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[KIEP WebZine] 해외주요기관자료속보 Vol.16 No. 9

  • 작성일2016/03/16
  • 조회수747
KIEP 정보자료센터 - 웹진 서비스
KIEP http://www.kiep.go.kr
2016년 3월 16일 Vol.16 No. 9
ISSN 1976-4014
Hot Issue
KIEP, Time to Rethink Monetary Policy in Emerging Economies: Touching the tip of an iceberg
NBER, Global Energy Outlook 2015
OECD, OECD Economic Surveys: Greece 2016
USTR, 2016 Trade Policy Agenda and 2015 Annual Report
The Dynamics of Capital Flow Episodes [ BoC ]
Finance, Labour, Capital, and International Integration [ CEPR ]
Exchange Rates and Macro News in Emerging Markets [ DIW ]
A New Dilemma: Capital Controls and Monetary Policy in Sudden-Stop Economies [ HKIMR ]
Destabilizing an Unstable Economy [ Levy ]
Fiscal and Financial Crises [ NBER ]
The Macroeconomic Impact of Financial and Uncertainty Shocks [ NBER ]
Financial Market Development in Host and Source Countries and Its Effects on Bilateral FDI [ IFW ]
Singapore’s Export Elasticities : A Disaggregated Look into the Role of Global Value Chains and Economic Complexity [ IMF ]
Quantitative Models of Commercial Policy [ NBER ]
The Purpose of Trade Agreements [ NBER ]
Do Environmental Policies affect Global Value Chains? [ OECD ]
Investment Policy Review: Kyrgyzstan [ UNCTAD ]
Who Disapproves of TTIP? : Multiple Distrust in Companies and Political Institutions [ WIFO ]
Xi Jinping on the Global Stage : Chinese Foreign Policy Under a Powerful but Exposed Leader [ CFR ]
國際體系變革中的世界經濟走勢 [ CIIS ]
North Korea’s Audaciousness Changes the Status-Quo in Northeast Asia [ EWC ]
North Korea Emphasizes Economic Independence amid Pending International Sanctions [ IFES ]
2016年2月中國經濟金融形勢評論 [ IMI ]
The Implications of the North Korean Human Rights Act and Future Challenges [ KINU ]
Employment and Starting Wages of New Graduates in China: Using the latest available survey data [ RIETI ]
Debt Dynamics, Fiscal Deficit, and Stability in Government Borrowing in India: A Dynamic Panel Analysis [ ADB ]
Regional Financing in Germany and Spain: Comparative Reform Perspectives [ BBVA ]
Egypts Economic Profile [ ECES ]
Taming Indian Inflation [ IMF ]
韓國企業のメコン地域戰略 -ベトナムを中心に [ ITI ]
Malaysias Capital Market Masterplan, 2001-2010: A Case Study [ Milken ]
Technology Acquisition, Catching Up and Competitiveness in Pakistan [ PIDE ]
Welfare dynamics with synthetic panels : the case of the Arab world in transition [ WB ]
New Dynamics for Europe: Reaping the Benefits of Socio-ecological Transition [ WIFO ]
2015年版 開發協力白書 : 日本の國際協力 [ 外務省 ]
日本の統計2016 [ 總務省 ]
Too late, too sudden: Transition to a low-carbon economy and systemic risk [ CEPS ]
The Paris Agreement 2015 : Turning Point for the International Climate Regime [ SWP ]
주    제: "New Generation of FTAs and their Implications on Health Systems and Policies"
포    럼 : ARTNeT-LES Seminar
일    시 : 11 Mar 2016
주    최 : ESCAP
해외주요기관자료속보 E- mail서비스 관련 문의는 meg2919@kiep.go.kr 로 해주시기 바랍니다.
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