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APEC 연구컨소시엄

제17차 PECC 총회 발표자료

  • 작성일2007/05/07
  • 분류PECC 총회
  • 조회수5,448
"Managing the Challenges of Growth"를 주제로 5월1일-2일, 호주 시드니에서 개최된 제17차 PECC 총회 발표자료(ppt)입니다. o Opening Address David Spenser, Australian Ambassador for APEC and Chair of APEC Senior Officials’ Meeting o 세션1 (The State of the Region) 1. Mark Johnson, Chair, APEC Business Advisory Council 2. Dr Philippa Dee, Crawford School of Economics, The Australian National University 3. Dr Luis Riveros, Asia Latin America Centre, University of Chile 4. Prof John Wong, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore o 세션2 (The Role of Public Private Partnerships) 1. Nicholas Grambas, Executive Director Macquarie Securities, Korea 2. Adrian Kloeden, Chairman Serco Pty Ltd 3. Yves Cousquer, French Pacific Territories PECC 4. Joachim Bitterlich, Ambassador (ret), Executive Vice President International Affairs, Veolia, Paris o 세션3 (Building Institutions to Serve the Region) 발표자료 없음 o Dinner Presentation Stephanie Fahey, Deputy Vice Chancellor and Vice President (International) o 세션4 (Demographic Change, Growth and Integration) 1. Prof Graeme Hugo, National Centre for Social Applications of Geographic Information Systems, University of Adelaide 2. Dr Chia Siow Yue, Senior Research Fellow, Singapore Institute of International Affairs 3. Prof Howard Dick, University of Melbourne 4. Dr Marla Asis, Scalabrini Migration Centre, Philippines 5. Professor Akira Kohsaka, PECC Pacific Economic Outlook project o Ministerial Address The Hon Warren Truss MP, Minister for Trade o 세션5 (Energy and the Environment) 1. Prof Warwick McKibbin, The Australian National University, Canberra 2. Dr Tony Beck, Australasian Emissions Trading Forum 3. Dr David Hong, President, Taiwan Institute of Economic Research 4. Colin Whyte, General Manager, Sustainable Development, Xstrata Coal 5. Mr Liu Qiang, Energy Research Institute, China


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