KIEP Researchers

Position Executive Director
Telephone 044-414-1182
Expertise International development cooperation policy
[KIEP Publications]
- “Comparative Analysis on Climate Support: Key Findings and Implications” (co-authored), Policy Analyses 15-16, KIEP, 2015.12 (in Korean)
- “Financing for Sustainable Development in the Post-2015 Era” (co-authored), World Economy Brief 15-11, KIEP, 2015.6.
- “Green Climate Fund, Pursuing Country Ownership” (co-authored), World Economy Brief 15-01, KIEP, 2015.1.
- “Study on the Financing for Development in Post-2015 Era: Policy Implications for Korea” (co-authored), Policy Analyses 14-12, KIEP, 2014.12. (in Korean)
- “International Development Cooperation for Urban Response to Climate Change: Issues and Implications” (co-authored), ODA Policy Reports 14-07, KIEP, 2014.12. (in Korean)
- “Recent Trends and Major Issues in Aid for Trade” (co-authored), ODA Policy Reports 14-06, KIEP, 2014.12. (in Korean)
- “Mobilizing Resources for a Climate-Resilient Future” (co-authored), KIEP opinions no48, KIEP, 2014.12.
- “Green Climate Fund: Current Issues and Way Forward for the Successful Operationalization” (co-authored), Policy Analyses 13-11, KIEP, 2013.12. (in Korean)
- “Korea’s Multilateral Aid: Recent Developments and Future Challenges” (co-authored), Policy Analyses 13-29, KIEP, 2013.12. (in Korean)
- “International Support for Climate Change Capacity Development and Policy Implications for Korea” (co-authored), ODA Policy Reports 13-06, KIEP, 2013.12. (in Korean)
- “Determinants of International Labor Migration to Korea” (co-authored), Working paper 13-08, KIEP, 2013.12
- “Designing New Climate Regime: An Integrated Solution with Mitigation and Finance Mechanisms” (co-authored), World Economy Brief 13-34, KIEP, 2013.7.
- “The Least Developed Countries: Key Challenges and the Way Forward for Korea’s Development Cooperation” (co-authored), World Economy Brief 13-27, KIEP, 2013.6.
- “The Least Developed Countries: Key Challenges and the Way Forward for Korea’s Development Cooperation” (co-authored), Policy Analyses 12-14, KIEP, 2012.12. (in Korean)
- “Green Economy and Sustainable Development: Issues and Implications for Korea’s ODA Policy” (co-authored), ODA Policy Reports 12-07, KIEP, 2012.12. (in Korean)
- “Environment and Development: Implications for Korea’s ODA Policy” (co-authored), ODA Policy Reports 12-06, KIEP, 2012.12. (in Korean)
- “South-South and Triangular Cooperation: Trends and Implications for Korea” (co-authored), Policy Analyses 11-17, KIEP, 2011.12. (in Korean)
- “Financing for Development: Progress and Policy Implications for Korea” (co-authored), ODA Policy Reports 11-05, KIEP, 2011.12. (in Korean)
- “Design of Green Climate Fund: Discussion on Monitoring and Evaluation” (co-authored), ODA Policy Reports 11-04, KIEP, 2011.12. (in Korean)
- “Enhancing the Effectiveness of South Korea’s Multilateral Aid” (co-authored), Policy Analyses 10-26, KIEP, 2010.12. (in Korean)
- “Climate Change Financing for Developing Countries: Issues and Implication” (co-authored), Policy References 10-07, KIEP, 2010.10 (in Korean)
- “OECD DAC Guidelines and Implications for Korea’s ODA Policy” (co-authored), Policy Analyses 09-11, KIEP, 2009.12. (in Korean)
- “The Strategy of Participating in the U.S. Government Procurement” (co-authored), KIEP working papers on international trade and investment 08-01, KIEP, 2008.4. (in Korean)
- “Korea-China FTA: Antidumping” (co-authored), KIEP working papers on international trade and investment 07-01, KIEP, 2007.8. (in Korean)
- “Issues and Evaluation of the Doha Development Agenda Negotiations until 2006: Korea’s Perspective” (co-authored), Policy Analyses 06-04, KIEP, 2006.12. (in Korean)
[Academic Papers]
- “Climate-Related ODA and CO2 Reduction Economic Effects and Determinants” (with Kang, H.), Environmental Policy 24(2): 59-84, 2016.
- “Discussion on Climate Finance: Issues and Perspectives” (with J.-Y. Moon), Journal of Environmental Policy, 14(3): 119-136, 2015.
- “Evaluation System of the Green Climate Fund and its Implication for Korea” (with S. Lim.), Environmental Policy 20(2): 97-125, 2012.