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[KIEP Newsletter Vol.11 No.1] Components of Industry Resilience to Maintain Sustainable Economic Growth under COVID-19 Within the Knowledge-Based Economy Framework / Globalization and Its Backlash?

  • Date2023/01/06
  • Hit1,292


VOL.11 · NO.1· 2023.1.6


  • Components of Industry Resilience to Maintain Sustainable Economic Growth under COVID-19 Within the Knowledge-Based Economy Framework: A Comparative Study Between Iran and South Korea

    Marzieh Asaadi / World Economy Brief 22-46

    COVID-19 was first reported in Wuhan, China, in December 2019 and spread rapidly across the globe. Then on March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic, causing more than 600 million confirmed cases and 6.49 million deaths around the world so far...

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  • KIEP-KAEA Forum : Trade Wars and Global Supply Chain
    Uncertainty (1.8)

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  • Joint Seminar on Korea-China-Japan Cooperation in the Era of
    Global Transition (12.22)

    On December 22, 2022, KIEP held a joint seminar under the theme of trilateral cooperation between Korea, China and Japan in the era of global transition at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto, Japan, together with the Center for East Asian Peace and Cooperation at Ritsumeikan University and the School of Northeast Asia Studies at Shandong University.

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  • Call for Papers for East Asian Economic Review

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