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Working Papers


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  • 폴란드편람 1992
    Handbook on Poland

    Seung-Weon Suh Date 1992.10.10

    economic development
  • 중국편람 1992
    Handbook on China

    Soo-Woong Choi Date 1992.10.01

    economic development
  • 베트남편람 1992
    Handbook on Vietnam

    Yul Kwon Date 1992.09.22

    economic development
  • 러시아연방 편람 1992
    Handbook on the Russian Federation

    Chan-Hyeok Yoon et al. Date 1992.09.10

    economic development
  • 동북아경제협력권 형성을 위한 선형자유무역지대 구상과 그 기대
    The Linear Free Trade Area Theory for the Creation of an East-Northeast Asia Economic Zone

    The world economic system has been reorganized due to the end of the Cold War and the rise in regionalism since in the mid-1980s. In addition, Northeast Asian nations have been trying to create a new economic order based on econom..

    Byeong Hae Shon Date 1992.09.08

    economic cooperation, free trade
    The world economic system has been reorganized due to the end of the Cold War and the rise in regionalism since in the mid-1980s. In addition, Northeast Asian nations have been trying to create a new economic order based on economic interdependence. From this perspective, there is an urgent need for Northeast Asia nations to seek countermeasures. The linear free trade area theory for the creation of Northeast Asia economic zone entails multilateral cooperation, transforming ideological confrontation into multilateral cooperation, and non-symmetrical reliance between advanced and underdeveloped countries into inter-supplementary cooperation relations.
  • 해외직접투자의 현황과 정책과제
    The Current Status of Korea's Outward FDI Status and Policy Issues

    Si-Joong Kim et al. Date 1992.09.05

    overseas direct investment
  • 수입선다변화제도의 경제적 효과
    Economic Effects of Import Source Diversification Policy: Focusing on Import Substitution and Import Source Diversification Effects

    Import source diversification policy(ISDP) presupposes that foreign trade deficit vis-a-vis one nation is undesirable and its purpose lies in maintaining the balance of trade with each country. The background for this policy can b..

    June-Dong Kim Date 1992.09.05

    trade policy
    Import source diversification policy(ISDP) presupposes that foreign trade deficit vis-a-vis one nation is undesirable and its purpose lies in maintaining the balance of trade with each country.
    The background for this policy can be found in a search for ways to cushion the impact stemming from import liberalization to protect and foment domestic industry.

    In the meanwhile import source diversification policy(ISDP) has had some merits in terms of controlling the trade deficit vis-a-vis Japan and fomenting domestic capital goods industry.
    But on the other hand, there has been criticism about the negative side-effects of ISDP. First of all, for the most part, no consistent principles have been established on the types of products which are to be included or excluded from the policy. Thus, some suspect whether ISDP has only succeeded in protecting industry interests while creating many inefficiencies by restricting competition. In particular, since the end of 1980s when the export competitiveness of Korean products has dropped sharply, many people question the efficiency of ISDP.

    In this connection, this study proposes to set forth plans for enhancing ISDP in the future on the basis of a critique of the economic efficiency of the said policy.
  • Changing World Trade Environment and New Political Economics
    Changing World Trade Environment and New Political Economics

    The objective of this paper is four-fold. First, the characteristics of current international trade in the capitalist regime and their implications will be analyzed without resorting to the conventional comparative advantage or th..

    Jang-Hee Yoo Date 1992.09.02

    trade policy

    I. Introduction

    II. Overview of Traditional Trade Theory

    III. Problems in International Economic Order

    IV. The New Political Economy of Protectionism

    V. Emergence of a New System

    VI. Concluding Remarks

    The objective of this paper is four-fold. First, the characteristics of current international trade in the capitalist regime and their implications will be analyzed without resorting to the conventional comparative advantage or the factor endowment theory. Second, expected changes in the international capitalist market under the new world economic environment will be illustrated. Third, the implication of recent world economic developments such as economic integration, regionalism, formation of free trade areas, and economic cooperation among the industrial powers, like G-7, will be studied in light of the first two objectives. Finally, from the standpoint of these recent economic developments, we shed light on the kind of adjustments required for those countries whose economic developments have been engineered on the basis of the outward-looking economic growth model.

  • Russia’s Reform and Economic Cooperation between Korea and Russia
    Russia's Reform and Economic Cooperation between Korea and Russia

    The Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) organized the conference on 'Russia's Reform and Economic Cooperation Between Korea and Russia' on September 7-8, 1992.This forum gathered together eminent economists an..

    Je Hoon Park Date 1992.09.01

    economic cooperation
    The Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) organized the conference on 'Russia's Reform and Economic Cooperation Between Korea and Russia' on September 7-8, 1992.
    This forum gathered together eminent economists and researchers from both countries in an effort to share visions and to intensify efforts for the two countries' economic cooperation. It would come up with some meaningful insights for the future of Korean-Russian economic cooperation.

공공누리 OPEN / 공공저작물 자유이용허락 - 출처표시, 상업용금지, 변경금지 공공저작물 자유이용허락 표시기준 (공공누리, KOGL) 제4유형

대외경제정책연구원의 본 공공저작물은 "공공누리 제4유형 : 출처표시 + 상업적 금지 + 변경금지” 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다. 저작권정책 참조