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APEC 연구컨소시엄

Prospects for Regional FTA(s) in Northeast Asia - KIEP

  • 게시일2007/01/02 00:00
  • 분류기타
  • 조회수4,720
대외경제정책연구원과 한국동북아경제학회는 동북아 주요국의 학자들을 모시고 "Prospects for Regional FTA(s) in Northeast Asia"라는 주제로 국제세미나를 개최하였습니다. <첨부> 1. Some thoughts on Northeast Asian FTA 2. Obstacles and Variables of Northeast Asian FTA(s): Economic Obstacles 3. Japanese Perspective Preliminary draft 4. FTA Policies of CJK and Prospects of CJK FTA: Korean Perspective 5. International Environment for a Northeast Asian Community


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