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[KIEP WebZine] 주요경제 동향자료 : Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean 2017 (No.7)

  • 작성일2017/08/16
  • 조회수865
주요경제 동향자료
No. 7
2017. 8. 16


주제별 이슈

외환리스크 변화에 따른 외환정책 방향 / LG경제연구원
An Inquiry Concerning Long-term US Interest Rates Using Monthly Data / Levy
Central Bank Digital Currency And The Future Of Monetary Policy / Hoover
Economic diversification: Explaining the pattern of diversification in the global ... / MERIT
Fixed on Flexible: Rethinking Exchange Rate Regimes after the Great Recession / CEPR
Globalization and the Increasing Correlation between Capital Inflows and Outflows / NBER
Level and Volatility Factors in Macroeconomic Data / NBER
Macro and Micro Dynamics of Productivity: From Devilish Details to Insights / NBER
Monetary Policy in the Capitals of Capital / NBER
Monetary Policy in a Low Interest Rate World / FRB
Quantitative Easing and Long‐Term Yields in Small Open Economies / Bank of Canada
Ownership structure and productivity of multinationals / EBRD
Stabilizing the System of Mortgage Finance in the United States / IMF
The Effects of Fiscal Consolidations: Theory and Evidence / Cato
The FinTech Opportunity / BIS
Why should the world care? : Analysis, mechanisms and spillovers of the destination ... / ECB
한미 서비스 분야 통상 현황과 FTA 대응 방향 / 국회입법조사처
한·미 FTA 개정 관련 절차적 쟁점과 시나리오별 적용 검토 / 국회입법조사처
FDI and Domestic Productivity: Identifying Knowledge Spillovers and Competition Effects / NBER
Online Exports and the Wage Gap / World Bank
On the heterogeneous effects of non-tariff measures / UNCTAD
Relationship Specificity, Market Thickness, and International Trade / RIETI
Text-as-data analysis of preferential trade agreements: Mapping the PTA landscape / UNCTAD
The effect of inward FDI on economic growth: The case of Chinese provinces / MPRA
The trade effects of tariffs and non-tariff changes of preferential trade agreements / CAMA
The Trade Finance Program and Its Role in Lifting Impediments to Trade / ADB
Time-Varying Impacts of Financial Credits on Firm Exports: Evidence from Trade ... / MPRA
Toward a Canada-China FTA: 8 Points to Consider for Pursuing Free Trade with China / APFC
World Tariff Profiles 2017 / WTO
ジェトロ世界貿易投資報告 2017年版 / JETRO
2016년 북한의 대외무역 동향 / KOTRA
北·中 비공식무역 확장 현황 및 관련 검토사항 / 통일연구원
신정부의 출범과 대중정책, 신정부의 출범과 대일정책 / 안보문제연구소
Exporting and Frictions in Input Markets: Evidence from Chinese Data / FRB
North Korea: A New IR Theory? / BESA
North Korea and Asias Evolving Nuclear Landscape: Challenges to Regional Stability / NBR
North Korean Brinksmanship on Trump’s Nuclear “Red Line” / BESA
R&D Efficiency in High-Tech Firms in China / MPRA
U.N. Sanctions Against North Korea: A Look Back / KEIA
Understanding the interactions between emissions trading systems and ... / World Bank
What the U.S. Can Do About North Korea / CFR
2017 中国企业跨境并购特别报告 / DealGlobe
美国贸易政策应遵循WTO原则 / IWEP
中美经贸关系尚需砥砺前行 / IWEP
中国経済展望2017年8月号:中国経済の好調は持続 / 日本総合研究所
中国経済の回復局面は続くのか~今後は在庫調整や金融規制等が景気を下押し / みずほ総合研究所
동아시아 다자협력 활성화를 위한 문재인 정부의 정책 제안 / 아산정책연구원
실용적 한일관계는 가능한가? -동북아 안보를 위한 한일협력 제언을 중심으로 / 연세대학교 통일연구원
인도 모디 정부의 개혁정책 평가 및 과제 / 국제금융센터
주요국 정책으로 살펴본 우리나라 제4차산업혁명 정책 수립 방향 / 현대경제연구원
A Survey of Global Impacts of Climate Change: Replication, Survey Methods, and ... / NBER
Building local responsiveness in employment and skills systems in Southeast Asia / OECD
Does the energy-environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis sustain in the Asia-Pacific ... / MPRA
Estimating the Value of New Generation Internet Based Applications in India / ICRIER
Evaluating Impacts of Cross-Border Transport Infrastructure in the Greater Mekong ... / ADBI
The Energy Industry in Southeast Asia / CSIS
Financial Inclusion, Regulation, and Education: Asian Perspectives / ADBI
How can environmental regulations spur international trade? / ADBI
Myanmar’s engagement in regional integration: Status and way forward / ESCAP
Multilateralism under stress / Brookings
Regional Order Reconfigured: China, Japan, and the United States in the Evolving ... / EWC
Rowing Against the Tide? Batam’s Economic Fortunes in Today’s Indonesia / ISEAS
Survey of Big Data Use and Innovation in Japanese Manufacturing Firms / RIETI
The Landscape of Economic Growth: Do Middle-Income Countries Differ? / ADB
Together We Deliver: 50 Stories of ADBs Partnerships in Asia and the Pacific / ADB
ミャンマー持続的高成長の条件~鍵となる輸出産業の集積は徐々に進展へ / みずほ総合研究所
IoT/AIが雇用に与える影響と社会政策 in 第4次産業革命 / RIETI
브렉시트 협상 현황과 쟁점 / 국제금융센터
신정부의 출범과 대러시아정책, 신정부의 출범과 대유럽정책 / 안보문제연구소
EU 디지털 단일시장 전략의 평가와 시사점 / KOTRA
10 years since the start of the crisis: back to recovery thanks to decisive EU action / EUROPA
Aid Volatility and Structural Economic Transformation in sub-Saharan Africa / ERSA
American public support for foreign aid in the age of Trump / Brookings
Brexit and The Impact of Gradual Economic Integration on Export / Tinbergen
Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America and the Caribbean 2017 / ECLAC
Goods and Factor Market Integration: A Quantitative Assessment of the EU Enlargement / CEP
Indices of Regional Economic Activity for Russia / HSE
Is Germany’s current account surplus bad for the world economy? / CEPS
Institutions and firms’ internationalization: three Middle East countries / Economix
National accounts studies of the Arab region, No. 35 / ESCWA
OECD Economic Surveys: Argentina 2017 / OECD
The effect of tax harmonisation in the Southern African Devt Community on FDI / ERSA
Smart industrialisation through trade in the context of Africa’s transformation / ODI
Why is South Africa Still a Developing Country? / MPRA
米国の対露制裁強化とその影響~短期的にはロシア経済への影響は限定的 / みずほ総合研究所


대한민국 제4차 산업혁명 [ ETRI ]
산업별 글로벌시장 진출 전략 보고서 [ 분야별 6권 ] [ KOTRA ]
미일 FTA에 따른 한국 산업의 경제적 파급효과 분석 [ 한국경제연구원 ]
Growth, Employment, and Poverty in Latin America [ Oxford University Press ]
The Right Balance for Banks: Theory and Evidence on Optimal Capital Requirements [ PIIE ]
Trade Profiles 2017 [ WTO ]
비소장도서 (자료구입신청 가능)
India-Pakistan Trade Normalisation [ Springer ]
Principles of Microeconomics An Integrative Approach [ Springer ]
The Paradox of Risk: Leaving the Monetary Policy Comfort Zone [ PIIE ]
アフリカ諸国の直面する問題を政治・経済・社会の動きから解説し、 ... [ IDE-JETRO ]
다시, 중국의 길을 묻다 [ 성균관대학교출판부 ]
聚力供给侧:宏观经济形势展望与深化供给侧结构性改革 [ 中国发展出版社 ]

주요경제 동향자료 E-mail서비스 관련 문의는 meg2919@kiep.go.kr 로 해주시기 바랍니다.
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