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[KIEP WebZine] 주요경제 동향자료 : Global Value Chain Development Report 2017 (No.5)

  • 작성일2017/07/17
  • 조회수731
주요경제 동향자료
No. 5
2017. 7. 17


주제별 이슈

A macro approach to international bank resolution / Bruegel
Balance-Sheet Diversification in General Equilibrium: Identification and Network Effects / CEPR
Consumption and Exchange Rate Uncertainty: Evidence from Selected Asian Countries / MPRA
Exchange Rate Choices with Inflexible Markets and Costly Price Adjustments / IMF
How Effective is Monetary Policy at the Zero Lower Bound? / FRB
Optimal Unconventional Monetary Policy in the Face of Shadow Banking / MAGKS
Populism and the Economics of Globalization / NBER
The Concert of Interests in the Age of Trump / Levy
The Exchange Rate as an Instrument of Monetary Policy / CEPR
The Global Factor in Neutral Policy Rates: Some Implications for Exchange Rates, ... / NBER
The Macroeconomic Effects of Trade Tariffs : Revisiting the Lerner Symmetry Result / IMF
Understanding Financial Fluctuations and Their Relation to Macroeconomic Stability / IDB
What remains of the G20 Hamburg Summit? / GDI
글로벌 가치사슬의 재편과 한국 산업의 대응 / KIET
문재인-트럼프 시대 한미 FTA: 과제와 전망 / 경남대 극동문제연구소
한・미 FTA 재협상 전망 / IBK 경제연구소
한·EU FTA 발효 6년, 농축산물 교역 변화와 시사점 / 한국농촌경제연구원
한미 FTA 재협상 전망과 대응방안 / 한국경제연구원
일-EU EPA 타결과 시사점 / KITA
A G20 Infrastructure Investment Program to Strengthen Global Productivity and ... / CIGI
Aid for Trade at a Glance 2017 / OECD
Arms-length trade : a source of post-crisis trade weakness / World Bank
Global value chains shed new light on trade / Brookings
Heterogeneous effects of bilateral investment treaties / MERIT
Measuring and analyzing the impact of GVCs on economic development / Brookings
Regional trade agreements, integration and development / UNCTAD
Retuning the KORUS FTA / PIIE
The future of global value chains : Business as usual or “a new normal”? / OECD
The Role of Gravity Models in Estimating the Economic Impact of Brexit / CBR
Trade Integration in Latin America: A Network Perspective / IMF
Trade Policy Review: European Union 2017 / WTO
문재인 정부 출범 이후 북핵 환경 평가와 비핵화 전략구상 모색 / 외교안보연구소
中速 성장중인 중국의 잠재 리스크 점검 / IBK경제연구소
한미 정상회담과 대북 정책 공조의 과제 / 경남대 극동문제연구소
한·미정상회담과 북한의 ICBM 발사 / KDB 산업은행
A Summit Without Fireworks Over North Korea / 38North
China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Views from along the Silk Road / NBR
How Can Greece Pay Back China? / BESA
Moon’s North Korea Policy: Reengaging North Korea to Regain Strategic ... / 아산정책연구원
On North Korea, Take Trump Seriously (for a Change) / CIGI
Should China join the GPEDC? The prospects for China and the Global Partnership for ... / GDI
The challenge of China’s rise as a science and technology powerhouse / Bruegel
The Trump administration’s North Korea policy: Headed for success or failure? / Brookings
当前国内外经济金融体系的六大潜在风险 / IWEP
“一带一路”倡议在南亚:进展、挑战及方向 / CIIS
中国産品輸入に対するAD税賦課 : 中国WTO加盟議定書15条a項ii号の失効の意味と対応策 / RIETI
中国の一帯一路構想は「相互繁栄」をもたらす新世界秩序か? / RIETI
超越分歧 走向双赢 —中美智库研究报告(中方)/ CSIS
미국·프랑스·한국 신정부 출범과 ODA 동향 / Koica
베트남 고령화 추세 진단 및 인구구조, 소비시장 변화 전망 / KITA
일본 서비스기업의 대아세안 진출전략 분석과 시사점 / Kotra
10 propositions for success: integrating international climate change commitments ... / CDKN
A Region at Risk: The Human Dimensions of Climate Change in Asia and the Pacific / ADB
ASEAN+3 Regional Economic Outlook 2017 / AMRO
Environment and Labour on the Trade Agenda: Lessons for India from the TPP ... / ICRIER
Low Fertility in Japan—No End in Sight / East-West Center
Strengthening the Creative Industries for Development in the Republic of Korea / UNCTAD
Taxation and Investment in India / OECD
Trump and Southeast Asia: going through the motions / CSIS
Win-Win: How International Trade Can Help Meet the Sustainable Development Goals / ADB
Why Has Japan Failed to Escape from Deflation? / Univ. of Tokyo
日・EU経済連携協定の大枠合意について / 経済同友会
IoTによる中堅・中小企業の競争力強化 in 第4次産業革命 / RIETI
브렉시트 이후 국내외 경제, 불확실성과 성장 둔화 리스크 증가 / LG경제연구원
브렉시트 협상기의 한·유럽 통상환경 / LG경제연구원
새 출발점에 선 한미관계: 대미(對美) 여론과 한미관계 시사점 / 아산정책연구원
한미 정상회담과 앞으로의 과제: 절반의 성공, 이제부터 시작 / 아산정책연구원
한·미 정상회담의 성과와 향후 과제 / 외교안보연구소
EU 주요국의 4차 산업혁명 대응정책과 혁신 네트워크 구축 현황 / 국제무역연구원
A New "Arab Spring" in the Persian Gulf? / BESA
After ISIS: Creating Strategic Stability in Iraq / CSIS
Changes in the relationship between interest rates and housing prices in South ... / MPRA
Cybercrime and the Digital Economy in the GCC Countries / Chatham House
Cybersecurity or Protectionism? Defusing the Most Volatile Issue in the U.S.–China ... / Cato
Import Substitution of Investment Goods in Russia (Russian) / RANEPA
Industrial Clusters, Organized Crime and Productivity Growth in Italian SMEs / CEPR
Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2017 / EUROPA
Russia’s “Pivot to Asia”: The Multilateral Dimension / NBR
The Effects of Economic Integration on Croatian Merchandise Trade: A Gravity Model ... / HNB
The Greece’s “In Principle” bailout / CASE
The Hartz myth A closer look at Germany’s labour market reforms / CER
The Informal Economy in Sub-Saharan Africa : Size and Determinants / IMF
The Mercosur Experience and Theories of Regional Integration / SciELO
Trade Integration in Latin America: A Network Perspective / IMF


미국 신정부의 경제정책과 2017년 미국 및 세계 전망 [ 세계경제연구원 ]
EU와 국제개발협력 [ 박영사 ]
Currency Conflict and Trade Policy : A New Strategy for the United States [ PIIE ]
The Iran Nuclear Agreement and Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action [ Nova Publishers ]
Will Awe Trump Rules? : The 21st Global Trade Alert Report [ CEPR ]
비소장도서 (자료구입신청 가능)
미국의 성장은 끝났는가 [ 생각의 힘 ]
上海合作组织发展报告 2017 [ 社会科学文献出版社 ]
世界能源发展报告 2017 [ 社会科学文献出版社 ]
二十国集团(G20)国家创新竞争力发展报告 2016~2017 [ 社会科学文献出版社 ]
“一带一路”建设发展报告 [ 社会科学文献出版社 ]
日本经济与中日经贸关系研究报告 2017 [ 社会科学文献出版社 ]
Chinas Eurasian Century? Political and Strategic Implications of the Belt and Road ... [ NBR ]
Corruption : What Everyone Needs to Know [ Oxford University Press ]
The First Bilateral Investment Treaties [ Oxford University Press ]

주요경제 동향자료 E-mail서비스 관련 문의는 meg2919@kiep.go.kr 로 해주시기 바랍니다.
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