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Visiting Scholars’ Community

  • Visiting Scholars have actively engaged in research activities during and after their visits. The Visiting Scholars’ Community aims to encourage exchanges between past visiting scholars by sharing their recent research papers, topical issues, seminars, etc.
ETC > VSP Community Search

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ETC > VSP Community 목록 - No., Country, Name, Title, Region, Issue, Visit Year
No. Country Name Title Region Issue Visit Year
9 Bangladesh Mohammad Masudur Rahman Prospects for Economic Integration of BIMSTEC: Trade and Investment Scenario Southeast Asia & Oceania International Macroeconomics & Finance 2011
8 Bangladesh Mohammad Masudur Rahman Nonlinear Dynamics in the Finance-Inequality Nexus in China-CHNS Data Southeast Asia & Oceania International Macroeconomics & Finance 2011
7 Bangladesh Mohammad Masudur Rahman Impact of Microcredit on Second Generation Borrowers-Revisited Southeast Asia & Oceania Area Studies 2011
6 Bangladesh Mohammad Masudur Rahman Indo-Pacific Cooperation: What Do Trade Simulations Indicate? Southeast Asia & Oceania International Trade & Investment 2011
5 Bangladesh Mohammad Masudur Rahman Trade-Restricting Impacts of Non-Tariff Measures in Bangladesh Southeast Asia & Oceania International Trade & Investment 2011
4 Turkey Selçuk Colakoğlu Turkey’s Engagement with Southeast Asia Europe Area Studies 2015
3 Turkey Selçuk Çolakoğlu The Sino-Turkish Relationship in the Black Sea Europe Area Studies 2015
2 Turkey Selçuk Çolakoğlu Turkey and China: Political, Economic, and Strategic Aspects of the Relationship Europe Area Studies 2015
1 Turkey Selçuk Çolakoğlu Turkey’s Policy towards Taiwan: From Cross-Strait Relations to Syrian Refu.. Europe Area Studies 2015