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APEC 연구컨소시엄

The Pacific Food System Outlook 2008-2009

  • 작성일2008/11/12
  • 분류전망그룹
  • 조회수2,574
The Pacific Food System Outlook 2008-2009 will be released on 19th November in Lima. This year’s report focuses on climate change and its ramifications for the Asia Pacific food system. It identifies the potential public and private sector responses to the daunting future challenges of this issue. The group examines recent evidence of climate change; the potential long-term impacts on agriculture, food security, and the broader food system; and the nature of adaptive and mitigation measures the government and private sectors should consider to maximize opportunities and minimize potential adverse economic impacts. ISEAS again publishes this year report for PECC and copies are available for purchase at: http://bookshop.iseas.edu.sg For more information on the project please contact: Walter J. Armbruster, Farm Foundation, walt@farmfoundation.org Willam T. Coyle, USDA Economic Research Service, wcoyle@ers.usda.gov www.pecc.org/food
