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The Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) was founded in 1989 as a national policy research institute with the primary mission of studying, researching, and analyzing global economic matters. Its core objective is to contribute to the formulation of effective international economic policies for the nation.

As a leading think tank, KIEP has played a crucial role in shaping and carrying out South Korea's international economic strategies. Through meticulous research and in-depth analysis of the global economy, KIEP offers fresh insights and practical alternatives to address the challenges that the Korean economy faces.

Amidst various internal and external changes, including escalating competition between the US and China, the rise of protectionism, digital transformation, climate change, and regional conflicts, the medium- and long-term trade policy directions and alternatives presented by KIEP are gaining ever greater significance.

In a time of increased uncertainties within the global landscape, KIEP, comprised of leading international economic experts, is committed to fulfilling its role and meeting expectations. We aim to aid in solidifying South Korea's stature as a global hub nation. KIEP will persistently evolve to spearhead sustainable growth, innovation, and the formation of future economic paradigms.

  • 2016 - Current Focusing on New Trade Agenda
    • Established Center for East Asian and Advanced Economy Studies (CEAES), Center for Emerging Economy Studies (CEES), and Center for International Development Research (CIDR) (Jan. 2024)
    • Created two Senior Vice President positions, one for Research and one for External Affairs. Reorganized the Department of International Trade, Investment and Economic Security, Created the Chief Economist position (Aug. 2023)
    • Prof. Siwook Lee inaugurated as KIEP’s 12th president (Jul. 2023)
    • Delhi Office established (Jun. 2023)
    • Economic and Security Strategy Department established (May. 2022)
    • International Event Feasibility Research Group established (Mar. 2021)
    • ESG Management TF established (Feb. 2021)
    • Center for International Development Cooperation (Jul. 2020)
    • According to the University of Pennsylvania's 2019 survey, KIEP ranks 32nd overall and fourth in the International Economic Policy category (Jan. 2020)
    • The Center for Area Studies established (Apr. 2018)
  • 2001 - 2015 Focusing on FTAs and Area Studies
    • Department of Northeast Asian Economies, Strategy Research Team established (June 2015)
    • Office of External Coordination established (January 2015)
    • KU-KIEP-SBS EU Center established (May 2014)
    • G20 Research Support Group established (January 2014)
    • East Asian Regional FTA Research Support Group established (April 2013)
    • Korea-China FTA Research Support Group established (March 2012)
    • Emerging Region Research Center established by expanding the World Regional Center (August 2011)
    • KIEP merged KOPEC and transferred its secretariat to the National Center for APEC Studies (March 2011)
    • Regional and Provincial Research Team for China established (February 2010)
    • International Development Cooperation Center established (The Center for Northeast Economic Cooperation expanded and reorganized), ODA Team established (June 2008)
    • SNU-KIEP EU Center established (December 2005)
    • KIEP designated by ordinance as a special research institution for international events (December 2004)
    • Center for Northeast Asian Cooperation established by expanding the Center for Northeastern Asia Research Development expanded (April 2003)
    • DDA Research Center established (March 2002)
  • 1989 - 2000 Focusing on the Multilateral Trading System
    • Center for Regional Economic Studies established by expanding the Regional Information Center (April 2000)
    • Change in relevant laws governing the establishment of KIEP; formerly, KIEP Act, currently, Act for Establishment, Operation, and Development of Government-Funded Research Institutions (January 1999)
    • KIEP merged Regional Information Center (October 1997)
    • Center for Northeast Asia Research Development established (January 1997)
    • KIEP Beijing Office established (March 1995)
    • Designated as the Korea APEC Study Center (December 1994) (International Economy Coordinating Committee)
    • International economy committee created as Secretariat for Korea’s Official Pool of International Economists (January 1994)
    • The name changed from the Northern Regional Center to the Center for Regional Economic Studies and Research (October 1992)
    • Northern Regional Center established after merging the International Private Economy Council (January 1992)
    • Supervision of US KEI transferred to KIEP (January 1990)
    • KIEP took over Secretariat of the Korea National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (KOPEC) (January 1990)
    • KIEP officially inaugurated (January 1990)
    • KIEP established by special law and its foundation dissolved (December 1989)