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[미 KEI] Korea in Asia: Korea's Development, Asian Regionalism, and U.S.-Korea Economic Relations 발간

  • 작성일2003/10/06
  • 분류일반공지
  • 조회수3,118
미 한국경제연구소(Korea Economic Institute, Washington, D.C.)에서 한국경제 발전과정과 아시아에서의 역할에 관한 Dr. Claude Barfield의 연구서 Korea in Asia: Koreas Development, Asian Regionalism, and U.S.-Korea Economic Relations (Special Studies Series 1)를 발간하였다.

1. Introduction and Historical Background
2. The Korean Development Model: Past and Present
3. The Evolution of Koreas Trade and Investment Patterns
4. The ise of Asian Regionalism in the context of Worldwide Trends
5. Propects for Future U.S._Korea Trade and Investment Relations


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