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[KIEP WebZine] 해외주요기관자료속보 Vol.16 No. 13-14

  • 작성일2016/04/20
  • 조회수494
ISSN 1976-4014 Vol.16 No.13-14
2016. 4. 20

Hot Issue

New Reports

25 Years for Northeast Asia [ ERINA ]
Advancing Financial Development in Latin America and the Caribbean [ IMF ]
An age of choice for development finance: evidence from country case studies [ ODI ]
Breaking the Oil Spell : The Gulf Falcons Path to Diversification [ IMF ]
Can Currency Competition Work? [ FRB ]
Chile: Better skills for inclusive growth [ OECD ]
China as a Development Actor in Southeast Asia [ IDS]
Crisis Transmission in the Global Banking Network [ GEG ]
Does Trade Liberalization with China Influence U.S. Elections? [ NBER ]
Doves for the Rich, Hawks for the Poor? Distributional Consequences of Monetary ... [ CEPR ]
Emissions Trading Schemes and Their Linking: Challenges and Opportunities in Asia ... [ ADB ]
How Multi-Destination Firms Shape the Effect of Exchange Rate Volatility on Trade [ CEPII ]
How to Remove Remaining Barriers to Economic Freedom in Spain [ Heritage ]
Making development cooperation on climate change sensitive to ...[ UN ]
Projecting progress: the SDGs in sub-Saharan Africa [ ODI ]
Quantifying the Effects of Trade Liberalisation in Brazil : A CGE Model Simulation [ OECD ]
Secular Stagnation in the Open Economy [ NBER ]
Structural Reform and Growth : What Really Matters? Evidence from the Caribbean [ IMF ]
Tax Administration Reform in China : Achievements, Challenges, and Reform Priorities [ IMF ]
The AIIB and investment in action on climate change [ ODI ]
The BRICS in International Development: The New Landscape [ IDS ]
The Design of Trade Agreements [ NBER ]
The European Union’s growing innovation divide [ Bruegel ]
The Impact of the Natl Minimum Wage on Industry-Level Wage Bargaining in France [ CEPR ]
What Can the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Learn from Other Development ... [ IDS ]
朴槿惠政權のFTA政策 : 韓中FTAとTPPへの對應を中心に [ ITI ]
日本産業構造の長期分析;相手地域別輸入構造の變化 [ ITI ]
日本のTPP貿易 RCEP貿易 ~TPPによる對米輸出への影響 [ ITI ]


해외주요기관자료속보 E-mail서비스 관련 문의는 meg2919@kiep.go.kr 로 해주시기 바랍니다.
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  • Journal of East Asian Economic Integration
  • CSF 중국전문가포럼
  • Emerics
  • KEI

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