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[KIEP WebZine] 해외주요기관자료속보 Vol.16 No. 23

  • 작성일2016/06/22
  • 조회수676
KIEP 정보자료센터 - 웹진 서비스 해외주요기관자료속보
ISSN 1976-4014 Vol.16 No.23
    2016. 6. 22

Hot Issue

New Reports

Accession Clause of TPP: Is it really open? [ IDE ]
Brexit Is a Bad Trade [ PIIE ]
Bridging global infrastructure gaps [ Mckinsey ]
Coal, Gas, or Nuclear: Asia’s Inconvenient Energy Choice [ NBR ]
Enabling Trade: Unlocking the Potential of Mexico and Vietnam [ WEF ]
Enhancing India-Myanmar Border Trade : Policy and Implementation Measures [ RIS ]
German economy on a stable growth path : DIW economic outlook 24+25 [ DIW ]
Import Substitution and Economic Sovereignty in Russia [ CH ]
Inflation targeting and exchange rate volatility in emerging markets [ WB ]
Is financial sector development an engine of economic growth? evidence from India [ MPRA ]
Macro, Money and Finance: A Continuous Time Approach [ CEPR ]
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs): Did they change social reality? [ MERIT ]
Monetary Policy Implementation and Volatility Transmission along the Yield Curve [ IMF ]
Monetary Policy Rules in Emerging Countries: Is There an Augmented Nonlinear ... [ DIW ]
Probable Economic Effects of Certain Modifications to the CAFTA-DR Rules of Origin [ USITC ]
The Analytics of the Greek Crisis [ CEPR ]
The Impact of Finance on the Performance of Thai Manufacturing SMEs [ ADB ]
The New Great Game: Changing Global Energy Markets, The Re-Emergent Strategic ... [ CNAS ]
The Principle of Targeting in Energy and Environmental Policy [ Fraser Institute ]
The Staying Power of Staggered Wage and Price Setting Models in Macroeconomics [ NBER ]
Understanding the changing equilibrium real interest rates in Asia-Pacific [ BIS ]
Westward ho―the China dream and ‘one belt, one road’: Chinese foreign policy ... [ CH ]
2030年までの地域の經濟·産業展望-經濟成長の牽引役となる産業は何か [ CRIEPI ]
「ブレグジット」の日本經濟への影響 [ MUFG ]
イランビジネスガイドブック~經濟制裁解除のポイントとビジネスの魅力 [ JETRO ]


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