 / kotra
A bit far? geography, international economic agreements, and foreign direct investment / WB
Brexit - balancing trade and mobility? / CEPR
Globalisation and Trade Liberalisation in Supporting GVCs Upgrade / ERIA
How can a modernized NAFTA revolutionize North American energy? / AC
How to Strengthen the US-Korea Free Trade Agreement / Heritage
Maine: The Benefits of Trade / Heritage
On the economic impact of FDI and trade liberalization in the Asia Pacific region / ESCAP
Preferential trade agreements and GVCs : theory, evidence, and open questions / WB
Regulatory and Procedural Barriers to Trade in the Republic of Moldova / UNECE
Shield the US from Imports! : GDP Impacts on Finland and Other EU Member States / ETLA
Trade Creation and Trade Diversion in Deep Agreements / WB
Trade effects of ASEAN-plus-China and -Japan free trade agreements by production ... / MPRA
The application of competition policy vis-à-vis intellectual property rights / WTO
김정은 집권 6년, 북한 경제 종합평가 및 전망 / 경남대학교 극동문제연구소
우리나라의 對중국 투자 현황과 신창타이 시대 우리의 대응방안 / 한국수출입은행
우리나라의 대중수출 증가 배경 및 전망 / 국제금융센터
China’s Acts, Policies, and Practices Related to Technology Transfer, Intellectual ... / CSIS
China’s Quest for Huayu Quan Can Xi Jinping Change the Terms of International Discourse? / TF
Corporate governance and firm performance in China / OECD
Engagement, Not Sanctions, Deserves a Second Chance / 38North
Impact of the People’s Republic of China’s Slowdown on the Global Economy / ADBI
Imports and Intellectual Property Rights on Innovation in China / MPRA
On the Relationship Between Quality and Productivity: Evidence from Chinas ... / NBER
Policy Mix and the US Trade Balance / IMF
盘点中国存货:全景和三大典型事实 / IWEP
新常态下的非常态回暖之一:产出-物价关系变异 / IWEP
环境谈判折射全球经贸合作曲折 / IWEP
Boosting productivity for inclusive growth in Japan / OECD
Digital Economics / NBER
Economic risk and resilience in East Asia / Brookings
Ensuring Fiscal Sustainability in Japan in the Context of a Shrinking and Ageing ... / OECD
From the Two Ps to the Two Cs: The Accomplishments and Challenges of ASEAN at 50 / JIIA
Global development trends and challenges: horizon 2025 revisited / ODI
India’s Regional Role: Perceptions, Potentials And Prognosis / ISAS
India’s Strategic Choices: China and the Balance of Power in Asia / CEIP
Multilateral development aid / WIDER
Remaking Energy Policies for Global Sustainability: The Case of Flying Geese Model ... / ERIA
The Impact of FTAs on Procurement Behavior of Japanese Firms Overseas Affiliates / RIETI
The India Story: Impact of Private Sustainability Standards on Market Access .../ UNCTAD
Two Decades of Structural Transformation and Dynamics of Income Equality in Indonesia / ADBI
2030年の経済社会の展望~第4次産業革命と経済発展・経済成長 / 国土交通政策研究所
拡大するASEAN市場へのサービス業進出 ―地域横断的な視点からサービス業進出・拡大.. / JETRO
新북방시대,「극동지역개발」 추진 현황과 진출 과제 / 중소기업연구원
이경보정(以經補政)의 한·러 협력 / 통일연구원
An innovation deficit behind Europe’s overall productivity slowdown? / Bruegel
Is Europe Disintegrating? Macroeconomic Divergence, Structural Polarisation... / WIIW
Improving productivity in New Zealands economy / OECD
Korea-Russia Cooperation Grounded on Economic Sector Making Up for Lacking Politics / KINU
Local content policies and backward integration in Nigeria / ODI
More for less: What tax system for Poland? / CASE
Oil discovery and macroeconomic management : the recent Ghanaian experience / WB
Policy Mix and the US Trade Balance / IMF
Regional Financial Integration and Economic Activity in Africa / AFDB
Rethinking fiscal policy: Lessons from the European Monetary Union (EMU) / ILO
Short-term impact of Brexit on the United Kingdoms export of goods / WB
Social Panorama of Latin America 2016 / CEPAL
Structural transformation and growth in Africa / ODI
The roots and evolution of Iran’s regional strategy / Atlantic Council
Trump and the Dollar in the Reflection of History / CEPII
Ukraine’s unfinished reform agenda / Bruegel
US development assistance under challenge / Brookings
U.S. Economic Strategy in the Asia Pacific / CSIS
US Strategy Options for Iran’s Regional Challenge / Atlantic Council
Which Tail Matters? Inequality and Growth in Brazil / GRIPS
Yes, the German election has created a problem for euro area reform / PIIE


신착 입수도서 안내 (2017. 9.16 ~ 10. 13)
2019 부의 대절벽 : 피할 수 없는 거대한 붕괴가 시작된다 [ 청림출판 ]
통계로 보는 독일통일 2017 [ 국가정보원 ]
India Transformed : 25 Years of Economic Reforms [ Viking ]
Routledge Handbook of the Economics of European Integration [ Routledge ]
Unveiling the North Korean Economy : Collapse and Transition [ Cambridge University Press ]
中国产业发展和产业政策报告 (2015-2016) [ 经济管理出版社 ]
中国制造2025蓝皮书 2017 [ 电子工业出版社 ]
メガFTAと世界經濟秩序 : ポストTPPの課題 [ 勁草書房 ]

주요경제 동향자료 E-mail서비스 관련 문의는 meg2919@kiep.go.kr 로 해주시기 바랍니다.
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