Working Papers
Studies on a Strategy for the Internationalization of the Service Industry: Marine Transportation
This study aims at recommending strategies for the internationalization of marine transportation services by analyzing its current status and probable impacts.Services negotiations have the purpose of liberalizing trade in service..
Eui-Tae Chang Date 1992.06.12
industrial policyDownloadContentSummaryThis study aims at recommending strategies for the internationalization of marine transportation services by analyzing its current status and probable impacts.
Services negotiations have the purpose of liberalizing trade in services and thus will bring economic benefits. To ensure these benefits, it is necessary to establish proper strategies for the negotiations.
Maritime services are strategically important since future negotiations will expand the opening of the foreign market. It needs to focus on countries that are less open and lack transparency in order to upgrade the overall openness of this sector.
The government needs to recognize that liberalization of trade in services is in our interests. Hence, it can utilize the WTO services negotiation in promoting further liberalization and deregulation. However, to prepare for possible side effects such as unemployment due to the liberalization of mode 4, it needs to establish proper social safety nets and effective reeducation programs.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II examines the characteristics and scope of the marine transportation industry. Section III reviews the changes in the international maritime market such as ever-increasing keen competition, the second shipping system, containerization and the development of complex transport UR service negotiations. Section IV assesses a degree of importance and competitiveness of Korea's maritime industry. Section V reviews the regulations and policy of Korea's maritime industry, and Section VI proposes the strategy for the internationalization of marine transportation services. -
The Economic Cooperation between EC and Korea: Problems and Prospects
The Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) together with Friedrich-Ebert-stiftung (FES) organized the international seminar on 'The Economic Cooperation between EC and Korea: Problems and Prospects', on October 1..
Chung Ki Min Date 1992.06.01
economic cooperationDownloadContentSummaryThe Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) together with Friedrich-Ebert-stiftung (FES) organized the international seminar on 'The Economic Cooperation between EC and Korea: Problems and Prospects', on October 14-15, 1991.
The objective of this forum was to share views on the progress of the European Economic Integration and to deliberate on the policy implementations that would effectively promote trade and investment between EC and Korea. In addition, it was an attempt to contribute to the planning of market liberalization and improvement of foreign investment in Korea. -
Economic Achievements and Prospects of China: 1991-92
Jong-Suek An et al. Date 1992.05.20
economic development, economic outlook -
Studies on a Strategy for the Internationalization of the Service Industry: Accounting
As the international financial environment has rapidly changed in terms of globalization, diversification, deregulation and innovation, the necessity of the internationalization of the accounting service industry has increased.The..
Chong Man Kim Date 1992.04.22
industrial policyDownloadContentSummaryAs the international financial environment has rapidly changed in terms of globalization, diversification, deregulation and innovation, the necessity of the internationalization of the accounting service industry has increased.
The purpose of this report is to build a consensus on the necessity and means to internationalize the accounting service industry by reviewing the current status and by suggesting perspectives for its internationalization.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II assesses the current status of Korea's accounting industry. Section III discusses the liberalization of accounting service such as cross border, movement of consumption, commercial presence, movement of personnel, the analyses for UR requirement and its direction for the liberalization. Section IV then investigates the necessity, problem and questions for the internationalization of the accounting service. -
EEA and Its Implication on Third World Countries
Chung-Ki Min Date 1992.04.04
economic integration, economic cooperation -
Studies on Trade Barriers of Developed Countries: Rules of Origin
This report assesses how rules of origin policy have affected trade barriers resulting in discrimination. It points out that the level of the rules of origin would change the formation of investment and procurement of foreign comp..
Hong Yul Han Date 1992.03.30
economic integration, economic cooperationDownloadContentSummaryThis report assesses how rules of origin policy have affected trade barriers resulting in discrimination. It points out that the level of the rules of origin would change the formation of investment and procurement of foreign companies and that it has influenced the distribution of resources within the area substantially.
By comparing these developed countries' rules of origin policy, this study suggests some implications for Korean's rules of origin.
Sections I outlines the structure, class, international standard and economic effect of rules of origin. Section II presents the non-preferential and preferential rules of origin in the United States. Section III presents the general rules of origin and its preferential rules of origin in the EC, exploring some of the development and business implications of trade facilitation in Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (ESCAP) countries. Section IV presents the general rules of origin and Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) applied preferential rules of origin in Japan.
Executive summary and policy implications are provided in Section V. -
Studies on the Trade Barriers of Developed Countries: Japanese Distribution System
The Japanese distribution system is well known as being too long and complicated to understand due to Japanese-specific distribution practices such as distribution affiliates, differentiated rebates, fixed retail pricing and the r..
Byung-Tak Joh et al. Date 1992.03.30
trade disputeDownloadContentSummaryThe Japanese distribution system is well known as being too long and complicated to understand due to Japanese-specific distribution practices such as distribution affiliates, differentiated rebates, fixed retail pricing and the return of goods. The Japanese distribution system may have rationale if it saves transaction costs by sustaining long-term transactions that can induce shared communication and flexibility. However, the Japanese distribution system with partial rationale can also exist in the form of non-tariff barriers, and closed and often unfair terms for foreign firms when they enter the Japanese market.
This study examines the Japanese distribution barriers as one of most important non-tariff barriers of the Japanese market and gives implications for the Korea-Japan trade policy. -
Studies on the Strategy for Internationalization of the Service Industry: Insurance Sector
This report suggests that to prepare for the change to an open market economy, Korean companies have to systematically analyze their limits and seek strategies for the internationalization of the insurance sector.This paper is org..
Wook Chae Date 1992.03.27
industrial policyDownloadContentSummaryThis report suggests that to prepare for the change to an open market economy, Korean companies have to systematically analyze their limits and seek strategies for the internationalization of the insurance sector.
This paper is organized as follows. Section II reviews the structure and current status of the insurance industry in Korea. Section III analyzes the current trends and expected effects of opening the insurance market, which was liberalized in the late 1990s. Finally, based upon the empirical results, Section IV discusses the prospects of overseas expansion for the insurance industry and its strategy for internationalization. -
Stagnation of Inward Direct Foreign Investment and Revitalization Measures
Nam-Doo Kim et al. Date 1992.03.09
foreign direct investment

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