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[KIEP WebZine] 주요경제 동향자료 : 한·중 수교 25주년: 경제협력 성과 및 과제 (No.8)

  • 작성일2017/09/01
  • 조회수757
주요경제 동향자료
No. 8
2017. 9. 1


주제별 이슈

미국의 통화정책의 변화와 경제 불안정성 / 동아시아연구원
주요국 통화정책 정상화 추진으로 환율변동성 확대 가능성 / 국제금융센터
A Cross-Country Database of Fiscal Space / CAMA
Central Bank Digital Currency and the Future of Monetary Policy / NBER
Economic Systems in Developing Countries - A Macro Cluster Approach / Kiel
Beyond Fintech: A Pragmatic Assessment Of Disruptive Potential In Financial Services / WEF
Fiscal Policy Multipliers and Spillovers in a Multi-Regional Macroeconomic Input ... / WIFO
Income and Wealth Distribution in Macroeconomics: A Continuous-Time Approach / NBER
Macroeconomic effects of fiscal policy in the European Union, with particular ... / NBRM
Monetary Policy in an Uncertain World: The Case for Rules / Cato
Real Exchange Rates, Income per Capita, and Sectoral Input Shares / NBER
The new dynamics of financial globalization / Mckinsey
Trade and Fiscal Deficits, Tax Reform, and the Dollar: General Equilibrium Impact ... / PIIE
The Rise of Market Power and the Macroeconomic Implications / CEPR
The Size of Fiscal Multipliers and the Stance of Monetary Policy in Developing ... / BANREP
Trilemma, Dilemma and Global Players / CEPII
디지털 무역 이해하기 Ⅰ: 디지털 무역에서의 무역장벽 / kotra
디지털 무역 이해하기Ⅱ: 무역협정을 통해 보는 디지털 무역 / kotra
한미 서비스 교역 현황 및 경쟁력 분석에 따른 시사점 / kotra
Doomed to Repeat It: The Long History of America’s Protectionist Failures / Cato
How do Terms-of-Trade Effects Matter for Trade Agreements / FREIT
NAFTA and Motor Vehicle Trade / CRS
Oligopoly in International Trade: Rise, Fall and Resurgence / NBER
Services Trade Policy and Sustainable Development / CEPR
Slicing the Pie: Quantifying the Aggregate and Distributional Effects of Trade / NBER
The common sources of business cycles in Trans-Pacific countries and the U.S.? ... NAFTA / ITD
The Nature of Trade and Growth Linkages / World Bank
Trade and Investment in the Global Economy / CESifo
What drives export market shares? It depends! An empirical analysis using Bayesian ... / ECB
2017년 상반기 북·중 및 북·러 교역 현황과 시사점 / 국제무역연구원
제4차 핵실험 이후 대북제재 하의 북한 경제와 북·중경협 현황 및 평가 / 외교안보연구소
아시아인프라투자은행(AIIB) 출범 2년 평가: 중국의 경제외교 수단 vs. 다자개발은행 / 외교안보연구소
수교 25주년 한중관계, 위기관리를 통한 리질리언스 강화 시급 / 통일연구원
Accounting for the Role of ICT in Chinas Productivity Growth / RIETI
Assessing the North Korean Crisis / BESA
China’s Economic Growth: Quantity over Quality / CASE
North Korea and Asias Evolving Nuclear Landscape: Challenges to Regional Stability / NBR
North Korea: The Non-Nuclear, Non-Missile Crisis and the Shape of Things to Come / CSIS
On the Relationship Between Quality and Productivity: Evidence from Chinas ... / NBER
R&D Efficiency in High-Tech Firms in China / MPRA
The effect of inward FDI on economic growth: The case of Chinese provinces / MPRA
2017年上半期の日中貿易(2017年8月) / JETRO
金砖国家推动本币国际化:中国经验与合作策略 / IWEP
美国启动的301调查或以中美磋商的方式解决 / IWEP
中国-东盟自由贸易区的经济影响和减贫效应 / CCER
외환위기 쓰나미 겪은 지 스무 해 새로운 도전 직면한 아시아 국가들 / 포스코경영연구소
Climate Change Profile of Pakistan / ADB
Climate Policies under Climate Model Uncertainty: Max-Min and Min-Max Regret / CESifo
Emissions and Growth: Trends and Cycles in a Globalized World / IMF
Exchange Market Pressure: Evidences from ASEAN Inflation Targeting Countries / MPRA
Global Demographic Change and Climate Policies / CESifo
Globalization and State Capitalism: Assessing Vietnam’s Accession to the WTO / CESifo
Globalization, Structural Change, and Interregional Productivity Growth in the ... / ADBI
Growth Pro-Poorness from an Intertemporal Perspective with an Application to ... / ADBI
India-Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement:Sri Lanka reaping the benefits from ... / ESCAP
Oil Supply Resilience in ASEAN / ERIA
Infrastructure Financing Strategies for Sustainable Development in South-East Asia / ESCAP
Rethinking the Power of Forward Guidance: Lessons from Japan / NBER
Should China join the GPEDC? The prospects for China and the Global Partnership for ... / GDI
Who Bears the Economic Costs of Environmental Regulations? / NBER
Voices of ASEAN: What Does ASEAN Mean to ASEAN Peoples? / ERIA
Development state evolving: Japan’s graduation from a middle income country / CIRJE
The Landscape of Economic Growth: Do Middle-Income Countries Differ? / ADB
Together We Deliver: 50 Stories of ADBs Partnerships in Asia and the Pacific / ADB
Why is Japan’s inward FDI so low? / JCER
2017년 하반기 국제 원유 시황과 유가 전망 / 에너지경제연구원
최근 유로화 강세의 유로존 경제 영향 / 국제금융센터
A Roadmap for U.S.-Russia Relations / CSIS
Brexit and The Impact of Gradual Economic Integration on Export / Tinbergen
Central Asia’s Silk Road Rivalries / ICG
Consumption and income inequality in the US since the 1960s / AEI
Does Trade Credit Really Help Relieving Financial Constraints? ... Italian firms / CERBE
Don’t Trade Away Progress with Mexico / CSIS
From Soviets to Oligarchs: Inequality and Property in Russia, 1905-2016 / NBER
Goods and Factor Market Integration: A Quantitative Assessment of the EU ... / NBER
Openness and the Effects of Monetary Policy in Africa / MPRA
Riding the Wave: Finland in the Changing Tides of Globalisation / ETLA
Smart industrialisation through trade in the context of Africa’s transformation / ODI
The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in sub-Saharan Africa / CEPR
The Moscow market in country’s economic space / MPRA
The Role of Gravity Models in Estimating the Economic Impact of Brexit / GEE
Zimbabwe: a roadmap for economic transformation / ODI


대북경제제재의 효과와 시사점 [ 한국경제연구원 ]
세계금융위기 이후 미중 통화금융 패권 경쟁과 통화전쟁: 통화금융책략의 관점 [ 동아시아연구원 ]
한-미 FTA 발효 후 상품교역현황 변화 분석 및 상호협력모델 연구 [ 국제원산지정보원 ]
한중수교 25년사 [ 성균중국연구소 ]
Economics of Monetary Union [ Oxford University Press ]
비소장도서 (자료구입신청 가능)
국제금융론 12판 [ 시그마프레스 ]
Southeast Asia in the New International Era [ Westview Press ]
The New Politics of Trade : Lessons from TTIP [ Columbia University Press ]
The Sharing Economy : The End of Employment and the Rise of Crowd-Based Capitalism [ MIT ]
The Paradox of Risk: Leaving the Monetary Policy Comfort Zone [ PIIE ]
“一带一路”战略下的区域经贸发展——海南岛、北部湾与环南海 [ 中国经济出版社 ]


주요경제 동향자료 E-mail서비스 관련 문의는 meg2919@kiep.go.kr 로 해주시기 바랍니다.
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