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[KIEP WebZine] 주요경제 동향자료 No.1

  • 작성일2017/05/16
  • 조회수6,177
주요경제 동향자료
No. 1
2017. 5. 16


주제별 이슈

미국의 통화정책 변화 (Ⅰ): 방향성 진단 및 전망 / KCMI
A Data Survey on International Capital Flows to Developing Countries / MPRA
Asymmetric Exchange Rate Policy in Inflation Targeting Developing Countries / IPE
Dampening General Equilibrium: From Micro to Macro / NBER
Economic Growth / AEI
Global value chains and effective exchange rates at the country-sector level / BIS
Financial Integration and Liquidity Crises / NBER
Multilateral Development Banking for this Centurys Development Challenges / CGD
Top income share and economic growth: Linear and non-linear effects / ILO
Trend TFP Growth in the United States: Forecasts versus Outcomes / CEPR
세계무역 웹을 이용한 무역마찰의 영향 평가 / KIET
2017 Special 301 Report / USTR
An Advanced Guide to Trade Policy Analysis: The Structural Gravity Model / UNCTAD
Global value chains, innovation and firms’ performance during the crisis / NPP
International Trade Before and After Trump / ECES
International trade consequences of climate change / OECD
Mapping the Digital Frontiers of Trade and Intellectual Property / CIGI
Review of Intra-ASEAN Nontariff Measures on Trade in Goods / PIDS
The Evolution of Non-Tariff Measures and their Diverse Effects on Trade / WIIW
Trade in services related to the environment / OECD
What to do when foreign direct investment is not direct or foreign : FDI round tripping / WB
2017년 중국의 경제정책과 진출 시사점 : 전인대(3/5~15일) <정부업무보고>를 중심으로 / kotra
대북제재로 인한 북중 접경지역에서의 무역 거래관행 변화 분석 / KDI
새 정부의 경제 및 대북 정책 기대효과 / 현대경제연.
최근 한중 상호간 경제 손실 점검과 대응 방안 - 한중 간 경제 협력 관계 ... / 현대경제연.
Assessing Chinas Leadership in the North Korean Crisis / 38North
Capital Accumulation, Private Property and Rising Inequality in China, 1978-2015 / NBER
China’s Role in Central Asia / CSIS
North Korea Policy: Failure is the Only Option / EWC
To what extent can China influence North Korea? / EAF
The Nexus of Monetary Policy and Shadow Banking in China / NBER
中国对“一带一路”沿线国家金融支持的特征、挑战与对策 / IWEP
重视并应对美国进入加息周期对我国市场的阶段性与结构性影响 / IWEP
사드 배치를 둘러싼 미 중의 핵전략 게임과 한국의 대응방향 / 경기연구원
독일·일본의 4차 산업혁명 대응정책과 시사점 / 산은경제연.
Asia-Pacific Countries with Special Needs Development Report 2017 / ESCAP
Documenting Myanmars social transformation / World Bank
Enhancing transparency of climate change mitigation under the Paris Agreement / OECD
Institutional Policy and Economic Impacts of Energy Subsidies Removal in East Asia / ERIA
Japan–Korea Trade Liberalization Revisited:The Role of Armington Elasticities / IDE
New innovation approaches to support the implementation of the SDGs / UNCTAD
Regulatory policy in India : Moving towards regulatory governance / OECD
South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation Vision: Powering Asia in the 21st Century / ADB
The Evolving Multilayered Global Financial Safety Net: Southeast Asian ... / ADB
The Macroeconomic Effects of Japans Unconventional Monetary Policies / RIETI
Toward a Comprehensive Approach to Climate Policy, Sustainable Infrastructure ... / CIGI
2017年の経済見通し(世界56カ国・地域)(2017年5月) / JETRO
トランポノミクスと日本 / NIRA
트럼프 취임 100일과 미 통상·경제정책 평가 및 주요국 대응현황 / kotra
A New President in France / INSS
Budgetary stability and structural reforms in Spain / BBVA
Central Asia at 25 / Bruegel
European Economic Forecast-Spring 2017 / EUROPA
Germany and Greece: A mapping of their great divide and its EU implications / MPRA
Staying Connected: Key Elements for UK–EU27 Energy Cooperation After Brexit / CH
Tax Reform and Savings: Lessons from Canada and the United Kingdom / Cato
The Africa Competitiveness Report 2017 / AFDB
The effect of financial inclusion on welfare in sub-Saharan Africa / ERSA
The European Construction Value Chain: Performance, Challenges and Role in the GVC / WIIW
The French Economy, European Authorities, and the IMF / CEPR,US
The Nordic model of economic development: shocks, reforms and future prospects / IPE
U.S. Economic Outlook: Seven years of steady but tepid growth / ECLAC
Why stagflation matters for Africas economic transformation / ODI


통일준비백서 (소장) [ 통일준비위원회 ]
필립 코틀러의 마켓 4.0 4차 산업혁명이 뒤바꾼 시장을 선점하라 (비소장) [ 더퀘스트 ]
Anti-Piketty Capital for the 21st Century (비소장) [ CATO Institute ]
Conservatives Against Capitalism : From the Industrial Revolution to ... (비소장) [ CUP ]
Preparing North Korean Elites for Unification (소장) [ Rand Corp. ]
Trading Barriers: Immigration and the Remaking of Globalization (비소장) [ Princeton Univ. ]
中国区域经济发展报告 2016~2017 (비소장) [ 社会科学文献出版社 ]
中国对外直接投资与国家风险报告 (비소장) [ 社会科学文献出版社 ]

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