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Studies on a Strategy for the Internationalization of the Service Industry: Marine Transportation
industrial policy
Author Eui-Tae Chang Series 92-09 Language Korean Date 1992.06.12
This study aims at recommending strategies for the internationalization of marine transportation services by analyzing its current status and probable impacts.
Services negotiations have the purpose of liberalizing trade in services and thus will bring economic benefits. To ensure these benefits, it is necessary to establish proper strategies for the negotiations.
Maritime services are strategically important since future negotiations will expand the opening of the foreign market. It needs to focus on countries that are less open and lack transparency in order to upgrade the overall openness of this sector.
The government needs to recognize that liberalization of trade in services is in our interests. Hence, it can utilize the WTO services negotiation in promoting further liberalization and deregulation. However, to prepare for possible side effects such as unemployment due to the liberalization of mode 4, it needs to establish proper social safety nets and effective reeducation programs.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II examines the characteristics and scope of the marine transportation industry. Section III reviews the changes in the international maritime market such as ever-increasing keen competition, the second shipping system, containerization and the development of complex transport UR service negotiations. Section IV assesses a degree of importance and competitiveness of Korea's maritime industry. Section V reviews the regulations and policy of Korea's maritime industry, and Section VI proposes the strategy for the internationalization of marine transportation services.
Services negotiations have the purpose of liberalizing trade in services and thus will bring economic benefits. To ensure these benefits, it is necessary to establish proper strategies for the negotiations.
Maritime services are strategically important since future negotiations will expand the opening of the foreign market. It needs to focus on countries that are less open and lack transparency in order to upgrade the overall openness of this sector.
The government needs to recognize that liberalization of trade in services is in our interests. Hence, it can utilize the WTO services negotiation in promoting further liberalization and deregulation. However, to prepare for possible side effects such as unemployment due to the liberalization of mode 4, it needs to establish proper social safety nets and effective reeducation programs.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II examines the characteristics and scope of the marine transportation industry. Section III reviews the changes in the international maritime market such as ever-increasing keen competition, the second shipping system, containerization and the development of complex transport UR service negotiations. Section IV assesses a degree of importance and competitiveness of Korea's maritime industry. Section V reviews the regulations and policy of Korea's maritime industry, and Section VI proposes the strategy for the internationalization of marine transportation services.
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