Press Release
East Asian Economic Review Announces Winner of the Award for Excellence 2016
- Date2017/02/27
- CategoryPress Release
- Hit182,264
- KIEP presents the EAER Award for Excellence 2016 to Prof. Oded Stark (Universities of Bonn and Warsaw; Georgetown University) on February 27, 2017.
The Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) has selected the paper “Comparing the Global and Merged with the Local and Separate: On a Downside to the Integration of Regions and Nations,” authored by Prof. Oded Stark (Universities of Bonn and Warsaw; Georgetown University) for the EAER Award for Excellence 2016.
As a quarterly journal published by KIEP, the East Asian Economic Review (EAER) annually selects and announces the winner of its Award for Excellence, with the purpose of building stronger theoretical foundations and advancing interdisciplinary research in the field of international economics. The winner of the Award is offered a monetary prize of KRW 5,000,000.
The 2016 Award for Excellence Selection Committee was composed of six members, who reviewed 14 papers published between 2015 and 2016. The committee applied three criteria of excellence for selection: academic contribution, logical clarity, and policy implications. With one more paper receiving honorable mention, Professor Oded Stark’s paper was chosen by the majority of the committee members as the winning work.
In the paper Professor Stark constructs a simple but original model that explains the negative aspects of globalization on the grounds that the social stress of an integrated population can be higher than the sum of the levels of social stress of the constituent populations when apart. These findings contribute not only to academics but also provide valuable implications to policymakers pursuing various forms of regional integration.
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