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No. Category Title Date File Hit
13 Press Release KIEP Discussed New Trade Strategies Among Korea, the EU, and the U.S. in an Unce.. 2023/11/09 ★KIEP_Press_Release_fv.pdf 38,190
12 Press Invitation An Upcoming 2023 Seminar on Potential for Korea-U.S.-EU Trade Cooperation 2023/10/23 KIEP_Press_Invitation_An_Upcoming_2023_Seminar_on_Potential_for_Korea-US-EU_Trade_Cooperation_fv.pdf 39,951
11 Press Release The 41st PAFTAD Conference: The Future of the Global Economic Order 2023/09/15 ★KIEP_Press_Release_PAFTAD_Conference_public_session_fv.pdf 40,006
10 Press Release East Asian Economic Review Announces Winners of 2019 Best Paper of the Year 2020/11/27 Press Release-EAER Announces Winner of 2019 Best Paper of the year.pdf 76,246
9 Press Release East Asian Economic Review Announces Winners of 2018 Best Paper of the Year 2019/03/20 Press Release-EAER Announces Winner of 2018 Best Paper of the Year.pdf 76,149
8 Press Release Lessons from the past Economic Cooperation between East and West Germany 2018/12/12 Press Release-Lessons from the past Economic Cooperation between  East and West Germany.pdf 76,178
7 Press Release EAER Announces Winner of 2017 Best Paper Award 2017/12/22 Press Release-EAER Announces Winner of 2017 Best Paper Award.pdf 76,050
6 Press Release East Asian Economic Review Announces Winner of the Award for Excellence 2016 2017/02/27 Press Release-East Asian Economic Review Announces Winner of the Award for Excellence 2016.pdf 76,030
5 Press Release “Looking Ahead: Challenges and Opportunities in U.S. Trade Relations&rdquo.. 2016/12/09 Press Release-Challenges and Opportunities in US-Asian Trade.pdf 76,750
4 Press Release The Prospective Policies of New U.S. Administration 2016/11/15 Press Release-The Prospective Policies of New US Administration(20161115).pdf 76,404