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[KIEP WebZine] 해외주요기관자료속보 Vol.16 No. 25

  • 작성일2016/07/06
  • 조회수535
KIEP 정보자료센터 - 웹진 서비스 해외주요기관자료속보
ISSN 1976-4014 Vol.16 No.25
    2016. 7. 6

Hot Issue

New Reports

A spare tire for capital markets: Fostering corporate bond markets in Asia [ BIS ]
Aging, trade, and migration [ WB ]
Backwardness, Industrialisation and Economic Development in Europe [ WIIW ]
Brexit versus Grexit: Why you might call a referendum and then reject its outcome [ VOXEU ]
Chinas Choice : Capturing the $5 Trillion Productivity Opportunity [ MGI ]
Collateral damage: The impact of the Russia sanctions on sanctioning ... [ CEPII ]
Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) between INDIA and JAPAN [ FREIT ]
Currencies pressured amid Brexit: currency policy matters for development [ ODI ]
Enhancing private investment in the Netherlands [ OECD ]
Euro Currency Risk and the Geography of Debt Flows to Peripheral EMU Members [ WB ]
European Union, Trade in goods with North Korea [ EUROPA ]
Flexibility versus stability. A difficult trade-off in the Eurozone [ CEPR ]
Forecast in Capital Markets [ MPRA ]
Greenfield Foreign Direct Investment and Structural Reforms in Europe [ EUROPA ]
OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2016-2025 [ OECD ]
Policy Options for Competitiveness and Economic Development in the Western Balkans [ WIIW ]
Services Policy Review of Bangladesh (I) [ UNCTAD ]
Services Policy Review of Bangladesh (II) [ UNCTAD ]
Social mobility during South Africa’s industrial take-off [ ERSA ]
Spatial development and agglomeration economies in services : lessons from India [ WB ]
Supply Chain Finance and SMEs: Evidence from international factoring data [ WTO ]
Syria’s Conflict Economy [ IMF ]
What Enables Effective Intl Climate Finance in the Context of Devt Co-operation? [ OECD ]
What does Brexit mean for trade? [ WEF ]
アベノミクス「3つの變調」を探る [ JRI ]
中國制造業就業動態硏究 [ IWEP ]
國際發展融資體系如何推動發展中國家的包容性增長 [ IWEP ]

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