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Working Papers


  • 슬로베니아공화국의 경제현황
    Current Economic Situation in the Slovenian Republic

    Sang-Min Cha Date 1992.12.26

    economic development
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  • 중국 외국인직접투자유치정책의 변화와 한국의 대중투자
    Changes in China's Foreign Direct Investment Inducement Policy and Korea's Countermeasures

    Pyeung-Seob Yang et al. Date 1992.12.20

    foreign direct investment, overseas direct investment
  • 동북아 경제협력의 여건과 전망
    Conditions and Prospects of Economic Cooperation in Northeast Asia

    This paper predicts that with political and military conflict settled and barriers to trade and investment lowered, trade with Northeast Asia nations will increase. The linear free trade area theory used in this paper illustrates ..

    Co-authors Date 1992.12.01

    economic cooperation
    This paper predicts that with political and military conflict settled and barriers to trade and investment lowered, trade with Northeast Asia nations will increase. The linear free trade area theory used in this paper illustrates conditions and prospects of economic cooperation in Northeast Asia.
    The liberalization of transactions of production factors and intermediates facilitated by a free trade area would contribute to the development of industry and resources for developing nations, accelerate the high growth of industry and secure resources procurement and markets for capital goods from developed economies.
  • 클린턴 차기 미국대통령의 경제정책
    Clintonomics and Its Implication for the Korean Economy

    Co-authors Date 1992.11.07

    economic outlook
  • 일본의 산업 및 무역구조의 변화와 전망
    Prospects for Japan's Industrial and Trade Structure

    Recently, Japan has promoted its import policy with Korea to lower the surplus of international payments and settle severe foreign trade disputes. Therefore, industrial imports are rising sharply, accounting for $1.061 trillion, m..

    Chang Nam Kim Date 1992.10.30

    trade structure, industrial structure
    Recently, Japan has promoted its import policy with Korea to lower the surplus of international payments and settle severe foreign trade disputes. Therefore, industrial imports are rising sharply, accounting for $1.061 trillion, more than 50 percent of total number of import. This report reveals that according to the report released by the department of Japanese trade, the substantial proportion of product imports has a great influence on adverse imports from Japanese field companies through overseas direct investment, accounting for $429 billion, 95 percent, in 1986 to 1990.

    Accordingly, Japan still maintains the current structure of import-led primary products to export-led manufactures. In other words, Japanese development has been fueled by trade with foreign companies rather than progressing overseas Japanese corporations.
  • 국내선물거래소 설립·운영에 관한 연구
    Studies on the Introduction of Futures Trading: Commodity Choice, Contract Design, and Organization

    Future trading is an engagement that trades specific items on a specific date and at a specific price. The exchange volume has consistently been on the rise with the option market. Currently about 70 future markets are established..

    Co-authors Date 1992.10.29

    Future trading is an engagement that trades specific items on a specific date and at a specific price. The exchange volume has consistently been on the rise with the option market. Currently about 70 future markets are established in 26 economies, including the United States, England and Japan, and is trading about 100 products. Singapore and Hong Kong, competitors for Korea, have already established futures exchange trading in interest futures, gold futures and stock-related futures. Taiwan also is scheduled to establish a futures market.

    Recently, there have been movements among the government, academia and business to establish a domestic future exchange in Korea. As it is more difficult for the Korea government to intervene in markets to stabilize prices, there is an urgent need to come up with a framework helping private groups to prepare for the risk of price fluctuation.
  • 헝가리편람 1992
    Handbook on Hungary

    Sang-Yeob Lee Date 1992.10.25

    economic development
  • 환율,금리 및 임금변동이 우리나라 수출에 미치는 영향
    The Effects of Changes in Exchange Rate, Interest Rate, and Wage on Korean Exports

    Recently, there have been worries regarding Korea's inactivity in exports. Korean exports grew by just 5.8 percent on average from 1989 to 1991, while Korea's rival economies, including Hong Kong, Singapore and China, recorded an ..

    Chong Man Kim Date 1992.10.23

    exchange rate
    Recently, there have been worries regarding Korea's inactivity in exports. Korean exports grew by just 5.8 percent on average from 1989 to 1991, while Korea's rival economies, including Hong Kong, Singapore and China, recorded an average 15-percent rate of increase.

    This paper indicates the internal and external factors observed in the international finance market and their implications for international economic trends.
    In terms of external factors, it shows the strengthening of the United States and developing nations' competitiveness. It also indicates a slowdown of the economy growth rate in OECD member nations Internal factors of Korean exports have stagnated, causing taxation rates to increase and domestic finance demand to rise, leading to severe labor disputes in the process of democratization and sudden increases in capital demand and price instability. Moreover, the sharp revaluation of the won since 1986 is also considered a factor in Korea's export slowdown.
  • UR 총점검 : 분야별 평가와 우리의 대응
    A Draft of the Final Act of the Uruguay Round and Assessment of the Tasks Facing Korea

    Protectionism and movement toward regionalism have risen steadily in international trade. At this critical juncture, the Uruguay Round multilateral negotiations have been started to set global rules for trade that could move world..

    Co-authors Date 1992.10.21

    multilateral negotiations
    Protectionism and movement toward regionalism have risen steadily in international trade. At this critical juncture, the Uruguay Round multilateral negotiations have been started to set global rules for trade that could move world economic growth into the next century. Even though the negotiations are currently continuing without any definite time frame, it is clear that the successful conclusion of the negotiations is crucial to the future prospect of the world economy. It is now the time when Korea must take the countermeasures to draw bigger benefits in the future.

    This paper contains a draft of the final act of the Uruguay Round and assessment of the tasks facing Korea. It covers rules of origin, anti-dumping, technical barriers to trade, subsidies and countervailing duties, agriculture, safeguards, trade-related investment measures, textiles and clothing, GATT provisions, dispute settlement, trade in services and trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights.

공공누리 OPEN / 공공저작물 자유이용허락 - 출처표시, 상업용금지, 변경금지 공공저작물 자유이용허락 표시기준 (공공누리, KOGL) 제4유형

대외경제정책연구원의 본 공공저작물은 "공공누리 제4유형 : 출처표시 + 상업적 금지 + 변경금지” 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다. 저작권정책 참조