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  • FTA 신통상규범에 관한 통상법적 쟁점과 경제적 영향: 환경과 노동을 중심으로
    New High Standard for Environmental and Labour Provisions in FTAs: Law and Economic Perspectives

       Trade-related issues such as market access, and tariff elimination or reduction have been the main concerns of free trade agreements or “FTAs” since the 2000s. But more of the recent FTAs appear to focus on non-trad..

    Cheon-Kee Lee et al. Date 2020.12.30

    trade policy, environmental policy
       Trade-related issues such as market access, and tariff elimination or reduction have been the main concerns of free trade agreements or “FTAs” since the 2000s. But more of the recent FTAs appear to focus on non-trade concerns such as protection of the environment and workers. A typical example is the FTA between Korea and the European Union (hereinafter referred to as “Korea-EU FTA”), which was signed in 2009 and provisionally taken into force in 2011. Ever since Korea-EU FTA the European Union has included a chapter on “Trade and Sustainable Development” or “TSD” in its FTAs to extensively provide for environment and labour obligations. Further, it is noteworthy that the United States and the European Union have resorted to dispute settlement and enforcement mechanisms within their FTAs to ensure their trade partners effectively implement environment and labour obligations at the domestic level. For instance, on December 17, 2018, the European Commission formally requested a consultation to Korea under Korea-EU FTA on the grounds that the Korean government had not shown sufficient efforts in ratifying the remaining four of the eight ILO core conventions and thus acted inconsistently with the TSD Chapter of the same FTA. This is the first case that the European Union has ever initiated a dispute settlement procedure under a TSD Chapter. The Panel of Experts was composed on December 30, 2019, and it recently published the final report on January 25th, 2021. 
       Against this background this study aims to understand recent trends in the use of environmental and labour provisions in trade agreements and provide meaningful guidance to the Korean government in conducting negotiations for new FTAs or for amendments of its previous FTAs. It discusses possible approaches the Korean government may be able to take when conducting future FTA (re-)negotiations, and responding to environment or labour claims posed by FTA partners in the future. In particular this study focuses on the aspect of “enforceability” of environment and labour obligations in FTAs.
       In Chapter 2 this study explores the question of linkage between trade and environmental issues, and identifies main components and key features of environmental provisions under the FTAs of the United States, the European Union, and Korea. It further examines environmental chapters of the CPTPP and the USMCA. One of the main features the U.S. FTAs have is their strong enforcement mechanism, which was first introduced in NAAEC and was virtually repeated with minor variations in the following FTAs. In the case of the European Union, since Korea-EU FTA a TSD chapter has been included in every FTA it negotiates and concludes. As opposed to the U.S. approach which is based on enforceability and sanctions, EU FTAs tend to focus on consultation and dialogue between FTA partners. Consultation and the “Panel of Experts” under TSD chapters, a provision on non-application of an FTA Dispute Settlement mechanism to a TSD chapter, and establishment of Domestic Advisory Groups (“DAGs”) and Civil Society Forum (“CSF”) are examples of such tendency.
       In Chapter 3 this study discusses the question of linkage between trade and labour issues, and identifies key features of labour provisions under FTAs of the U.S., the EU, and Korea. It further examines labour chapters of CPTPP, USMCA, and CETA. One of the main features the US FTAs have is their strong enforcement mechanism, which was first introduced in NAALC and repeated only with minor changes in the following FTAs. In case of the EU, FTA labour provisions were first introduced in the Association Agreement with Israel and a comprehensive labour chapter was later adopted for the first time in EU-CARIFORUM EPA. Under the TSD Chapter of Korea-EU FTA, labour provisions regarding “continued and sustained efforts” for ratification of ILO core conventions; upholding of labour protection; the TSD Committee; DAG; CSF; and a TSD dispute settlement mechanism were included, and these components have been included only with minor variations in the following FTAs.
       In Chapter 4, this study sheds light on the background and impacts of strengthened environmental and labour provisions in FTAs. It focuses on three aspects including (ⅰ) inherent limitations of the multilateral trading system, (ⅱ) the need for levelling the playing field, and (ⅲ) domestic politics. Theoretically, when a trade agreement is linked with new issues of non-trade character, it can broaden the scope of negotiation, and can lead to higher chances of concluding an agreement with increased social welfare. This study also confirms such results empirically: it finds that introduction of environmental and dispute settlement provisions in FTAs shows a tendency of increasing trade between FTA partners and that developing countries, by accepting enhanced environmental obligations, can increase their trade. Further, strengthened environmental and labour provisions in FTAs lead to reduction of greenhouse gas emission and a positive contribution to an index or indicators on the level of workers' right protection.
       Chapter 5 sheds light on the possibility of the United States’ and particularly the European Union’s further strengthening environmental and labour standards in their FTAs, and of using their FTAs as a leverage for addressing climate change issue pursuant to the Paris Agreement. It also intends to predict possible impacts on Korea and draw meaningful policy implications regarding Korea’s legal and policy responses to such changes. In particular the European Union is slowly but surely moving towards ensuring its FTA partners’ compliance of environmental and labour standards and is considering a multiple of options to improve the enforceability of its trade agreements. The Korean government needs to pay close attention to any future development of the EU’s recently created position of Chief Trade Enforcement Officer (CTEO) and the proposed amendment of the Trade Enforcement Regulation, particularly in relation to the recently announced report by the Group of Experts under Korea-EU FTA regarding Korea’s non-ratification of some of core ILO conventions.
       Lastly, as the United States and the European Union have emphasized on the need of ‘effective’ implementation of their FTAs, a rather cautious approach would be desirable in preparing and introducing provisions on effective domestic implementation of international environmental and labour standards (e.g. MEAs, ILO conventions) in future FTAs (re-)negotiations. This study further suggests that a domestic monitoring system be prepared and/or otherwise improved in order to ensure Korea’s effective (and “convincing”) implementation of environmental and labour obligations in order to avoid any unnecessary tensions with its FTA partners.

  • OECD 개발원조위원회(DAC) 가입 10주년 성과와 과제
    Korea as an OECD DAC Member: 10-Year Achievementsand Way Forward

       The purpose of this study is to present long-term policy directions for development cooperation through an evaluation of Korea’s ODA performance over the past 10 years. Korea’s achievements in the area of official d..

    Jione Jung et al. Date 2020.12.30

       The purpose of this study is to present long-term policy directions for development cooperation through an evaluation of Korea’s ODA performance over the past 10 years. Korea’s achievements in the area of official development assistance since joining the OECD Development Assistance Committee were comprehensively reviewed from the perspective of implementing major strategies and policies. The main contents of each chapter are summarized as follows.
       Chapter 2 examines the quantitative results of development cooperation in Korea. From 2009 to 2018, Korea’s ODA average annual growth rate was about 7%, ranking first among DAC member countries. However, the ratio of ODA to GNI is 0.16% as of 2019, which is less than the DAC average of 0.3%, and it is expected that it will be difficult to achieve the established target of 0.2% in 2020.
       Chapter 3 conducted a comprehensive review of the major development cooperation strategies and policies established by the Korean government. The government’s “Mid-Term Strategy for Development Cooperation” needs to be improved so that it can clearly provide the vision, principles, and basis for decision-making to be followed by several ODA-implementing agencies. Strategic documents for each priority partnership country, sector, or issue should go beyond their declarative purpose and increase their practical use.
       Chapter 4 examines the current status of the ODA evaluation system in Korea. Korea’s ODA performance management system has achieved significant achievements in establishing a legal and institutional foundation. However, at the level of the ODA-implementing agency, it was found that additional efforts were needed to expand the impact of the ODA projects, such as securing the necessary evaluation budget and organization, and strengthening expertise and the data collection system.
       Finally, Chapter 5 presents the results of an online survey on the Korean ODA policy from major policy officers in partner countries. The survey shows that resolving Korea’s segmented system in the field and promoting communication between the two governments are the most urgent areas for Korea to improve. This report argues that policy efforts are needed to ensure that Korean ODA fully considers the development goals and priorities of the recipient country.

  • 일방적 통상정책의 국제적 확산과 무역구조의 변화에 관한 연구
    A Study on Unilateral Trade Policy and International Trade Structure

       This study analyzes the widespread diffusion of unilateral trade policies and change in trade structures. Chapter 2 examines the trend in unilateral trade policies, the economic and trade uncertainty they generate, an..

    Moonhee Cho et al. Date 2020.12.30

    trade structure, trade policy
       This study analyzes the widespread diffusion of unilateral trade policies and change in trade structures. Chapter 2 examines the trend in unilateral trade policies, the economic and trade uncertainty they generate, and the direct and indirect evidences of their diffusion. Unilateral trade policies are diverse in measures and unilaterally imposed on partner countries, hence increasing uncertainty in the international trade environment. In the case of the United States, after the Trade Preference Extension Act of 2015 came into force, anti-dumping and countervailing duties were actively used and higher rates were growingly imposed. Unilateral trade policies are spreading internationally. Non-tariff measures including anti-dumping, countervailing measures, SPS and TBT measures are increasing. Moreover, both developing and developed countries are adopting trade-disruptive measures and these are rapidly increasing. Uncertainty grows with the diffusion of unilateral trade policies, in particular the average value of the World Uncertainty Index almost increased to four-fivefold compared to 1990.
       Chapter 3 discusses changes in trade structures and factors reshaping the global value chains (GVCs). It also examines changes in import market shares by countries and industries, and it estimates the trade diversion effect due to unilateral trade policies. International trade increased rapidly with the rise of free trade agreements and the expansion of GVCs and so on, but has slowed downs after the global financial crisis. Between 1995 and 2007, the trade growth rate was on average 9% per year; after the financial crisis, it slowed to around 4% per year. This trend can also be found among developed and developing countries. Intermediate goods also grew by 19% on average per year from 2002 to 2007, and this growth rate decreased to 2% on average per year from 2010 to 2019. GVCs are being reorganized as developing countries become consumer markets, the technology gap between developed and developing countries diminishes and the development of digital technology decreases developing countries’ labor cost competitiveness. Section 2 of the chapter investigates changes in import market shares by industry for North America (United States and Canada), China, ASEAN and India, Europe and Central and South America between 2015 and 2019. First, the change in import market shares for the United States and China clearly reflects trade disputes between the two. China’s market share in the North American import market decreased across all sectors, whereas ASEAN and India’s share increased across all sectors excluding mining. However, China still accounts for a large portion of North America’s market in manufacturing sectors including electronics. Second, North America’s share in China’s import market decreased across all sectors. In particular, its share decreased around 12% in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sector, around 10% in the vehicles sector and around 5% in the steel, nonferrous metals sector. Section 3 takes into account the results of the previous sector and analyzes the trade diversion effect due to the US-China trade conflict. Most of the literature focuses on the decrease in imports from China due to the United States’ imposition of tariff measures. This study pays attention to import diversions from China to other countries. If the trade diversion effect is big, it is hard to expect improvement in United States’ trade balance, and the effect of protecting domestic industries and creating jobs would be weak. According to our analysis, the trade diversion effect in the United States’ import market is statistically significant, especially for intermediate goods.
       Chapter 4 investigates the changes in trade structure due to unilateral trade policies by constructing a theoretical model. GVC structure is incorporated in the trade model to trace the ripple effect of unilateral trade policies. The Trade Uncertainty Index is used as a proxy for unilateral trade policies and its tariff equivalent is estimated. This is then used as an exogenous shock for the change in trade cost. How the rise in trade costs due to the proliferation of unilateral trade policies affects the trade structure of the world, regions and that between countries is examined. The change in consumption goods, intermediate goods, value-added export, GVC indices is then presented. If trade cost rises due to shocks from the United States, the share of total exports and intermediate exports out of the world’s total production both decrease. Most of the decrease can be attributed to the change in total and intermediate exports of the three North American countries (United States, Mexico, Canada). Meanwhile, the share of value-added exports out of total exports increases. This is due to the increase of North American countries’ share of value-added exports unlike that of other countries such as Korea, China and Japan, European countries and so on. GVC indices also changed for those three countries with the United States’ GVC participation rate showing particular increase. The global shock due to unilateral trade policies is stronger than shocks from the United States and has different ramifications. All regions experience a decrease in their share of consumption goods and intermediate goods’ exports and the majority of countries and regions see a drop in value-added exports’ share. In conclusion, GVC participation rate of the world declines. This means that the proliferation of unilateral trade policies works against the decades-long trend of GVC expansion, and it intensifies the rearrangement of the GVCs, negatively affecting total, intermediate and value-added export structures.
       The last chapter presents policy implications based on the analyses from former chapters. As the Covid-19 pandemic drags on, the global economy will not easily recover in a short period of time. It is estimated that the intensification of uncertainties in the trade environment due to trade conflicts between China and the United States, and the proliferation of unilateral trade measures will have important effects on the change in trade structures, including the reorganization of the GVCs. Followings are some suggestions the Korean government and firms could consider: (1) strengthen the nation’s ability to respond to GVC rearrangements, (2) improve capacity to generate value-added in exports, (3) continue efforts to negotiate free trade agreements and improve their contents, (4) participate actively in multilateral trade negotiations and strengthen collaboration with middle trade powers, (5) strengthen monitoring of the global trading system, and (6) continue efforts to improve competitiveness at the firm level.

  • 신남방지역 온라인 플랫폼 시장 분석과 시사점
    Analysis on the Online Platform Markets and Policies in India and ASEAN

       Recently, there has been prominent growth in the digital platform market in Southeast Asian countries and India. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, demands for economic and social activities centered on digital platforms a..

    Jeong Gon Kim et al. Date 2020.12.30

    ICT economy, trade policy Southeast Asia Ocean India and South Asia
       Recently, there has been prominent growth in the digital platform market in Southeast Asian countries and India. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, demands for economic and social activities centered on digital platforms are expected to rise further. This report presents implications for cooperation between Korea and Southeast Asian countries and India by studying the development level and growing areas of the digital platform market in these countries, related laws and regulations, policies, and lastly, strategies of countries such as the United States, China and Australia toward Southeast Asian countries and India.
       While the Southeast Asian platform market is led by growth in e-commerce, ride-sharing and delivery services, the content platform market represented by over-the-top (OTT) media services is also growing rapidly with Covid-19, and there is a high perspective of growth in digital education and healthcare as well. India is accelerating its digital transformation across various areas due to the establishment of its Aadhaar-based digital financial ecosystem, increased demands on untact activities, and improved income levels. Amid the rapid growth of the online platform market, policies and institutional environments related to digital platforms in Southeast Asia and India are also rapidly changing. Southeast Asian countries are in the process of establishing an institutional basis for digital platforms: regulations on foreign investment, private information protection, e-commerce, etc. India is also in the process of overhauling its digital platform- related institutions and regulations.
       Competition among countries is also intensifying, with the rapidly growing digital platform market in these countries. China’s influence in the Southeast Asian platform market has been expanding over a considerable period of time. While the U.S. maintains its basic strategy of liberalizing global digital trade norms, it has recently concentrated on strengthening its role as a cooperative partner for growth of the digital economy in Southeast Asia. As a check on China’s influence in Southeast Asia, Australia aims to exercise its influence in the process of establishing institutional bases for the digital economy in Southeast Asia. Meanwhile, U.S. companies hold an overwhelming presence in the Indian platform market. Amid the estrangement of political and economic relations between U.S. and China, India is becoming more important for the U.S. both as a market and a strategic ally. Australia is pushing for cooperation with India, focusing on areas where it enjoys a competitive advantage and where prospects are high for the Indian market. Australia is also focusing on cooperation with ASEAN and India in terms of building the foundation of the digital economy, such as technology, institutions, standards, and R&D.
       With the implementation of the New Southern Policy (NSP), Korea is gaining momentum to diversify economic cooperation with Southeast Asia and India into the realm of the digital economy. Open data, convergence of 5G and artificial intelligence across all industries, and fostering digital education and medical care, as presented by the Digital New Deal initiative of Korea, can all be considered as future cooperation agendas between Korea and Southeast Asian countries or India. In particular, Korea needs to pay attention to areas such as digital finance, healthcare, education, and content where NSP region’s demands are surging.
       Korea needs to push for digital economy and trade agreements with countries in the NSP region. In Southeast Asia, besides Singapore, the promotion of agreements with Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines can be considered. In particular, it is necessary to find cooperative projects that reflect common interests, such as harmonizing personal information protection laws, utilizing public data, developing cooperative projects related to digital standards, finance, healthcare, and education. In the case of India, Korea needs to secure cooperative channels by establishing digital economic and trade agreements. It is important to share trends of rising businesses, institutions, and policy trends between the two countries and identify cooperation agenda.
  • 무역구조의 변화가 국내 고용구조에 미친 영향과 정책 시사점
    The Effects of the Increase in Korea’s Trade with China and Vietnam on Korean Labor Market and Policy Implications

       Korea’s trade with China and Vietnam has increased remarkably for the last decades and this trend is one of the most notable changes in the Korean trade structure since the 2000s. This study analyzes the impact of ch..

    Kyong Hyun Koo and Hyuk-Hwang Kim Date 2020.12.30

       Korea’s trade with China and Vietnam has increased remarkably for the last decades and this trend is one of the most notable changes in the Korean trade structure since the 2000s. This study analyzes the impact of changes in the Korean trade structure caused by the rise of China and Vietnam on the changes in the domestic employment structure at the industry and occupation level, and examines how the changes affected workers’ earnings and employment security over a longer period. 
       This study finds that the increase in imports from/exports to China and Vietnam from 2003 through 2018 has caused significant changes in Korea’s manufacturing employment by industry and occupation. Specifically, the employment declined in industries that are more exposed to import competition from China and Vietnam (e.g., textiles, clothing, shoes, computers and video equipment, etc.), while the employment increased in industries with large export growth to China and Vietnam(e.g., machinery and equipment, precision equipment, semiconductors, ferroalloys, etc.). The fact that not only imports from but also exports to China and Vietnam rose sharply in Korea partly explains why Korean manufacturing employment rebounded from the mid-2000s, unlike other advanced countries.
       In addition, the new employment for occupations that were exposed to high import competition from China and Vietnam (e.g., textile and clothing-related jobs, materials and construction-related jobs, etc.) tended to go down, while that for occupations exposed to increased exports to China and Vietnam (e.g., chemical and electrical engineering technicians, professional occupations related to natural science and life science, etc.) tended to go up, and the occupation- specific trade exposure effects was estimated to be greater than the industry-specific ones.
       Also, we find a general tendency throughout the manufacturing industry that the share of management-related office jobs and low-tech production jobs increased whereas and the share of middle- skilled production jobs decreased. The fact that this tendency is found in import-competing industries as well as export-increasing ones suggests that the former not only reduces overall employment but changes the composition of workers’ occupations qualitatively in response to the increased import competition from China and Vietnam.
       The changes in the employment structure caused by the trade shock from China and Vietnam further widened the gap of earnings and employment security among manufacturing workers in Korea. Specifically, the earnings of workers in industries that benefited from the increase in exports to China and Vietnam were found to rise significantly over 10 years, while the workers in import-competing industries experienced a lower growth rate in earnings and higher possibility of involuntary job displacement for the same period.
       In addition, the decrease in earnings due to exposure to import competition from China and Vietnam was more pronounced for the low-educated workers than the high-educated ones. For older workers, in turn, the positive earnings effects due to the increase in industrial exports to China and Vietnam did not appear unlike younger ones. The earnings of workers whose occupation exposed to import (export) shocks from China and Vietnam also tended to grow less (more). The effects of occupational trade exposure on workers’ earnings appeared faster and larger than those of industrial trade exposure.

  • 이민이 EU의 노동시장에 미친 영향과 정책 시사점
    Impact of Migration on the Labor Market of the EU and Its Implications for Korea

    This report analyzes migration and labor market in the European Union (EU henceforth). First, the EU’s and major European countries’ regulations and institutions on migration are analyzed, and some stylized-facts are established..

    Dong-Hee Joe et al. Date 2020.12.30

    This report analyzes migration and labor market in the European Union (EU henceforth). First, the EU’s and major European countries’ regulations and institutions on migration are analyzed, and some stylized-facts are established. Comparing these stylized-facts with the Korea counterparts, it offers policy implications for Korea. Also, main features of the states of migration in the EU are described, to deepen the understanding of the situation. A major interest regarding immigration, in Korea as well as in the EU, would be its impact on labor market in destination countries. To help better understanding on this, the impact of immigration on the recipient labor market is estimated, using the data from the EU. By doing a comprehensive analysis, this report aims to deepen the understanding on migration and labor market in the EU, derive policy implications for Korea, and offer a reference to assess the impact of an increase of immigration on the Korean labor market.
  • 인도태평양 전략과 신남방정책의 협력 방향
    Exploring Convergence between the New Southern Policy and U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy: From Korea’s Perspective

       Given its geostrategic position and growing importance in the world economy, the Indo-Pacific region has attracted many major powers to actively engage with the region. With the unveiling of the New Southern Policy (N..

    Ina Choi et al. Date 2020.12.30

    economic cooperation, international politics India and South Asia
       Given its geostrategic position and growing importance in the world economy, the Indo-Pacific region has attracted many major powers to actively engage with the region. With the unveiling of the New Southern Policy (NSP) in 2017, Korea has also sought to upgrade its relations with ASEAN and India by boosting economic ties, socio-cultural exchanges and cooperation in the area of peace and security. While an earlier version of the NSP focused on bilateral cooperation with targeted countries, it gradually began to explore opportunities to collaborate with other players in addressing the needs of ASEAN and India. In particular, as the United States seeks cooperation with its key allies in forging the Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy (FOIP), there has been growing interest in the search for convergence between the FOIP and the NSP. Initially, the Korean government took an ambiguous stance toward the U.S.’s new policy, but in 2019 the two governments agreed to work together by building synergies between the NSP and the FOIP. Nevertheless, given the strategic nature of the FOIP as a counterbalance to China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the attendant concerns in Southeast Asia about being embroiled in U.S.-China rivalry, close collaboration with the FOIP poses some challenges for the NSP, whose primary objective is to win the heart of targeted countries and steer toward stronger cooperation with them. Against this backdrop, this report presents suggestions on how the NSP could cooperate with the FOIP in ways that suit the interests of ASEAN and India. The policy recommendation is based on analyzing how the FOIP is received by NSP-targeted countries and the cooperation needs of this region.
       Before exploring ASEAN/India’s stance on the FOIP, Chapter 2 reviews the details of the FOIP focusing on its three pillars: security, economic and governance. By comparing the FOIP and the NSP, we explore the chance of convergence between the two policies. The results of our analysis suggest that while both policies have different objectives and approaches, particularly in the “security” pillar, there are sufficient opportunities for cooperation between the two in the fields of economic cooperation and non-traditional security.
       To clarify the position of targeted countries, Chapter 3 examines how Southeast Asia and India have responded to the U.S.’s FOIP. To counterbalance China’s growing regional power, most Southeast Asian nations welcome the active presence of the U.S. in the region, but ASEAN’s long-standing tradition to preserve its neutrality leads them to take a discreet approach to the FOIP. While most ASEAN member states are reluctant to clarify their position, they are likely to participate in FOIP-related initiatives that suit their national interests. On the security side, maritime states, particularly Vietnam, are eager to seek U.S. support for enhancing their maritime capacity to better respond to Chinese aggression in the South China Sea and other maritime challenges. However, although these countries will step up security cooperation with the U.S., where their interests lie, no Southeast Asian nations ‒ including two treaty allies and a close security partner, namely Thailand, the Philippines and Singapore ‒ are likely to align themselves with the FOIP that promotes anti-China narratives. On the economic front, in general, most ASEAN member states are expected to welcome economic initiatives under the FOIP. Desiring to diversify their trade/investment partners, even China-leaning countries such as Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar are not in a position to say no to new sources of finance and projects to develop their economies. One major drawback, though, is that ASEAN is unsure about the U.S.’s commitment to play a more active role in the regional economy, given the small scale of FOIP-related programs compared to those associated with China’s BRI project. Good governance principles advocated by the FOIP also create additional barriers for the majority of Southeast Asian countries that are unlikely to meet the high standards required by the U.S. Meanwhile, based on shared strategic interests to counter the rise of China, India has accelerated defense and economic cooperation with the U.S. although it is yet to fully commit itself to the U.S.’s FOIP. Like ASEAN countries, India does not agree with the China containment policy embedded in the FOIP, but given the escalated tension with China after the border row in 2020, it appears to be working more closely with the U.S. to counterbalance China. What is notable is that both ASEAN and India promote an inclusive vision of ndo-Pacific cooperation. By adopting the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP) at the 34th ASEAN Summit in 2019, ASEAN showed its determination to play a key role in making the Indo-Pacific a region of cooperation and prosperity for all. India’s vision of the Indo-Pacific also envisions a free, open and inclusive region where all players enjoy shared security and prosperity. More importantly, ASEAN attempts to alleviate tensions caused by great power rivalry in the region by calling for development-driven cooperation with particular emphasis on economic cooperation, connectivity, SDGs and non-traditional security issues. ASEAN and India’s stance at the evolving    Indo-Pacific cooperation is closely in line with the vision of Korea’s NSP, which envisages a “people-centered community of peace and prosperity.” This suggests that Korea’s collaboration with the U.S. in the region is better to be focused upon inclusive economic cooperation and people-centered non-traditional security areas.
       Taking this into account, Chapter 4 analyzes the needs of targeted countries in selected areas where synergy is expected in promoting ROK-US cooperation: digital, energy, infrastructure development and several sub-fields of non-traditional security. In addition to policy reviews of major cooperation partners – Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and India – in each sector, quantitative analysis was conducted to calculate the cooperation demand by sector in these countries, and to evaluate the competitiveness of Korea and the U.S. in supporting development in each sector of the countries. When it comes to non-traditional security issues, ASEAN’s needs are explored focusing on the areas of environmental protection, disaster relief, health and maritime cooperation.
       Drawing upon the analysis addressed in the previous chapter, Chapter 5 discusses possible directions in which ROK-US cooperation can play out in the Indo-Pacific region. Most importantly, to step up economic cooperation, a working-level commission could be established where relevant authorities of the two countries can discuss overlapping interests and identify feasible joint projects where they see synergy. As for cooperation by sector, one major high-profile area in the digital sector is ICT infrastructure development, particularly in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and India, where demand is high. In addition, given the growing digital economy in the region, the two countries should pursue collaboration to improve digital systems and standards in ASEAN. They may regularly hold workshops for knowledge exchange and provide training programs designed to enhance the digital and cybersecurity capacity of potential partners in ASEAN. In the energy sector, one salient area for ROK-US partnership is the promotion of energy efficiency in the region. Korea and the U.S. can launch a joint energy efficiency initiative and set up a working group to initiate programs for reforming energy regulation and supporting the growth of renewable energy industries in potential partners. Pertaining to infrastructure development, Seoul and Washington have vast opportunities of cooperation in road connectivity, water system and electricity infrastructure. In particular, they can work together to enhance road connectivity in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam and upgrade water facilities in the lower Mekong area. The two countries also need to pursue a joint initiative for improving electricity infrastructure in the region, including institutional support to woo private investment. Given the high demands for electricity facilities in Myanmar and India, a bilateral working group can be formed to address the need of these countries and provide consultation for their governments and private sector. As for the non-traditional security area, it will be better to start by exploring overlapping areas between existing programs conducted by Korea and the U.S. in ASEAN. To this end, Seoul and Washington need to create a regular dialogue channel between working-level authorities of competent agencies on both sides, for instance the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). In the areas where their interests overlap, they can launch ROK-US cooperation funds designed to support specific projects in need. In the area of environmental protection, priority areas will be climate change adaptation in ASEAN member states and biodiversity conservation in the lower Mekong wetlands. Regarding disaster prevention and relief, they should work together to improve flood forecasting/warning systems in vulnerable countries by sharing information gained by satellite observations as well as reinforcing preventive facilities against floods and landslides. Korea and the U.S. also need to jointly support capacity-building for disaster response and management in ASEAN member states, including support for emergency rescue operations. In the health sector, the utmost priority should be given to fight against covid-19 in ASEAN member states, and in the long term the joint assistance should be extended to enhance the capacity of ASEAN countries in preventing and responding to new infectious disease outbreaks. Lastly, Korea and the U.S. should promote their partnership in maritime capacity-building of ASEAN states. Maritime cooperation not only meets the high demand of targeted countries, but also has a great potential to further upgrade ASEAN-Korea peace cooperation. In this sense, Korea needs to be more active in collaborating with the U.S to strengthen ASEAN’s capability in Search and Rescue (SAR), Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response (HA/DR) and law enforcement against transnational crimes at sea.
       In conclusion, Chapter 6 provides policy suggestions for Korea’s NSP in collaborating with the FOIP. First, Korea should consider targeted countries’ sensitivity to the FOIP and therefore promote cooperation with the U.S. in areas where shared interests overlap, rather than aligning the NSP with the FOIP. More importantly, the needs of targeted countries should be foregrounded when exploring the convergence between the two policies. Second, recognizing the criticism that the NSP prioritizes ASEAN over India, Korea should bolster cooperation with India. Promoting joint projects with the U.S. will provide a good opportunity to upgrade Korea’s cooperation with India. Our recommendation is to start from the areas where India’s demands are high such as smart city development, renewable energy and connectivity projects linking ASEAN and India. Last but not least, given the limitation of resources allocated to the NSP, Korea needs to narrow its focus and concentrate on where synergy is expected in navigating the convergence with the FOIP. Considering the strategic needs and competitiveness of both countries, our study suggests that digital transformation, smart city development, Mekong cooperation and non-traditional security should be prioritized in promoting the ROK-US cooperation.
  • 지식재산권의 국제 논의 동향과 영향에 관한 연구
    The Impact of Intellectual Property Protection through FTA on International Trade

       This study investigates changes in the trend regarding the IP protection level in RTA and how the IP protection through RTAs has affected the composition of aggregate trade flows of member countries in order to provid..

    Hyunsoo Kim et al. Date 2020.12.30

    trade policy
       This study investigates changes in the trend regarding the IP protection level in RTA and how the IP protection through RTAs has affected the composition of aggregate trade flows of member countries in order to provide basic findings necessary to formulate the FTA policies regarding the protection of intellectual property (IP) in Korea.
       This study first quantifies the depth of IP protection in RTAs based on more than 300 RTAs all over the world, showing that recent RTAs contain more comprehensive and strong IP protection provisions. We find that only 6 out of 71 RTAs had a high level of IP protection before 2000, while 45 out of 105 RTAs have a high level of IP protection after 2010. Second, we find that establishing such RTAs with high level of IP protection has positive effects on trade. In particular, exports in IP-intensive industries have increased in member countries of RTAs with high level of IP protection compared to other countries. However, the impact that strengthening IP protection through RTA has on imports is complex; it is negative in IP-intensive industries but positive in other industries. In order to rationalize these findings, we develop a two country and multi sector model featuring North firms deciding between exports and FDI, while South firms decide between imitation and R&D. In the model the increased IP protection affects South firm’s R&D incentives and relative wages, followed by changes in North firm’s FDI incentives. These strategic interactions between North and South firms vary depending on IP intensity of the industry, partly explaining the empirical findings.
  • WTO 체제의 구조적 위기와 한국의 신 다자협상 대응 방향
    Structural paralysis of the WTO multilateral trading system and new negotiation strategies for Korea

       The WTO is facing a historical crisis. Its main functions ‒ namely, providing a negotiating forum, administrating WTO trade agreements and monitoring national trade policies, and resolving trade disputes ‒ are signifi..

    Jin Kyo Suh et al. Date 2020.12.30

       The WTO is facing a historical crisis. Its main functions ‒ namely, providing a negotiating forum, administrating WTO trade agreements and monitoring national trade policies, and resolving trade disputes ‒ are significantly paralyzed. The WTO launched the Doha Development Round in 2001, but failed to produce meaningful outcomes to this day. Further, China’s entry into the WTO has neither opened up its economy, nor created a level playing field when it comes to potentially market-distorting subsidies. The surveillance of trade policies based on the Trade Policy Review Mechanism (TPRM), a fundamentally important activity running throughout the work of the WTO aimed at fostering transparency, is criticized for its lack of effectiveness. The Dispute Settlement Mechanism (DSM), once praised as the WTO’s “crown jewel,” is now on the verge of collapse due to the absence of an appeal court.
       Although the cause of the crisis is partly institutional, higher uncertainty is also a considerable problem aggravating the fate of the multilateral trading system. Such uncertainty comes from two factors: rising protectionism, and trade frictions between developed and developing countries including those between the United States and China. Meanwhile, the WTO also needs to respond to rapid structural changes in global trade. The center of the world’s trade is shifting towards trade in services. The development and spread of information and communication technology (ICT) are making it easier to supply services across borders. Global Value Chains’ (GVCs) regionalization or localization is deepening and GVCs are shifting towards knowledge-based goods. 
       The future of the WTO’s negotiating function can be predicted under three scenarios: i) continued functional paralysis of the WTO negotiation system, ii) emergence of an alternative for the WTO, and iii) restoration of the WTO system. As China and the U.S. are on the extremes, it is unlikely that the WTO can revitalize its negotiating function anytime soon. To promote WTO’s accountability, predictability, and transparency, and thereby contribute to the smoother functioning of the multilateral trading system, the key issue will be to reinforce WTO’s monitoring role, including the strengthening of notification requirements. However, opposing positions between developed and developing countries concerning how to strengthen notification requirements will pose a significant challenge. Restoring the Appellate Body (AB) depends largely on the decision of the United States. Without the U.S.’ support, it is highly likely that the current paralysis of the WTO AB will continue over a long period of time. Thus WTO Members should first identify requests raised by the United States. While the incoming Biden administration is expected to be friendlier towards the multilateral trading system, its position on the AB may not differ from that of the Trump administration, given that its veto on the appointment of new AB members was first witnessed during the Obama administration. In that case the AB would be able to restore its function only if a formal amendment of the DSU is successfully finalized – which will take a longer period of time. 
       Korea’s negotiating position under the WTO has changed significantly starting last year since the Korean government decided not to demand for special and differential treatments as a developing country. The decision is momentous as it could in effect imply graduating from the developing country status in the long run. Such a decision applies to future negotiations, however it is possible that it affects ongoing agricultural negotiations as well. It is thus recommended to be prepared, for instance by securing flexibility regarding sensitive agricultural products like rice. For Korea no longer claims for preferential treatments as a developing country, it could take firm negotiating positions at the WTO concerning market expansion and improved access towards foreign markets. Moreover, Korea could contribute as a mediator to speak for the interests of both developed and developing countries on conflicting issues, such as the developing country status. Korea needs to establish a more precise give-and-take negotiation strategy in future WTO negotiations on agriculture, non-agriculture, and service sectors to maximize its national interests.
       The main conclusion of this study can be summarized as follows. First, Korea should put stress on services and TRIPs negotiations to ensure its international competitiveness on those sectors. Second, Korea should focus on how to raise the efficiency and stability of the East-Asian regional value chains by strengthening its cooperation with China, Japan, and Southeast Asia. At the same time, Korea needs to consider ways to become the bridgehead connecting East-Asia’s value chains to either North America’s value chains or EU’s value chains utilizing given FTAs with those economies. Third, Korea should prepare for the emergence of various forms of plurilateral negotiations and where appropriate, take lead and reflect its national interests on the final outcome. Fourth, Korea should put more attention on the possibility of the WTO introducing new norms in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Finally, since it is unlikely that WTO negotiations will make rapid progress, Korea needs to keep a strategic approach, including mid- to long-term perspectives in the WTO negotiations.
       Lastly, as short-term objectives, this study suggests that the Korean government take into account the following points for the MC12.
       . Agriculture: The agricultural negotiations in the MC12 are highly expected to end without a specific deal. However, there is a possibility of compromise with respect to domestic subsidies and export restrictions. Korea needs to lead discussions on strengthening agricultural subsidy notifications, pointing out the increase in subsidies of member countries such as China, India, and the U.S. Also Korea needs to put stress on the fact that export restrictions under COVID-19 would threaten the food security of food-importing members.
       . Fishery subsidies: It is still uncertain if negotiations will successfully conclude at the MC12. However, the level of fishery subsidy regulation is clearly expected to be lower than that of the CPTPP or the USMCA. Therefore, Korea needs to decide whether it will accept and prepare for CPTPP’s reduction level of fisheries subsidies or not. Based on that decision, Korea would need to build negotiation strategies and domestic reform policies for its fishery sector. 
       . E–commerce: WTO Members agree on the need of establishing norms on e-commerce. However, wide gaps between major countries still remain in major issues such as free flow of data and localization of data servers. While it is necessary to prepare for prolonged WTO e-commerce negotiations, Korea needs to actively reflect its position by strengthening ties with like-minded countries and by leading discussions on issues such as transparency and development cooperation.
       . Development issues: Although Korea no longer seeks for its preferential treatment as a developing country, a sudden change of stance is not desirable when it comes to negotiating the developing country status and preferential treatments for developing members, considering the trust relationship with many developing countries. However, Korea needs to clearly state that all developing countries should be willing to take up commitments commensurate with their level of development and economic capability. It is also recommended to negotiate the benefits of developing countries on a case-by-case basis rather than taking a dichotomous approach to allow progress in negotiations.
       . Industrial subsidies: A review on WTO subsidy rules is required in order to maintain effectiveness and relevance to the WTO system. For this purpose the 6th Joint Statement of 14 January 2020 made by the U.S., EU, and Japan, and the draft General Council decision of 20 February 2020 by the U.S. require particular attention. The problem lies in the fact that the directions for reform of WTO subsidy rules are completely opposite between these three Members and China. In order to deliver meaningful outcomes, it is necessary to broaden the scope of negotiation as wide as possible to put all cards on the table; to take more flexible approaches than the “single undertaking”; to induce as many Members as possible to be involved in the negotiation; and to approach the matter on a sector-by-sector basis to discuss it in various relevant international fora. Furthermore, as there remains a possibility that the plurilateral approach is taken by the U.S., EU, and Japan to strengthen subsidy rules within the WTO, and its major trading partners including Korea are requested to join the discussion, the Korean government needs to closely monitor any further developments in order to set its position and effectively respond to such requests.
       . Dispute settlement: Firstly, one could seek for ways so that all WTO Members including the U.S., EU, China can put all their needs on the table and negotiate simultaneously for a “grand bargain.” Given that the AB crisis comes from deep-rooted distrust of the U.S. towards WTO appellate reviews, it would be strategically desirable to prioritize elements relatively easily agreeable to the U.S in future negotiations. In the short term, the U.S. would likely focus more on how to ensure WTO organs abide by current rules rather than formally revising the DSU, and for that purpose an institutional mechanism to put a “self-restraint” on the AB functioning might be required. Secondly, it is worthwhile to review WTO’s decision-making practices. One can think of options such as giving effect to voting rules or introducing a flexible approach where consensus is maintained in principle but other decision-making method is also made available at some point, in certain circumstances, or under certain WTO agreements.  Thirdly, an examination would be required on future prospects of plurilateral approaches such as the MPIA and possible long-term impacts of such mechanisms on the WTO dispute settlement system as a whole. Fourthly, one needs to pay particular attention to recent tendencies of Korea’s major trading partners including the United States of bilaterally solving trade concerns through FTA dispute settlement mechanisms. In preparation for such cases becoming more aggressive and frequent in the future, the Korean government needs to maintain close collaboration and communication with its FTA trading partners, and needs to establish or reinforce its domestic compliance mechanism to effectively implement its FTA obligations, both in terms of its WTO- and WTO-plus standards, FTAs being a relatively attractive forum for trade disputes compared to the paralyzed WTO dispute settlement system.
  • 푸틴 4기 한ㆍ러 투자 활성화 방안: 고부가가치 산업을 중심으로
    Plans to Activate Investment between Korea and Russia During Putin's Fourth Term-Focusing on High Value-Added Industries

       The main goal of this study is to identify policy implications for investment cooperation between Korea and Russia in the 4th presidential period of Putin and to seek ways to increase mutual investment. In particular,..

    Joungho Park et al. Date 2020.12.30

    Russia Eurasia
       The main goal of this study is to identify policy implications for investment cooperation between Korea and Russia in the 4th presidential period of Putin and to seek ways to increase mutual investment. In particular, case studies were conducted of various investment cooperation projects by Russia with other countries during the 4th Industrial Revolution, aiming to suggest a more practical way to increase Korean investment in Russia.
       Chapter 2 focuses on the main characteristics of Russia’s investment environment and overseas investment patterns during Putin’s 3rd (2012‒18) and 4th (2018‒) presidential period. The foreign direct investment to Russia decreased starting from the Ukraine crisis in 2014 (50.5 billion dollars in 2012, 69.2 billion dollars in 2013 to 6.8 billion dollars in 2015). When analyzing the same period by region, European countries are still top-investing countries, although the size of their investments decreased year by year. Other countries except for Europe have similar patterns. Russia’s overseas direct investment also declined after the Ukraine crisis in 2014 and in 2018, when Putin’s 4th presidential period started. Eventually, the total amount of foreign direct investment (FDI) decreased due to economic sanctions against Russia, low international raw material prices, and changes in the ruble value. However, when analyzing the investment trend by country, except for some Europe countries, the investment volume was maintained at a similar level.
       Chapter 3 examines the recent trends and main characteristics of Korea’s foreign direct investment, and Korea’s direct investment to Russia. Over the past five years, Korea’s foreign direct investment has increased the proportion of M&A and SMEs, market entry via third countries, SMEs’ export promotion and low-wage investment, and the proportion of finance and insurance. Direct investment to major emerging countries also showed similar trends. In the case of Russia, it proved difficult to obtain meaningful results due to the absolute reduction in investment size, but the share of investments for entering the market expanded. However, considering that the proportion of SMEs has slightly decreased, and the proportion of SMEs remains low among the major emerging countries, it will be necessary to advance the industrial ecosystem of existing manufacturing industries and create new markets in the fields of innovation and domestic distribution, consumer goods and services, in order to overcome the stagnation of Korean investment to Russia. SMEs must play a stronger role in this process.
       In Chapter 4 we conduct an empirical analysis of the determinants of Korea’s FDI with Russia, determining why Korea’s FDI with Russia has been relatively poor and offering policy suggestions to improve the situation. According to the main results, in addition to economic variables, cultural and institutional variables acted as important determinants in Korea’s FDI to Russia during the analyzing period (2000-20). In addition, from an aggregate perspective, the negative impact of economic sanctions against Russia on Korea’s total FDI to Russia was less than expected. Also, the factors that determine FDI were very different depending on the investment motive, the type of business, and the size of the investment company. Based on these points, the following implications can be made. First, it is necessary to improve cultural and institutional conditions. Second, as the economic sanctions against Russia are likely to be prolonged, it is important to find ways to cooperate under these conditions. At the same time, it is necessary to identify more fundamental ways to expand FDI to Russia.
       Chapter 5 proposes policy implications for investment cooperation between Korea and Russia in the 4th presidential period of Putin, and suggests measures to revitalize investment focusing on high value-added industries. Korean investment in Russia is focused on automobiles, home appliances, and food (consumer goods). However, the biggest sector within Russia for investment by European and other foreign companies is natural resources such as energy and metals.
       To sum up, Korea and Russia have the potential to increase investment cooperation in the future. First, cooperation should be expanded in investment fields (energy, logistics, telecommunications, etc.) that Russian and foreign companies are traditionally interested in. Second, it will be necessary to cooperate in the emerging innovative industries. Third, active cooperation plans must be formulated in the strategic industries where Russia has global competitiveness. Fourth, it is necessary to allow management of the Export-Import Bank of Korea investment support program fund by investment rather than loans. Fifth, joint investment should be considered by Korea and Russia for entry into third-country markets. And sixth, it will be necessary to seek ways to bypass Western economic sanctions against Russia. The solution may be different for each individual investment and economic negotiation issue. Therefore, a permanent advisory body for support will be needed.

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