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[KIEP WebZine] 해외주요기관자료속보 Vol.15 No. 23

  • 작성일2015/06/10
  • 조회수593
KIEP 정보자료센터 - 웹진 서비스
KIEP http://www.kiep.go.kr
2015년 6월 10일 Vol.15 No.23
ISSN 1976-4014
Hot Issue
KIEP, Policies for Industrial Competitiveness Improvement in Europe and their Implications
OECD, OECD Economic Outlook, Volume 2015 Issue 1
World Economic Forum, The Africa Competitiveness Report 2015
Why does financial sector growth crowd out real economic growth? [ CEPR ]
The Rich and the Great Recession [ IMF ]
When Should Public Debt Be Reduced? [ IMF ]
离岸市场人民币国际化业务增速缘何停滞 [ IWEP ]
Application of the Concept of Entropy to Equilibrium in Macroeconomics [ RIETI ]
Financial inclusion, productivity shocks, and consumption volatility in emerging economies [ WB ]
The governance of the international monetary system [ WIDER ]
2014 Clean Energy Investments: Project Summaries [ ADBI ]
The Response of Macro Variables of Emerging and Developed Oil Importers to Oil Price Movements [ ADBI ]
Tourism to North Korea: Unethical or an opportunity for engagement? [ Brookings ]
Aid procurement and the development of local industry: A question for Africa [ Brookings ]
2020年以降の温暖化対策の国際枠組みに関する交渉動向-COP20の結果と2015年合意に向けた課題 [ CRIEPI ]
Climate finance for cities: how can climate funds best support low-carbon and climate resilient urban development? [ ODI ]
Medium-Term Gas Market Report 2015 [ OECD ]
Impact of Climate Change on Food Production: Options for Importing Countries [ RSIS ]
The return to foreign aid [ WIDER ]
Trade Promotion Authority and the Trans-Pacific Partnership: What Lies Ahead? [ Cato ]
The New World of Trade [ ECIPE ]
Monitoring the Implementation of Services Trade Reform towards an ASEAN Economic Community [ ERIA ]
Make in India: Which Exports Can Drive the Next Wave of Growth? [ IMF ]
日本の貿易の回顧と展望 [ ITI ]
EU韓国FTAの効果と今後の課題 [ JETRO ]
Misallocation, Productivity, and Trade Liberalization: The Case of Vietnamese Manufacturing [ KEO ]
How Important Are Terms Of Trade Shocks? [ NBER ]
Toward an Enabling Set of Rules of Origin for the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnertship [ PIDS ]
Then and Now: Reimagining Africas Future - Catalysing Investment for Transformative Growth [ UNCTAD ]
Tracing the Value-added in Global Value Chains: Product-level Case Studies in China [ UNCTAD ]
Financial Inclusion, Regulation, and Education in Germany [ ADBI ]
Greece is riskier than the markets seem to think [ Brookings ]
Socio-Political Economy and Dynamics of Government-Driven Land Grabbing in Nigeria since 2000 [ GEG ]
Sweden’s Business Climate : A Microeconomic Assessment [ IBRD ]
Crime and the Economy in Mexican States : Heterogeneous Panel Estimates (1993-2012) [ IMF ]
Four Years after the Spring [ IMF ]
モディノミクスと日印経済関係拡大への期待 [ ITI ]
改革開放以来の日中経済関係の推移 [ ITI ]
一带一路投资政治风险研究之德国 [ IWEP ]
Trends and Cycles in Chinas Macroeconomy [ NBER ]
OECD Economic Surveys New Zealand 2015 [ OECD ]
Performance of APEC Economies in Ease of Doing Business [ PIDS ]
Towards Economic Normalization with Cuba: A Roadmap for US Policymakers [ PIIE ]
Can global economic conditions explain low New Zealand inflation? [ RBNZ ]
オーストラリアにおける競争中立性規律―TPP国有企業規律交渉への示唆― [ RIETI ]
Investment By South TNCs Continues To Grow: Developing Asia Became The Worlds Largest Investor Region [ UNCTAD ]
Do capital inflows boost growth in developing countries ? evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa [ WB ]
How unfair is the inequality of wage earnings in Russia ? estimates from panel data [ WB ]
주    제: "Human Rights and North Koreas Overseas Laborers: Dilemmas and Policy Challenges"
포    럼 : KEI Conference
일    시 : May 12, 2015
주    최 : NKDB and the Korea Economic Institute of America
해외주요기관자료속보 E- mail서비스 관련 문의는 meg2919@kiep.go.kr 로 해주시기 바랍니다.
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