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[KIEP WebZine] 해외주요기관자료속보 Vol.15 No. 46

  • 작성일2015/11/18
  • 조회수555
KIEP 정보자료센터 - 웹진 서비스
KIEP http://www.kiep.go.kr
2015년 11월 18일 Vol.15 No.46
ISSN 1976-4014
Hot Issue
APEC, Key Trends and Developments Relating to Trade and Investment Measures and their Impact on the APEC Region
IMF, Regional Economic Issues : Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe 2015 - Reconciling Fiscal Consolidation and Growth
WTO, International Trade Statistics 2015
Is the Dodd-Frank Act responsible for the economy’s slow recovery from the financial crisis and the ensuing recession? [ AEI ]
Finalising post-crisis reforms: an update - A report to G20 Leaders [ BIS ]
Is globalisation reducing the ability of central banks to control inflation? [ Bruegel ]
Risk Sharing in a World Economy with Uncertainty Shocks [ CEPR ]
Foreign Aid, Poor Data, and the Fragility of Macroeconomic Inference [ CREDIT ]
Inflation and Activity – Two Explorations and their Monetary Policy Implications [ NBER ]
Guidebook on Trade and Supply Chain Finance [ APEC ]
Services in Global Value Chains: Manufacturing-Related Services [ APEC ]
Betting on Exports: Trade and Endogenous Heterogeneity [ CEPR ]
Quality and the Great Trade Collapse [ CEPR ]
The Tide Turns? Trade, Protectionism, and Slowing Global Growth [ CEPR ]
環太平洋パートナーシップ協定の影響 [ IDE ]
グローバル経済における企業と貿易政策 [ RIETI ]
Obama-Xi Summit: What Happened & What Comes Next in US-China Relations [ 100KStrong ]
North Korea’s “Epic Economic Fail”in International Perspective [ AIPS ]
亚洲开发银行的治理结构与战略调整 [ IWEP ]
六大经济走廊布局 “一带一路”顶层设计 [ IWEP ]
越南与TPP:倒逼改革,开放先行 [ IWEP ]
Analyzing the TFP Performance of Chinese Industrial Enterprises [ MPRA ]
RMBI or RMBR: Is the Renminbi Destined to Become a Global or Regional Currency? [ NBER ]
Economic Report on Nigeria, Special Edition 2015 [ AFDB ]
The growing intergenerational divide in Europe [ Bruegel ]
Towards a Workable and Effective Climate Regime [ CEPR ]
The Economic Impact of Sanctions against Russia: Much ado about very little [ CEPS ]
Gain or more pain in Spain? [ CER ]
Framing the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Post- 2015 [ ERIA ]
Youth Unemployment and Active Labor Market Policies in Europe [ IZA ]
Understanding the Evolution of Japans Exports [ RIETI ]
国際マクロから考える日本経済の課題 [ RIETI ]
Greek Crisis: Implications for Asia and Europe [ RSIS ]
2014 SAIS U.S.-Korea Yearbook [ SAIS ]
World Energy Outlook 2015 [ OECD ]
주    제: "The Mutual Review of Development Effectiveness in Africa 2015"
포    럼 : African Economic Conference
일    시 : 2-4 November 2015
주    최 : Economic Commission for Africa and the OECD
해외주요기관자료속보 E- mail서비스 관련 문의는 meg2919@kiep.go.kr 로 해주시기 바랍니다.
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