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[KIEP WebZine] 해외주요기관자료속보 Vol.16 No. 2

  • 작성일2016/01/13
  • 조회수670
KIEP 정보자료센터 - 웹진 서비스
KIEP http://www.kiep.go.kr
2016년 1월 13일 Vol.16 No.2
ISSN 1976-4014
Hot Issue
Brookings, The top economic issues in 2016
KIEP, The China Risk and Koreas Response
WB, Global Economic Prospects : Spillovers amid Weak Growth
Financial Regulation Outlook. Special Edition (January 2016) [ BBVA ]
Labour reallocation and productivity dynamics: financial causes, real consequences [ BIS ]
Asia infrastructure financing : Getting it right would lift medium-term growth [ DB ]
Islamic Banking, Credit and Economic Growth : Some Empirical Evidence [ DIW ]
After Paris: Fiscal, Macroeconomic and Financial Implications of Global Climate Change [ IMF ]
Non-Linear Exchange Rate Pass-Through in Emerging Markets [ IMF ]
Macroeconomic Regimes and Regime Shifts [ NBER ]
Understanding Inflation as a Joint Monetary-Fiscal Phenomenon [ NBER ]
Currency Manipulation in 2016 [ PIIE ]
Financialisation: A Primer [ TNI ]
The 2008 Financial Crisis and the Lack of Retaliatory Trade Intervention [ NBER ]
Taiwan and Regional Trade Organizations: An Urgent Need for Fresh Ideas [ NBR ]
Estimating the Impacts of FTA on Foreign Trade: An analysis of extensive and intensive trade margins for the Japan-Mexico FTA [ RIETI ]
After Nairobi, what lies ahead for world trade? [ WEF ]
Chinas Reaction to North Koreas Nuclear Test [ CSIS ]
世界经济如何摆脱“长期性停滞”? [ IWEP ]
中国对“一带一路”沿线国家投资的特征与风险? [ IWEP ]
人民币汇率形成机制改革尚未结束 [ IWEP ]
从欧洲汇率目标区制看人民币汇改下一站 [ IWEP ]
北朝鮮リスクと日韓協力 [ JCER ]
The Fourth Test: The China Dimension [ PIIE ]
「新常態」における経済政策の軸となる「供給側改革」~五中全会と中央経済工作会議の議論を踏まえて - 中国経済新論:中国の経済改革 [ RIETI ]
Foresight Africa: Top priorities for the continent in 2016 [ Brookings ]
Russia’s Sovereign Globalization: Rise, Fall and Future [ CH ]
The rise of Islamic finance: post-colonial market-building in central Asia and Russia [ CH ]
Credit Supply Shocks in the Netherlands [ CPB ]
Asia-Pacific Migration Report 2015 [ ESCAP ]
Diversifying India’s Services Exports through SEZs: Status, Issues and the Way Forward [ ICRIER ]
Fiscal Sustainability and Demographic Change: A Micro Approach for 27 EU Countries [ IZA ]
How Long Before Growth and Employment Are Restored in Greece? [ Levy ]
The Effects of Asymmetric Shocks in Oil Prices on the Performance of the Libyan Economy [ MPRA ]
EU Accession and Foreign Owned Firms in Bulgaria [ NBER ]
Strategy, Structure and Resourcing in UK Trades Unions [ NIESR ]
KIEP, Journal of East Asian Economic Integration 2015 Vol.19, No. 4

1. Comparing the Global and Merged with the Local and Separate: On a Downside to the Integration of Regions and Nations

2. Time-varying Co-movements and Contagion Effects in Asian Sovereign CDS Markets

3. Decrease in the Growth of Domestic Demand in Korea
해외주요기관자료속보 E- mail서비스 관련 문의는 meg2919@kiep.go.kr 로 해주시기 바랍니다.
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