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KIEP Newsletter


[KIEP Newsletter Vol.9 No.15] The Crisis of the WTO / The Reform of the WTO's Appellate Body / External Adjustment after the Pandemic

  • Date2021/07/23
  • Hit4,258


VOL.9 · NO.15 · 2021.07.23



The Crisis of the WTO and New Direction for Negotiation Strategies of Korea


Jin Kyo Suh, Cheon-Kee Lee, Jukwan Lee, Jihyeon Kim and Myeonghwa Jung / World Economy Brief 21-30

The WTO is facing a historical crisis. Its main functions ‒ namely, providing a negotiating forum, administrating WTO trade agreements and monitoring national trade policies, and resolving trade disputes ‒ have been significantly paralyzed...


The Reform of the WTO's Appellate Body:
An Economic Perspective


Sangjun Yea / World Economy Brief 21-27

Throughout this study, I consider some possible changes that may occur when the WTO’s AB is reformed based on the opinions stated by the US. Especially focusing on the issues of activist AB and its reviewing member countries’ domestic law, I conclude that banning the AB’s activist role may result in more opportunistic...




External Adjustment after the Pandemic: Valuation Effects of Net Foreign Asset Positions / Hyo Sang Kim


The global financial markets have the most vulnerable economic backgrounds ever. Thus, small shocks in the financial markets can trigger an enormous crisis in 2008, or even to a larger extent. External adjustments on foreign assets and liabilities will play an important role in international risk sharing and consumption smoothing for individual countries...



(ENG sub) North Korea after 20 Years, through the Lens of CLMV Countries’ Transition Experience




Call for Papers for East Asian Economic Review




Online Conference with Uruguay Think Tank CERES


On July 14, 2021, the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) held an online meeting with the Center for the Study of Economic and Social Affairs (CERES), an Uruguay think tank, to explore cooperation between the two institutes. This meeting was the first follow-up on the recent MOU signed between KIEP and CERES...


2021 KIEP New Northern Economic Forum on “The Northern Policy in the Era of Great Transformation”


The Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) held the 2021 KIEP New Northern Economic Forum under the theme of “The Northern Policy in the Era of Great Transformation” in Yeosu, Korea from July 8 to 9. The participants looked back on how the New Northern Policy has progressed since launched with the inauguration of the Moon Jae-in government in 2017, then discussed promising directions and feasible plans for developing sustainable and future-oriented Korea-Russia relations...


KIEP Holds 2021 Research Advisory Committee Annual Meeting


On July 7 the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) convened the 2021 KIEP Research Advisory Committee, composed of experts from think tanks, government, business, and academia, to review, evaluate and discuss research topics for the year 2022. The Committee members shared their opinions on the key factors of global economic order in 2022 and the research subjects currently in demand...


2021 APEC Study Centers Consortium Conference


APEC research projects on “Climate Change and Income Inequality” and “COVID-19 Pandemic and the Employment Stability,” organized by the National Center for APEC Studies at the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP), gained recognition at the APEC Study Centers Consortium Conference (ASCCC) held in New Zealand from July 6 to 7. The annual ASCCC is an arena where academic experts from APEC member countries gather to discuss pending issues in the region...


Virtual Seminar on "The 2021 G7 Summit: Agenda and Outcomes“


The Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) held a virtual seminar on "The 2021 G7 Summit: Agenda and Outcomes" on June 29, 2021. Kyong Lim Choi, Korea’s G20/G7 Sherpa and a Distinguished Fellow at KIEP, presided over the session and shared the major outcomes of the recent G7 Summit held in Cornwall, United Kingdom from June 11 to 13, with staff members of KIEP...





Visiting Scholars Program for 2022


KIEP invites prominent researchers and academics to join its Visiting Scholars Program. Launched in 2009, the program aims to promote cross-border exchanges of knowledge, information, insights, and expertise among scholars from different backgrounds. If you are interested in applying to the program for 2022, please find further information on eligible fields, qualifications, responsibilities and benefits, etc. on our website.

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